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Everything posted by Txmmy83

  1. wow that are more features that I have expected! especially muliple awards (more than one times) has my full attention
  2. hm the default awards have no issued by! and also no commenting option but it is hard to guess what it will be
  3. figured it out thanks I have read few pilot operational manuals in my case BAVVirtual and your own VA Air Serbia and some other but near all have the 30 days clause
  4. yeah I did not forgot only thing is that I am busy working on a own phpvms skin at the moment
  5. Sava what is Realistic Value to work for a LOA Policy 14 days or more?
  6. I may ask Sava who created the LOA mod
  7. a question not exactly mod specific but partly it is for a LOA policy what is realistic when did your VA need pilots to file a LOA request? 14 days or more?
  8. just done it my self via database works like a dream now
  9. yes I ran the install script in database I have the following phpvms_fssrules phpvms_fssrules_categories it seems that the mod does not write into database could it be that the name need to be changed "fssrules_categories" to "rules_categories" and "fssrules" to "rules"
  10. small problem it installed right but I have small problem when I add a category with the admin backend it doesn't appear in list message is You have not added any rule categories yet. looked in my database via cpanel the table structure is there but no added entry categorie any ideas?
  11. thank you very much for this module will be soon in use at my Airline best regards, Thomas
  12. Yeah will describe it tomorow since it is bit difficult to describe from IPhone ;-)
  13. My ideas 1.) imprint creation tool 2.) rule page tool
  14. Wear factor/usage based Condition alter is Not implemented yet! Hope that Info Helps ;-)
  15. ok I opened a ticket
  16. yeah think so
  17. purchased today and have another implemention idea if a scenery is external hosted a optional Source field could be nice AVSIM Flightsim Other best would be to make that a text field to be more flexible best regards, Thomas
  18. Are you on a Free or Paid Host ? Ask since Free hosts can cause Troubles !
  19. That is Parkho's flightboard Don't know if it is still available?
  20. thanks for the info will V2.1 a free update for customers of V2.0 ?
  21. price is absolutely right! it seems like a far more powerfull version of that mod http://forum.phpvms....eries-database/ one idea for a future update: would it be the possible to add a option to include a small preview screenshot for added scenery? best regards, Thomas
  22. Good Site and aircraft selection One Thing that should get attention is the North America Tour Banner Small Typo ;-) in it! North misses r Best regards Thomas
  23. in case you have made a bid via website make sure that you use right pilot prefix pre+pilotnumber especially if you changed your airline letter code it could happen that kACARS simply dont find your booked flight until you change it to current in you kACARS login profile I changed mine from IE to IVG kACARS doesnt found a bid so changed IE0001 to IVG0001 in kACARS login details and it load my bid into kACARS best regards Thomas
  24. how can that be done with the Beta Versions? seems that the file has changed since official release version since your code doesnt stand on line 783 any longer
  25. another idea for an update what I miss is the possibility to create categories for example a Sceneries where all credits regarding sceneries can be listed in otherwise it is great PS: small tip for other users if you add this at this scripts at the top of admin/templates/credits/credit_create.tpl and credit_edit.tpl <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL.'/lib/js/jqModal.js'; ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL.'/lib/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'; ?>"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js"></script> and replace the code for the description with that from below for credit_create.tpl <tr> <td>Description</td> <td><textarea id="editor" name="description" rows="4" cols="42" class="tinymce"><?php if(isset($credit)) {echo $credit['description'];} ?></textarea></td> </tr> and following for credit_edit.tpl <tr> <td>Description</td> <td><textarea id="editor" name="description" rows="4" cols="42" class="tinymce" ><?php echo $credit->description; ?></textarea></td> </tr> this way you can easily integrate tinymce editor which makes it easier to edit texts but always make a backup of the original file! best regards, Thomas
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