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Everything posted by Stealthbird97

  1. Ahahah. no. You won't see me begging. You may see my Chairman though. I doubt it though. That is, If its any good. Although I must admit. I had an idea like this ages ago. Facebook can verify that as I created a group. I did ask for someone how much it would cost for them to create the site. It was in excess of £150. The way I wanted it at least.
  2. In otherwords its advertising that encourages pilots to leave when they get bored and then find another airline. Thats just what I think will happen and so will not want any involvement. Do it if you want. But I won't be signing up for it.
  3. No I'm saying your proposal is not as useful as you may think due to the fact VA List provides Adequate Advertisement. By allowing airlines to have a profile and explain their airline. You do not need to put a list of your Schedules as it will never be up to date, unless you never add new routes and change nothing. Most phpvms sites already have, but all have the ability to, add the timetable module which would eliminate what you're trying to do as all a prospecting pilot would need to do is read a description. Click a link and view the site in more detail. If they like it they join. Despite the fact you may think that VA List is just for Ranking VA's and letting people vote on it. It still works just as well as a place to advertise.your VA.
  4. I'm a simulator / strategy / first person shooter guy, Simulators FSX DCS: A10C - Would Highly recommend if anyone likes a Fully functional war simulator. If you have it already Join our facebook group https://www.facebook...93255800800445/ Euro truck Simulator 2012 Strategy/Mind Civilization V Rome: Total War Portal 1 & 2 Shooter Battlefield 3 GTA Other Minecraft Sim City The Sims 3 LFS I do like building Computers though.
  5. Or there is this. Feel free to sign up http://www.va-list.com/
  6. Increase the width of the container.
  7. I'm not sure if you understand what I mean by advertise. In order for someone to find a website they must have been told about it unless they happen to just ponder across the site. Which is unlikely as the site is new and won't be near the top of the search yet. Did they use Word of Mouth, Statuses on Facebook, Forums (If so Which ones. I wouldn't count this one) That sort of thing. I don't mean Google Adds and what ever like that. I could probably also put it down to there not being many Caribbean Airlines VA's arround as well.
  8. How do you have so many pilots so quickly? Where do you advertise?
  9. Due to Terms changes, this offer is no-longer available.
  10. There is SmartCARS or something you should be able to find on the forums
  11. Thats not market research. Going around asking if there are people who know how to create it is just asking.
  12. you want a login to my ftp or cpanel?
  13. Any Solutions?
  14. The Sites looking good. Cool and easy to navigate. Theres a few things you still have to do, such as the screenshots page. It still has some default slideshow images. One thing I noticed was on the jquery slider at the top of the site. Image 4 has a additional thing to the Aircraft Flight Data. A radial graphic thing. Is that a update, or was it done on request of the airline you did it for?
  15. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6940-no-input-file-specified/
  16. I believe have the latest version. I downloaded it from Github yesterday using this link. https://github.com/parkho/FlightBookingSystem_V1.0/archive/master.zip I have also used the file provided to create the database. flightbookingsystem_location There's nothing in it though. Only the structure.
  17. Well I get, "No Aircraft Available" and "No Airports Available." Transfer doesn't work either. Do i need to actually do a flight normally for it to work or something?
  18. This just doesn't work. I won't get any flights.
  19. Helps if you tell us what words you want to edit. The Main text in the middle is the news so you'd edit the news.
  20. Might be better to actually read the posts before posting your own.
  21. Thanks. I had to addapt it a little to allow for html content This is what I got to get it to work. <?php if($schedule->code == 'JCA') { ?> <p>Hello JCA</p> <?php } else { ?> <p> Hello EUC</p> <?php } ?>
  22. Does anyone know how I would go about making the Flight Briefings show something different depending on the Airline the flight is for. For example. My phpVMS has two airlines on it. A Caribbean Airline and a European Airline,. As the Weather charts defaulting on the Flight Briefings are for North America I want to change them. I know where I can find some decent weather charts for Europe and the Caribbean and I intend to change them. The only thing is, I don't want irrelivant charts showing up. As i would have had to put all of the European Weather charts and the Caribbean ones on the Flight Briefing template file. If there a way to only show specific charts depending on the airline. It will be a php IF statement but I don't know what parameters I'm going to need. Thanks in Advance.
  23. I wouldn't have a clue. I don't actually have the add-on.
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