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Everything posted by tgycgijoes

  1. Thanks Parkho that worked perfectly, I just needed help where to look. First time i editted my database but it was easy and straight forward. Thanks for the help. I actually did it twice, once I changed it to 5 and then realized I needed a couple 7 so i went back and put in 8 to be sure. R
  2. I have a new VA that I am starting that is based on U.S. Naval Reserve Squadrons which have more than 3 letters like commercial airlines. Is there a way that I can change a template or form to do this. I have been doing some looking through the files but did not find it. I can enter VS27 as an airline but when a registration is created, it is created as VS20001 not VS270001. Increasing the number for the pilot ID only adds more 0's not VS27 instead of VS2. Thank you. Richard
  3. check out this site. It is really cool! http://www.utr-online.com/Home.asp
  4. Here is the new link for anyone who does not have it: https://pilotweb.nas.faa.gov/PilotWeb/
  5. I just posted a new thread for some php coding help with award display. If I can help any of you create an avatar jpg background for your va, or awards or rank jpgs, that is something I can do. Message me if I can help.
  6. I have created awards for our va and have no problem adding them to the pilots and they display just fine when you click the pilot id. What I would like to have and don't know how to code this so please help if you can, what do I need to add where to get the awards to appear in a horizontal row under each pilot when anyone guest or not clicks the Pilots tab on the main page of the phpvms of our va site.
  7. I actually made badges for my pilots when there were only a couple of us and sent them to them as pdf files to put their own photo on. Now we have 9 pilots I like the avatar idea and will be putting the badge as the avatar for each pilot. Thanks guys for the idea. I created the badge in MS Publisher but since the avatar is a jpg, I will be using Corel Photoshop to make ours and "paste" the photos on them and output jpgs for the avatars.
  8. Instead of modifying phpvms perhaps you may be able to mesh fspassengers since it WILL merge for PIREPS. That program has a lot more airline management, buy/sell aircraft; maintenance; passengers; ratings etc. Just a thought for you. I have used it with a VA in the past successfully before I knew of phpvsm. Otherwise, aren't the financials in a SQL database? Expenses are.
  9. I have been in a number of va's over the years...some allow NO hours, some like Joeri allow some and some like ours allow ALL the hours but in any case they must be verifiable like an employer checks resumes for validity.
  10. Thank you
  11. If I understand you correctly you want to repeat the availability of the flight to your pilots every four hours? You can do this on the .csv template in MS Excel by the copy and paste instead of typing it again and again. and then import the new schedule into your flight schedules. I don't understand what the tick box is for.
  12. Where would you suggest he advertise to get new pilots? I am interested in the answer as well. where did some of you get your pilots?
  13. In My Holiday Airline the awards that we have are for: The most flights per month; most online atc flights per month; years of service in the va awards. I would also think that in "real-world" airlines the same would apply. Pilots do not get awards for example 10 years of service with 4 years in one airline and 6 years in another. It has to be 10 years service with the SAME airline. We likewise transfer all the verifiable hours towards rank where rank is a determinant in aircraft or flights that can be flown in my other va's. What awards do you have that would take into account the transferable hours?
  14. The way to add is like Jeff said. Here is a list of expenses I use from an airline costs chart I found from the Aviation & Aerospace Almanac, ICAO Air Transport Reporting Form EF1. Station expenses: 10.8% per month Passenger Services: 10.5% per month (incl catering I feel) Promotion and sales: 16.4% per month Administration 12.2% per month Flight crew: 0% covered by pilot salaries per flight Fuel: 0% covered by phpvms per flight Other 7.1% per month Maintenance: 10.1% per flight Depreciation & amortization: 7% perflight Airport Charges: 4.1% per flight Enroute facility charges: 2.4% per flight Just wanted to share this with anyone wondering about expenses.
  15. I especially like the clock.
  16. Looks good. I like the sectional background. Nice layout. My Google wasn't translating this morning but my highschool French helped me translate some of it. Enough to know I like it. Keep up the good work.
  17. They way I understand their request...they want someone to fill out the csv template so it can be directly imported with the correct up to date information for the airline not just an airline time shedule or maybe I am mistaken. Also, you can check on WOAI for an up to date AI schedule which when decomplied would give you all the info. That is how I got one and just filled in the values to the csv template and uploaded to the website. You still need to research the prices for the flights though which I did at the airline webpage. Took some time to enter, but it already has the aircraft with registrations. If you just want a complete timetable for YOU to enter into the csv template, here is the link for Emirates. . http://www.emirates....htSchedule.aspx and here is the link to UAL: http://www.uatimetable.com/uatimetable/ Elements Organizer.pdf
  18. If I understand this, you want to have your pilot's breast insignia (wings) reflect a particular rank? Correct? Like Pilot is a second or first officer; senior pilot as a captain and chief pilot as the lead captain or something like that? If so, what I did is to create the rank jpgs with the wings above the shoulder strap in the pilot center. Since our ranks are based on hours flown, and promotions are automatic, when a pilot achieves the next rank level his shoulder strap and wings above it show up in the pilot center. If you like this solution and need photoshop help I can help you with new rank jpgs if you'd like.
  19. I added Kyle Vansers Airport_Charts_V1.1 yesterday and uploaded all my chart links this morning. This gives you one great addon for your website but the best news is...it merges with Will's Schedule Brief-Display local charts I added the replacement text into the schedule_briefing.tpl in the core templates and it supplies the link from my charts db in mysql which was created from Kyle's addon. This is just too cool. Thanks to both of you guys for some great addons.
  20. I did that yesterday...and it works great. All of my chart links for my pilots will give them a complete set for each airport: facility, SIDs,Stars,all Approach plates and any Obstructions or Warnings all in one folder. I call it "Complete Set" and it is choice number 6. You need to edit: core...templates...charts...charts_airport.tpl change is added on line 70 using the same syntax as all the above choices: elseif($chart->charttype == 6) echo 'Complete Set'; next edit: core...local.config.php and add your next choice on line 169: Config::Set( 'CHART_TYPES', array( '1'=>'Facility', '2'=>'Standard Instrument Departure', '3'=>'Standard Terminal Arrival', '4'=>'ILS Approach', '5'=>'Approach', '6'=>'Complete Set' be sure to add a comma after 'Approach' I forgot and it didn't work. worked perfectly after the comma. I have added all my chart sets this morning. Thanks again, Kyle. Much appreciated.
  21. Alright!!! Now that I have this fantastic MODULE in my new website, why couldn't it come with all five charts for every airport in FS2004? Just kidding!!! I love it and I just got a bunch of work to do for my pilots to have charts to upload. Thank you, Kyle. I actually had no hitches at all in uploading it except for a short "senior moment" (Hey, I'm almost 65) when I went brain-dead as my grand-daughter is often saying of where are the core_navigation files???? Oh, yah, ...templates. WOW is this great. I'm not a code writer so I can't give back any great modules like this but I am a pretty good graphic artist IMHO in Corel Photoshop X2 is someone needs ranks or pilot wings or awards jpg's I can help.
  22. I can't read the error codes, but I downloaded your schedule.csv and opened it in MS Excel. The first mistake I see is that under aircraft you have to have the registration number not the aircraft icao code i.e. in the USA---N455MH or in Europe GS-GHYT or something like that. Secondly you have no departure or arrival times or flight time for any of your flights Thirdly you have to have a flight type P=passenger C=cargo having a senior moment, I forget what charter is. In MY template I entered the full altitude 36000 not just 360. I don't know if this is critical or not but usually, if you enter just a three digit altitude for a flight level it has to have FL360. Did you quit halfway through to see how they would look or did you think you were done? Fill in all of the information and try again and I think they will work with the corrections and the rest of the info filled in. I am not an expert at this so I hope this helps you. If I am wrong above then someone more experienced please help him.
  23. I am so glad that you found that. Great idea and glad I "stirred the juice". See ya in da air, keep the blue side up.
  24. I downloaded your schedules.csv file and opened it in MS Excel. Everything is jumbled together and not being placed into the proper columns, which is why phpvms is NOT reading it correctly when you try to upload it. They are complete lines of text to Excel and phpvms. As i see it you are going to have open the file in Excel and put the proper information into the proper columns to use it, I am going to go back and give this a minute or two to see how to do this and get beck here. I'm back, the only way I see to fix this which is what I did, is to insert a blank line above your first schedule, enter the info one column at a time manually, skip the route until all info is in the line. Then delete everything in the line in the entry area except the route, copy it into the route column. Sorry you have 214 schedules. I would suggest you save your schedule with a new name and periodically save as you enter not to lose your changes. If someone knows a better way, help him out.
  25. I use mediafire and upload all kinds of files and photos for my pilots and clients to download. I prefer to use pdf files for all my text docs. Not everyone has MS Word to open a Word file but everyone can get Adobe Reader free. Just a suggestion.
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