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Everything posted by Stealthbird97

  1. Works Great. No-one replied to this exact question when i posted it. Thanks Parkho.
  2. Well there is some small code in the code snippets section of the forums for some things that might be worth adding but nothing design wise.
  3. Yes... I can now use your site as a Christmas countdown timer!
  4. Surely if anyone airline was to let someone run a Virtual Airline of their Airline, they would expect the create of the VA to actually invest some money in the idea. As in get a site professionally designed once they get permission..Not use the vAirline Template and do some awful editing on it.
  5. Any idea when this allusive V3. will be available Parkho?
  6. hmmm. Anyone?
  7. Thanks Sava!
  8. Yeah... You just wasted you're time. ATAvCEO. I'm not looking for an argument thank you and this can quickly escalate into one. We are no more than using our initiative to utilize the un-used space that our reseller account. 3 people only.We're not seeking a profit, we're only covering our costs. You have NO right to come here and tell me, that what I am doing is wrong or immoral, as it isn't. Nabeel offers his webhosting as a service and the users have the choice to buy his webhosting, over anyone else because it is exactly the same and visa versa. Anyone can buy his hosting as anyone on here can buy any other hosting. I'm not sure if you have even read my post. You probably just saw the word. "HOSTING" in the title of the topic and decided. I'm going to try and screw up this guys day. Let me put it to you this way. Nabeel made phpVMS to be a free system anyone can use. People could donate if they wanted to. Nabeel created Fivedev to give cheap hosting for phpVMS sites, and other sites, to further help out the community he loves. They are connected only by the fact he probably runs this site and forums on there. Thats his decision to do that. This is a forum, a community and its people like you that ruin them. Hosting is a paid service just like anything else people do for people, neither is it explicitly pointed out in the rules of this forum. We are not "Stepping on Nabeels toes" or causing damages to his profits. Like he is helping people out. So am I, for 3 people only. Its not a business either we don't intend on making a profit. So I kindly ask you, step down from the lime light, trying to look like a better person than anyone else, and leave this topic in peace if you have no intention on taking up the offer i'm offering. Of course that intention is Nill.... so just be quiet.
  10. Thanks! Would there be a way of getting it to say " No Pilots Online" if there are no pilots online?
  11. Me too. Many he still has the site in his cache?
  12. His site is down, his github nolonger exists. I don't know. I'm sure he won't mind if someone reuploaded it providign they explicitly said it came from Vansers. Unfortuanly I don't have it but and I want at least two of his mods.
  13. i'll have a look ad see what i can find.
  14. You are complaining about Sava posting about his paid services, in the Paid Services forum, where the Forums description is "Advertise and request services here".
  15. Works a treat! How would you do the same for each a specific airline, as I have several airlines on one system.
  16. Total Pilots: <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?> <br /> Total Flights: <?php echo number_format(StatsData::TotalFlights()); ?><br /> Total Flights Today: <?php echo StatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?><br /> Total Flight Hours: <?php echo number_format(StatsData::TotalHours(), 0); ?> hrs<br /> Total Pax Carried: <?php echo number_format(StatsData::totalpaxcarried()); ?><br /> Total Fuel Burned: <?php echo number_format(StatsData::totalfuelburned(), 0); ?> kgs<br /> Total Flight Miles: <?php echo number_format(StatsData::totalmilesflown()); ?> nm<br /> Total Aircraft In Fleet: <?php echo StatsData::totalaircraftinfleet(); ?><br /> Total Schedules: <?php echo number_format(StatsData::totalschedules()); ?><br /> Is this what you're looking for. Put it in your layout.tpl
  17. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8015-phpvms-development-services-modules-skins-25-discount-for-first-two-customers/#entry53396
  18. This problem only exists in Fictional Airlines. The Marjority of people who start a Virtual Counterpart of a real Virtual Airline have little to no problems gaining pilots providing they are a mimicing a well known airline and are advertising it properly. I've found that people prefer these compare to the fictional ones. The aim of a fictional airline is to gain pilots who are like minded and enjoy either, the fleet, destinations, experience of flying a particular way. I mean a airline that specifically in the Amazon or Sahara desert, will only really be interesting for people who either live there or perhaps like the area. It wouldn't appeal to everyone. Just like an airline with primarily an Airbus fleet would not appeal to me, as I love Boeing. You have to reach an equilibrium, you either make the airline more engaging for the masses by trying to appeal to a wider audience or have it more specialized closed community airline. Its not a matter of how many pilots you have. If pilots don't like the VA they just won't sign up or fly once they've signed up. Ultimately, you have to make the decision on whether you're trying to get loads of pilots or focus on other things such as realism. If the airline is good you will just have to advertise and people will sign up. CEO's aren't going to fly for other VA because they didn't set up the airline to do that.
  19. No, I probably didn't explain properly. Say CVG001 is a pilot. On a his Pilots centre I want it to show all the flights made by that pilot (CVG001). On CVG002's pilot centre i want it to show all the flights made by CVG002. So effectively it only shows the pilots latest flights only not the last flights of the whole airline. If you understand?
  20. If you want it to work on the Public Profile Use this Add this on top of (pilot_public_profile.tpl) <?php $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); $airport_info = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($location); $airportname = $airport_info->name; $report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1); ?> <li><strong>Last Flight: </strong><?php echo $last_location->code . $last_location->flightnum; ?>(<?php echo $last_location->submitdate; ?>)</li> Remove if you don't want submit time and date (<?php echo $last_location->submitdate; ?>)
  21. No Worries Found the Code on the last page of topics in Code Snippets <?php echo $report->code . $report->flightnum; ?>
  22. Parkho, I'm can't write in php, neither can I understand the documentation given about the coding behind phpVMS. Many airlines have done it so it must be easier than that, All I need is the Flight Number of the last flight the pilot flew.
  23. How can I get the Great Circle Mapper Code only show the Pilots flights. <?php $flights = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount(5); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <img src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=790x400&PM=permr:diamond7:green%2b%22%25I%22:white&PC=%fffff" /><br /> Maps generated by the <a href="http://www.gcmap.com/">Great Circle Mapper</a> It should only show the logged in pilots flights on the map. Thanks in Advance.
  24. I want the pilots last filed flight to show up under a Heading. What code do i need to get this. I'm guessing ti will be something like this? <?php echo $userinfo->lastpirep; ?><br /> Except that seems to get the Date and Time of the latest pirep filed by the pilot. Thanks in Advance.
  25. Thats a lot for the code. We just have several airlines running off of One VMS System becuase all of the airlines are like Subsidy Airlines. This code will do very nicely. Works Perfectly!
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