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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Did you try to reach your web hosting provider? Did they upgrade anything on your server? (php, mysql etc)
  2. It has been previously reported that phpVMS is not compatible with most of the free web hosting providers because of their limitations.
  3. Yes, with all the respect, switch to a payware web host who will give you this functionality.
  4. Check your database details. If they are correct, check if you have give the database user all the permissions over the database.
  5. Is the /pics folder at the home directory of your phpVMS system? Are you able to access the image directly through your browser?
  6. Moved it to vacentral section Have you checked this?
  7. There is no any setting in phpVMS which lets you limit the acars systems usage. The only way I can think of is hardcoding it into the kacars module. Maybe, you can update the login function via adding an extra if statement. Which phpVMS version are you using? Do you have a custom kacars or the free one?
  8. How do you send your mass emails? What is your website url? Who are the pilots who receive the emails? (just their IDs are enough)
  9. How do yoy remove them from your system? Which part of the website are you using for your mass emails? Do your pilots exist in your database? you can check this from your phpmyadmin->find the database you are using for your phpVMS->find the table named phpvms_pilots. If your pilots exist there, then they are not being removed properly.
  10. Here it is https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/archive/master.zip
  11. There is no need to install fspassengers in your phpVMS. phpVMS as CMS comes with the fspassengers configuration files installed. What you have to do is downloading the config file via yourwebsiteurl/action.php/acars/fspaxconfig Then you will have open and place your password on the password field (i think it now states "none") and after that you have to follow the config installation instructions on your computer.
  12. There are also some other solutions here: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23213-phpvms-admin-addons/
  13. You do not have to update the index.php file which is on the main directory of your phpVMS system. You will have to edit accordingly the template files which are inside your lib/skins/your_skin_folder_name folder. Also, there might be other template files which will need translation inside the core/templates folder.
  14. All your website's files have to be uploaded in the public_html. If you do not upload them in this folder, noone will be able to access them through the browser.
  15. Is there an index.php inside your /core folder?
  16. It seems that this is a general problem. You have changed the core/codon.config.php file and as a result this is why it is giving the error. Please find a default codon.config.php file and upload it on your server.
  17. Ok, I see. Open your phpmyadmin through your cpanel, after that select the database you have stored your phpVMS system, then you will have to find the SQL tab. This tab allows you to execute mysql commands. You will have to run the command above. This will change your skin to the default one. Alternatively, you can check if you are able to access the admin center through this url: http://www.flyingpilgrim.com/admin If yes, navigate to Site & Settings -> General Settings and select another template. If the problem persists, it means that you have changed something else instead of the template files. You can try replacing the index.php file with the default one of your phpVMS version.
  18. As a beginning, run this into your sql command line to change back to the default template: UPDATE phpvms_settings SET value='crystal' WHERE id=4; Does the problem persists?
  19. Unfortunately, there is not any specific part of code for this. To achieve it, you will have to update the bidding process and the way your acars systems are retrieving data from your website/
  20. Open your core/common/PIREPData.class.php file and replace this: public static function getLastReports($pilotid, $count = 1, $status='') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps AS p WHERE pilotid='.intval($pilotid); with this: public static function getLastReports($pilotid, $count = 1, $status='') { $sql = 'SELECT p.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.submitdate) as submitdate, a.id AS aircraftid, a.name as aircraft, a.registration FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps AS p LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft a ON a.id = p.aircraft WHERE p.pilotid='.intval($pilotid);
  21. Basically, I do not know why do you place the following in your template files: session_start(); include "card_results.tpl"; $_SESSION['counter'] = 1; ?> What are you willing to do with them? Bare in mind that you have forgotten to add the open php tag in the very beginning: <?php
  22. This guide describes exactly how modules work in phpVMS. Inside the function of the module, instead of an "echo" you can add the Template::Show function in order to show a specific template.
  23. Basically what you are trying to do will not give any result. You have already created an index function in your module. For the results page, you will have to create a second function and include the tpl file in the function. After that, the action of the form should be something like this: action="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/index.php/spiel4/results"
  24. +1 to @web541, there is not any default function which can do that for you nor I remember any freeware or payware module for this. What you can do it making the required customizations @web541 suggested.
  25. As soon as you send me the whole view function, you can replace it with this part of code: public function view($pilotid='') { #replacement for OFC charts - Google Charts API - simpilot $this->set('chart_url', ChartsData::build_pireptable($pilotid, 30)); #end $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($pilotid); $pilot = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid); $this->title = 'Profile of '.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname; $this->set('userinfo', $pilot); $this->set('pilot', $pilot); $this->set('allfields', PilotData::getFieldData($pilotid, false)); $this->set('pirep_list', PIREPData::GetLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, '10')); $this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)); $this->set('allawards', AwardsData::getPilotAwards($pilot->pilotid)); $this->render('pilot_public_profile.php'); $this->render('pireps_viewall.php'); } You can replace number '10' with the number you wish. @parkho, the reason why I did not suggest the update of the "getAllReportsForPilot" function on the PIREPSData.class.php file is because this function is used on the pilot's profiles in the admin center. If he do this, he will not be able to view all the pilot's PIREPs through each ones profile in the admin center. "GetLastReports" function already exists in the PIREPData.class.php file and I have never seen it used in any part of the phpVMS.
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