mportant Issue 2
[This issue was added on 11/12/14 at 10:01 PM]
Seeming to be a prevalent issue, the bids page will lead to these errors when clicking add bid:
Strict Standards: Accessing static property Schedules::$get as non static (etc.)
Strict Standards: Non-static method SchedulesData::setBidOnSchedule() should not be called statically (etc.)
Bid added
Note that I specifically noted that there was a "Bid added" message at the end of the errors. This shows us there were just some errors, but the function went through and it still echoed success. To fix this, let's navigate to the directory /core/modules/Schedules from the phpVMS root directory. Open schedules.php. After the opening PHP tag, input this code:
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
Save and refresh the page, and your results should be a success in bidding a flight. Entry #13 will help you as well in this topic.