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CarlosEduardo2409 last won the day on July 11 2020

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  1. Hi carlos


    am just wondering if theres anyway to add the registeration of teh aircraft to your skins booking form as we have multi 737-800s etc  with diffresnt schedules   


    but we dont know what aircraft has what schedule on teh booking form     we have to go into the admin side to see what flight number is related to each aircraft 


    if u wish i can send you screenshots of what i mean

  2. You probably forgot to install any modules (Airmail and TouchdownStats). If installed, and correctly: what prefix did you configure when installing phpVMS? Make sure that the prefix of the AirMail tables is set to the prefix that you have configured. If it is the default prefix (phpvms_), you don't need to do anything. If you imported the SQL correctly, and fixed the prefix, you probably forgot to add a code to a file. So for fix this you need to go core/common and open StatsData.class.php After open, you need to paste this code: public static function TotalPilotMiles($pilotid) { $key = 'total_miles'; $key .= '_'.$pilotid; $total = CodonCache::read($key); if($total === false) { $total = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid='$pilotid' AND accepted=1"; $results = DB::get_results($sql); if($results) { foreach($results as $result) { $total += $result->distance; } } CodonCache::write($key, $total, '15minute'); } return $total; } HOWEVER, the fact that hosting is free can also be the problem.
  3. https://github.com/Cloudxtreme/phpvms_loa
  4. AIRAC Cycle : 2006 (21/MAY/2020 - 18/JUN/2020) phpvms_navdata.zip
  5. Do not install AirMail 3 default, install what is with my skin, as some files have been customized to work on ElaSkin. However, to fix this error is simple: You need to have the time_ago() function in the MailData.class.php file, which is located at core/common/MailData.class.php (open this file) and in the link below, copy the lines that are in yellow and put it in your MailData.class.php file, but be aware of where you will put it!! You must place, at least below this line: class MailData extends CodonData { https://github.com/carlosmfreitas2409/ElaSkin-2.0/blob/master/Modules (REQUIRED)/Airmail 3/core/common/MailData.class.php#L313-L347
  6. Sorry, I didn't understand the question very well, I will kick it: If you want to upload a file, you can just transfer it to your FTP and use the link to it, for example: Let's assume that the image you are going to transfer is called: favicon.png You can transfer an image at lib/skins/ela/images, then, complete would be like this: lib/skins/ela/images/favicon.png To call, you can use the link and get to the image directory, however phpVMS offers the <?php echo SITE_URL; ?> So, an example to call it a favicon: <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/skins/ela/images/favicon.png"/> Or some image: <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/skins/ela/images/favicon.png" alt="some image" />
  7. Yeah, you can add your own logo and change the favicon. Favicon (in lib/skins/ElaSkin/layout.php): <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="http://linktoaimage.com/favicon.png"/> Live Map (in lib/skins/ElaSkin/profile_main.php😞 Open this github link, you will see some lines in yellow, in your FTP file, look for the same lines and remove those lines. You can make any changes, but you MUST keep all the credits that are in the footer! I thank you for the use and care! It's the best reward I can earn. Sorry for the delay, I ended up sleeping on the chair hahaha.
  8. Hello Nicholas! So, in this skin we have only 2 modules: AirMail 3 & TouchdownStats. The installation is very simple, in both modules there is a folder called "core", and inside "core" folder we have more folders, which are usually the "modules", "templates" and "common" folder. If you see the directory where your phpVMS is installed, we have this same "core" folder, and inside the same "modules", "templates" and "common" folder. Basically, what you have to do is transfer the files from each folder to their respective location. (EXAMPLE) So it would be like this: You transfer the files that are in the "core/common" folder of the TouchdownStats module to the "core/common" folder of the directory where your phpVMS is installed. The same for the other files (core/modules in your core/modules phpVMS installation, The same for the other files)... Some modules come with a .sql file, which creates some tables in your database, AirMail 3 is an example. If you look at the AirMail 3 module, we have this "airmail.sql" file. To upload it, it's also very simple, you need to go to your database (phpMyAdmin), enter your phpVMS database and click on the "Import" button located on the top menu, it will open another page that it will be there where you should import this file, click on the "execute" button and if everything appears green, success!
  9. God! You are the man! One more time, thank you so much!!
  10. @Nabeel, can you also take another doubt? In phpVMS 5.5, for example, we have the "core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php", which says in a "wrong" way, it is possible to see the subpages, the functions it has, among others. Where would I find something like this in phpVMS 7? For example, "flights"? I saw that you get some simbrief files in "flights" folder at default skin (resources/views/layouts/default/flights/simbrief_briefing.blade.php), but I don't know which domain Its located (like "http://localhost/flights/simbrief"), I was trying to find it just like in the phpVMS 5.5 looking at the modules folder. I looked at the entire doc, but I didn't find it. I found a related one ("http/controllers/web.php"), but from what I understand it is only for "own" modules.
  11. No problem at all! You can put it in the docs without any problems! Thanks again, it is a really incredible project, especially for virtual aviation.
  12. Okay, so I: I uploaded the phpVMS files normally to htdocs (Without transferring files from public to root). I changed the DocumentRoot in httpd.conf to DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms/public" I entered the link normally and working perfectly. Unfortunately, the link phpVMS will be in will be: "https://localhost", so other projects will not work unless you change DocumentRoot to default (DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/"). But these are things we have to sacrifice to get what we want... I don't know if that was your last message Nabeel, but already thanking you for the great work you are having and always had with phpVMS, it is not flattering and nothing, I am just saying this because we have to really thank you for this incredible project, because we have this opportunity, for being a free project, for the work you had and much more. Not only this project, but all other projects as well. This is not the opportunity we have every day. So, thank you again!
  13. Okay, I put DocumentRoot in the "public" folder (DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms/public"). However, should I transfer the files from "public" to the "phpvms" folder? And how should I leave it in phpvms/index.php and phpvms/public/index.php? Excuse me for the question, I'm really still trying to understand the whole new phpVMS system haha And thanks for the answer.
  14. Is there a way to install phpVMS 7 on localhost (XAMPP)? Or is it not possible? I'm trying to install it several times, but it never works. The page that says "phpVMS not installed" (https://prnt.sc/siiqrn) loads normally, however when I press the "Head on to the installer>" button, it redirects me to the XAMPP dashboard (localhost/dashboard - https://prnt.sc/siiqz3) and not to the installation page. In the structure files looks like this (https://prnt.sc/siiq6o😞 htdocs/ ├── phpvms And in the phpVMS index.php it looks like this (https://prnt.sc/sije6o😞 $path_to_phpvms_folder = __DIR__.'/../phpvms'; phpVMS version: 7.0.0-beta.4 php version: 7.4.5 EDITED For users who are experiencing this problem when installing phpVMS on XAMPP, do the following: Solution 1: by @Laurent Go to your XAMPP control panel; And in "Config" button of Apache, select the file httpd.conf; Search for this line: DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/" and change to DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms" Close XAMPP completely and open it again. Solution 2 (Without moving files from the public folder): by @Nabeel Move phpvms files to your htdocs folder as normal, but WITHOUT moving files from the public folder to the phpVMS folder; Go to your XAMPP control panel; And in "Config" button of Apache, select the file httpd.conf; Search for this line: DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/" and change to DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms/public" Close XAMPP completely and open it again. NOTE: In both solutions, the link to phpvms will be "http://localhost", this means that other projects that are in the htdocs folder will NOT work. If you want to go back to normal (other projects working), you will have to go to httpd.conf again, and change the DocumentRoot to the default (DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/"). Solution by @Laurent and @Nabeel (Thank you so much again!)
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