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Boogace last won the day on December 13 2021

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  1. cheers that fixed it thank you..
  2. thank you I have passed that on for them to check..
  3. Good day all i have had a fellow pilot keeps getting landing lights on/off even tho they are switched on but they keep showing a report of them going off then on ? has anyone had this issue ?? cheers Wazza
  4. Good day to you all I seem to be at a crossing where I have imported 22 pages of flights in with a default aircraft ie 737-800 now it shows up in all thoose flights, but when I add a new subfleet or aircraft it seems I have to manually edit all the fligths to add the new aircraft for the other pilots to choose from on all the flights, is there an easier way to do this ? otherwise if you have a massive schedule you have to edit each flight to add the aircraft, and to be honest im not looking forward to doing that. cheers Wazza
  5. any updates on this im getting this now, starts out welll the its starts with the error
  6. Hey Guys I have come across this aswell, I have changed the permissions for the folders and the images to 0777 and added the above lines, it let me change my avatar the first attempt from the standard basic one but now it wont let me change it, has anyone got any idea if you can change it in the phpadmin ??
  7. how did you remove it and where i think its in the core/modules Autoassign.php but not sure what parts i should remove, any help would be great..
  8. well thats handy isnt it, even there forum page now is down, so in away what do we do now ? who do we need to speak to ? we paid in good faith for modules.
  9. Im having same issue original password does not work try to reset it and nothing no emails no nothing and yes i have pm them still nothing, its funny how you can purchase modules but cant get any help, Im having an issue with Auto assign flights just a blank screen and top left " Error: Purchase Verification Failed. " wtf i purchased this but now that is showing.
  10. Hey guys need help with Toppilot is there a way to reset the best landing rate of all time as it seems we have quite a few people hitting very low numbers and I would just like to reset it. Cheers Wazza
  11. hey Strider thank you for your help i have an issue when importing i keep getting duplicate entry as you can see here can you please help ?
  12. Boogace

    Export Pilot List

    Thanks for that brilliant tool but is there a way to export the hours also ?.. Wazza
  13. Hi thanks for the reply ive managed to sort it after a few hours, thank you for your reply but i do still have a old ongoing problem route map in admin not working http://prntscr.com/rz0ewu its been an ongoing for ages just wondered how to fix it, as my acars map all works fine..
  14. Hi guys is there a way I can get the latest Navdata into my VA ?
  15. Hi I have managed to get it running but one thing puzzles me where do i get the criteria codes from ? and can I add a criteria for adding fuel while in flight ? Regards Wazza ok strike that its installed but not working there is a flight taken after i installed it and it still showing pending..
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