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Everything posted by TAV1702

  1. Sorry guys I forgot I posted this. Yes it is a custom filed that you can create in the admin panel. What I mean by reverts back is, The drop down has 3 choices 1. Pilot 2. ATC 3. Both So If I register I choose ATC and fill out rest of registration and submit, bingo bango its done. I get a welcome email but I have to wait for admin. Ok on track so far. Now when an admin goes to that pilot in the admin panel and looks, it shows he or she always chooses the first option. I had 4 people test this for me 3 indifferent countries on different PC's obviously. And I explicitly made them understand to NOT choose the option number 1 Pilot. Also I chose it to NOT show the custom field in the profile and guess what shows up in their profile? Yep! A nice drop down box with 3 choices in it that means absolutely nothing. lol I think I will just do away with the drop down as the guy that owns the site decided to go another route with this. BUT curious why this is happening.
  2. Your menu on your site is working great in my IE 11. Your TWA banners (logos pictures) do not slide per say but they do change images on every page refresh. What exact issue are you facing as it works and looks good on my end minus the horribly bad stretched images. They need to be resized using a lossless method. Other then that, looks fine to me. http://prntscr.com/d2mb0w http://prntscr.com/d2mbmx And by the way, your slider does work good too. I just sat and watched it switch to a few different pictures. while I was putting those two links in this post.
  3. Yes that would be major work to do. If you can run an older version of php on your server you are on stay with it. If your php gets upgraded in the future, your site will out of business unless you can get someone to throw a hail mary and upgrade it for the new version of php or you. I say stay with what you have until your hand is forced.
  4. Well what it amounts to is it is a guy I knew who had a buddy and together they hosted sites. Fine with me. My buddy was ok with what I did. His partner was not. Fair do's. They are decent guys who went on the honor system in a world of today where honor is very rare anymore. For example: me and over riding their settings. lol I been with another guy now for 6 years or so and never had a day of downtime or anything. if I need a setting set, he does it for me. At absolutely no sot to me but 4 hours of maintenance on his website per month. But anyways ...... I might get bored one day and just start jamming the database full of airports. ;-)
  5. That's pretty sweet man. Nicely done.
  6. DOH! Yeah at least 1 hub is inactive. Nice catch. thanks for pointing that out. it is a new site and 2 hubs with 2 pilots. one at each hub. 1 has filed a pirep, the other has not. Since we now know that culprit, that leaves the other hub where I am active and have filed 2 flights. the following is what I see. http://prntscr.com/d2cmu5 And thanks for the reply and the module. I really appreciate it. Ray
  7. I got one more small issue as well. My pilot rosters wont show up. Not even the table. All that will show is the Pilot Roster header. All code is default. I have changed nothing. the code I am using I downloaded from Github account.
  8. I have a quick question. I'll set the scene, I fill in Hub ICAO, PID, Name and all the info required and I click submit. Nice! However I made a mistake with the image link. Ok so I go and click edit hub and now all fields are blank and I can not simply edit the image link I have to fill in all that info again. Is there a way we can pre populate those fields with already saved info so all we have to do is edit one filed or the other and not have to fill it all out again from scratch?
  9. No one? I do have a working version on the same exact server setup as my live site but it is a WAMP server. The script on my WAMP works a treat, however, on my live server, it fails miserably. Here is what I have. Maybe someone has better luck than I with it. **PLEASE NOTE** This code is to be used at your own risk. I do not know if it is secure or what. It did come right from phpBB community. I take no credit or ownership. The WAMP server it is working on is: Apache php 5.6.25 mysql 5.7.14 The server it is NOT working on is: apache php 5.5.36 mysql: Include this following code at the VERY TOp of every page in which you wish to call the latest posts. <?php define('IN_PHPBB', true); $phpbb_root_path = './community/'; // Path to phpbb folder $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx); // Start session management $user->session_begin(); $auth->acl($user->data); // Grab user preferences $user->setup(); ?> Use this where you wish the latest posts to show <?php /*** phpBB3 - Last Active Topics System ***/ //Show last x topics define('TOPICS_LIMIT',10); // Create arrays $topics = array(); // Get forums that current user has read rights to. $forums = array_unique(array_keys($auth->acl_getf('f_read', true))); // Get active topics. $sql="SELECT * FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " WHERE topic_approved = '1' AND " . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forums) . " ORDER BY topic_last_post_time DESC"; $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql,TOPICS_LIMIT); while ($r = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $topics[] = $r; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); ?> <div> <?php foreach($topics as $t) { // Get folder img, topic status/type related information $topic_tracking_info = get_complete_topic_tracking($t['forum_id'], $t['topic_id']); $unread_topic = (isset($topic_tracking_info[$t['topic_id']]) && $t['topic_last_post_time'] > $topic_tracking_info[$t['topic_id']]) ? true : false; $folder_img = $folder_alt = $topic_type = ''; topic_status($t, $t['topic_replies'], $unread_topic, $folder_img, $folder_alt, $topic_type); // output the link ?> <img style="vertical-align: text-bottom" src="<?php echo $user->img($folder_img, $folder_alt, false, '', 'src');?>" title="<?php echo $user->lang[$folder_alt];?>" alt="<?php echo $user->lang[$folder_alt];?>" /> <a href="<?php echo $phpbb_root_path . 'viewtopic.php?f=' . $t['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $t['topic_id'] . '&p=' . $t['topic_last_post_id'] . '#p' . $t['topic_last_post_id'];?>"><?php echo html_entity_decode($t['topic_title']);?></a><br /> <?php } ?> </div>
  10. When a time limit is executed on the server, I use Big Dump. It works a treat. I have used it many times. And I could just imagine how large a database could easily get with that many airports. I know when I imported the nav data I got the old ran out of memory error. I fixed it via my config file and got suspended by my host for over riding settings lol it was epic.
  11. I just made sure to drop a index.html page in every file that I could. That way no directories came up so people could download my files. if they are going to steal code, then they can work hard at it and right click and copy and all that. I'm not just going to let them download my files.
  12. Just a quick query, I know we have the nav database we can add. Question is, has anyone ever bombed their database with thousands of airports and then exported the table?
  13. I had this issue on another site I was working on a couple years back. No matter what I did, I could not get it to pop up the download. I had to delete the java from it and just have the people click the link to manually start the download. Down and dirty fix but it worked. I never revisited the issue as I parted ways with the web owners and called it at that. Not sure if they ever fixed it or not.
  14. Thanks Pro. I appreciate the info man.
  15. Rgr that. Thanks man!
  16. And on a side note: Has anyone figured out how to make it so the money pilots spend on a exam is not given back to them on a recalculate or cron run?
  17. Life has probably got in the way. I am sure Dave will surface in good shape sooner or later. He is a pretty busy guy.
  18. Dave is a great guy. I am sure life has just got in the way. However, if no support can be given for paid modules, said modules need to be freeware or not sold on the market. FSNavigator for example. I know Dave is talented and his paid modules are great, but they need to be disabled if no support can be given for now. The free ones, well that is another story. As is is as is. We can't nag about that or any of the awesome work and time Dave has put in to phpVMS over the years. I hope all is well Dave!
  19. open core/common/ExamsData.class.php FIND (ALL INSTANCES) public function REPLACE WITH (ALL INSTANCES) public static function **PLEASE NOTE** I am not sure this is the correct fix. It worked for me but at what cost? Please use your own discretion before using.
  20. Thanks web I'll give that a try and see how it goes. I actually went and discabled the news function in the events module just because for now. Most likely tomorrow I will uncomment and try your code. I really do appreciate the info.
  21. TAV1702


    Rgr that. Thanks!
  22. TAV1702


    On a side note, looking at this screenshot, is the footer broken or is it because I have no PIREPS on record yet?
  23. TAV1702


    Yeah. That was it. I got it figured out shortly after I posted.
  24. Well, I went with the phpVMS WYSIWYG and I still got this on a test post. \r\n Look ma! Its another test! \r\n I'm scratching my head now. I look in the database and the post is clean. It is just fine.
  25. I used a WYSIWYG once in the Forum that Simpilot released but it had a loop hole in it (not the forum but the WYSIWYG I used) and I have been afraid to try one since. If you know of a decent one I can try, I'm all ears. Here is one text area in my files <tr> <td>New Event Description</td> <td><textarea name="description" rows="4" cols="40"><?php if(isset($event)) {echo $event['description'];} ?></textarea></td> </tr> And here is the other. <tr> <td>Event Description</td> <td><textarea name="description" rows="4" cols="40"><?php echo $event->description; ?></textarea></td> </tr>
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