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Everything posted by TAV1702

  1. Those errors only normally come up when You have not created shops and types and all that stuff. I have a test install that I have been trying to update. Let me see if I can recreate this problem.
  2. Such as and where at? Everything you are looking for to edit is in the tpl files. Do NOT go in to core/templates and edit any tpl files there. Copy those files and then upload them to your lib/skins/(current template) and then edit them. So in other words, if you wish to modify the core/templates/frontpage_main.tpl file, copy it out of core to the skin folder that you are currently using. If you do not, it WILL be over written in an update.
  3. I can look, but not sure I have an original anymore. I have modified mine to the point of no return. Knowing me, I most likely modified the only original one that I had. I will go and look in my files though.
  4. Uhh.errrr... Ok. I'm gonna take a wild guess and pretend I know what this means. You need to go into your local config file in core folder and set the live prices to true. In the admin panel, when setting up your airports, do not set any prices. Leave them blank or 0. That should set your prices as live.
  5. Try that one more time. Not sure I understand what you need. My apologies.
  6. Yeah most of the time when I add airports I either have to refresh and if that don't work, I click another link in the ACP (Admin Control Panel)and then come back to add airports and there the new one is.
  7. I actually added a bit of code to the php file and you can no longer get to the scenery database at all unless logged in. I had pondered using that little ditty of code as we all do, but I figured this time I would do it php style. It worked out great. I got side tracked on the work I was doing on this fellas mod. I hope to get back on my admin module in the next day or two.
  8. I have created a skin from a template on the net. It took some work and effort and I figured out how to do it by picking apart the crystal skin and seeing how it worked. It does take some time and effort to convert. You will need to get to know css in a hurry. But basically yes, you will need to create a layout.tpl and a frontpage_main I believe. Not hard once you look at the deafult templates.
  9. Yes, what he said. AND even if you are not a member of a hub yet, it still should show the hubs with no pilots. When you ,"Added stuff", what was it exactly that you added or did? And prior to adding anything extra, did you view the pilots list and make sure it originally listed your hub with no pilots?
  10. This will actually allow people to download who are not logged in to your site. We need to add a check in. As well, I also got an admin module kicked up and running. I only have one small error left to work out and I am sure it is a simple typo somewhere.
  11. That is a nice little addition. Now, I think it would be wiser to make that an admin module so it shows up on the addons tab. That way no edits will be over written in a update to phpVMS.
  12. I forgot to add that it was a manual file. No acars. So it would have to take what I put in as flight time and the admin center as well as profile and the database did. But for one reason or the other it shows the plane 8 minutes short on flight time.
  13. So here I sit messing around on my test site and I filed a pirep. I just noticed that I filed the pirep as an hour and twenty minutes ( 1.20 ) This info shows up according when I accepted the pirep, and in the profile main. However, when viewing the Fleet Table, it indicates that the aircraft that was used in the pirep has only been flown for 1.12 one hour and twelve minutes. I have this on a live site since this mod came out and never noticed it before.
  14. @ 5SA CEO Check this out for the BG image http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.asp if none of that works, hard code the link. That should do it, but I advise not hard coding if you do not have to. @ JustinRomaine And no, I don't think you will find a link anywhere for this skin anymore. Mine is so modified it does not even resemble the original anymore so I can't help you there. Sorry.
  15. That would be a nice addition for sure. I would check how Nabeel has the badge codes working in the profile page. You should be able to grab some code or at least get a good idea from there how it works.
  16. You need to get in to your .css file and edit the footer to adjust the text where you would like it to be positioned at.
  17. I haven't messed with it in quite some time. I got busy with school and many little projects I had going on got put on the back burner. That script was kind of cheesy actually. I am trying to code up my own. I was never able to solve the fopen error.
  18. Ahh ya beat me to it. lol I was actually going to work on that here in a bit. I was working on the old pilot shop mod for a bit. Nice I will have to make those changes. Thanks!
  19. I fixed the pilot pay problem with this mod and it is now compatible with the latest and greatest beta version of phpVMS. I am still looking for the styling issue.
  20. I am still loosing the styling when trying to delete anything. I have looked and looked and can not figure out why. Maybe I am looking far to deep into it and the answer is all but an obvious, small issue. As for the other errors I initially had when the admin sidebar was jacked up, I no longer have. When there is no products or shops added, I no longer get a php error.
  21. Ok will do. Let me take a double look at the files real quick and make sure I did not add anything extra or leave anything out. I will have it up here momentarily. Done! I attached it to the post that I put the screenshot in. Ray
  22. Check your file structure. And advise to move the templates out of core/templates folder to your personal skin that you are using folder. I.E. yoursite/lib/skins/yourskin
  23. I have made some changes to this mod. If anyone is still interested, please let me know and I will re upload. Please keep in mind that this is NOT mine or mark1millions mod. The only support either one of us can give is what we know about the mod. We are NOT the original authors. **NOTES** I fixed the admin panel for this mod. It now shows up as it is supposed to in the addons tab in the sidebar in phpVMS admin panel. No longer are any core phpVMS template edits necessary. I believe I have fixed the errors that were being reported with this mod when no shops were created yet. I can only provide this as a as is basis. I will only work on it as my time allows. And there is now a decent install file for it too. No longer is any install info located on another site.
  24. Hi. I would go and look in the screenshots module thread for the answer. Post your question in there to so all related posts to that module are all in the same place in case anyone else ever has this issue.
  25. The best thing to do is to look at the deafult crystal template. Study the layout.tpl file. Then look at the code you posted and compare. The code you posted is a basic page that essentially would work. All your other pages that you wish to add, copy them right out of the core/templates folder. So for example, you create your own skin called mySkin. In your folder of mySkin, you would place all copied pages from the core templates like the nav.tpl file, frontpage_main, etc etc. It really isn't that bad once you get it figured out. But that is the whole trick, getting the required code in the right places.
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