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Everything posted by Stealthbird97

  2. That code is for the SP PopUpNews addon. Where exactly did you download the screenshot centre from because I don't know how else you would have got the idea you have to use that code. I suggest you redownload the whole thing as you might have an old version where the readme would have been incorrect https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-ScreenShotCenter I believe these are the codes you will need instead. To display the newest approved screenshot on your site: <?php Screenshots::show_newest_screenshot(); ?> To display the newest screenshot by a certain pilot on your site: <?php Screenshots::get_pilots_newscreenshot('pilotid'); ?> To display a random approved screenshot on your site: <?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?> Hope this helps/
  3. Thanks!
  4. hmmm. Weird. Have you changed any of the ACARS files such as the ACARSData.class.php or acarsmap.tpl?
  5. I see there are loads of useless spam likers.
  6. Did you choose something to do?
  7. Suggest some awards that I may want to add to my airline. Stuck for ideas at the moment. Thanks
  8. His site have changed! http://airmaerica.site90.com/
  9. I don't know. He seems to have deleted it. It was working last night.
  10. Face Palm. Could have just went to the website and read the name of the owner. Hello Jackson.
  11. You are correct. This person was in my Alliance. He left to start his own one because he didn't want to be as professional and follow the rules. I though I saw the the Logo before and I did. Confirmed after doing a quick search on facebook for One Way Alliance and it comes up. Haha Many Errors, The whole sites defective.
  12. Hey Orlandy, I've PM'ed you through facebook about this.
  13. Run as Administrator?
  14. looks complicated Toyuko
  15. My airlines currently hanging on V3. We can't operate until its released.
  16. Anyone looking to buy a domain name for your Airline or what ever else use "WOWCraftUK" at the checkout on http://www.godaddy.com/ and get 20% off
  17. Yeah read the other comments. This guys setup several Va's and they have all closed after a short period of time. Due to poor planning. Then he creates a new forum account each time and tells us his name. He would have not had this argument if he didn't give his name. The fact that he didn't even get permission from BMI to use their logos on his site before he made the VA, makes it worse becuase BMI might sue him and have the site taken down.... Anyway, Not like you don;'t bash people.
  18. Might want to reinstall the admin section maybe.
  19. Had to be done!
  20. A Proper Financials unit. Like this i suggested. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7783-request-advanced-finances/
  21. Exactly like that.
  22. Funny about the number of people who like my post yet no-one contacts us!
  23. I'm not sure why someone would want to edit an airport. I think you'll find there are quite a lot of AFCAD updates for most airports on AVSIM and Simviation
  24. probably because you were using weebly.
  25. Depends where you want it to show up. you could put in in your Layout.tpl or maybe the frontpage_main.tpl. It can go on any page,
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