That is Great for Fleet page
absolutely no Problem with the percentage in Admin as that is only shown to me as Admin
I have another Problem when hitting repair I get
<�!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <�html><�head> <�meta content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type> <�meta name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 9.00.8112.16430"> <�/head> <�body> <�?php // Variables here $repdif= 100-"$aircraft->cond"; $repo= rand(40, 100); // Add random Repaircost modifier $repmax= 0.2; // Max Repaircosts from Buying Price 1 = 100% , 0.8 = 80% $repcost=(((((("$aircraft->price" *100)/"$aircraft->cond")/ 100)*("$repdif")/100)*"$repo")/100) *$repmax; $repcu= rand(0, 10); // Add random Repairtime modifier $reptime= "$repdif" + "$repcu"; // Repairtime with Random Modifier // VA Money without Balance $vatotal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(revenue) as revenue_sum FROM phpvms_pireps "); $vtot = mysql_fetch_assoc($vatotal); $vatotal2 = $vtot['revenue_sum']; //Raw $vatotal3 = round($vatotal2, 2); //Round $vatotal4 = number_format($vatotal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format // Fleet Price of all bought Aircrafts $vabal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Price) as Balance_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE bought = 1 "); $vbal = mysql_fetch_assoc($vabal); $vabal2 = $vbal['Balance_sum']; //Raw $vabal3 = round($vabal2, 2); //Round $vabal4 = number_format($vabal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format // Fleet Repair Cost of all Aircrafts $rep1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(repvalue) as rep_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft "); $rep2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep1); $rep3 = $rep2['rep_sum']; //Raw $rep4 = round($rep3, 2); //Round $rep5 = number_format($rep4, 2, '.', ','); //Format //************************************************ Money Balance here************************************ $Balance = -0; // Va Money Zeroing //******************************************************************************************************* // VA Money with Balance $vabatal = "$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3"; $vabaltal2 = number_format(("$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3" ), 2, '.', ','); //Raw //echo $vabaltal2; IF ($aircraft->cond <�=0) //Don�t Change this!!!! {$aendern = "UPDATE phpvms_aircraft Set cond = '1' WHERE registration = '{$aircraft->registration}'"; $update = mysql_query($aendern); } ?> <�/br> <�?php ?> <�h1><�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?> Repair Screen<�/h1> <�img src="/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar"> <�br> <�br> <�br> <�br> Current Condition: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->cond; ?> % <�/br> <�?php ?> <�table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter2"> <�tr> <�th align="center" >Time<�/th> <�th align="center">Value<�/th> <�/tr> <�/thead> <�tbody> <�td> Time and Date: <�/TD> <�td> <�?php //************************* $RMTIME*********************** $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); print $time; ?> <�/td> <�tr> <�td> Repair will be finished : <�/td> <�td> <�?php $date = time(); // aktuelles Datum //echo date('d.m.Y h:i:s', $date) . " ?> <�?php $stunden = $reptime; // z.B. ein Tag $enddatum = $date + ($stunden * 60 * 60); // Ein Tag sp�ter (stunden * minuten * sekunden) $datstring = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $enddatum) ; // Datum im DB-Format ?> <�?php $eurodate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datstring)); // Ins europ�ische Format umwandeln echo "$eurodate "; ?> <�/td> <�/tr> <�br> <�?php //Repair will be finished echo $newtime; ?> <�?php $repcost2= "$aircraft->repvalue" + "$repcost"; ?> <�br> <�br> <�table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <�thead> <�tr> <�th align="center" >To Repair<�/th> <�th align="center">Repair Price<�/th> <�th align="center" Repair Options<�/th> <�/tr> <�/thead> <�tbody> <�form action="<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <�tr> <�td align="center"><�?php echo $repdif ?>%<�/td> <�td align="center"><�?php echo number_format($repcost,2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?><�/td> <�td <�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�?php if ( $repcost > $vabaltal2) { ?> <�input name="price" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->price; ?>" /> <�input name="cond" type="hidden" value="100" /> <�input type="hidden" name="action" value="<�?php echo $action;?>" /> <�input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <�input name="name" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <�input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <�input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <�input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <�input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <�input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <�input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <�input name="bought" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->bought; ?>" /> <�input name="range" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <�input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <�input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <�input name="repvalue" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $repcost2; ?>" /> <�input name="rmtime" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $eurodate; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�input name="rep" type="hidden" value="1" /> <�input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="0" /> <�input type="submit" name="submit" value="Repair" /><�/td> <�/form> <�?php } else { echo "Not enough Money"; } ?> <�/tr> <�/tbody> <�/table> <�br> <�br> <�br> <�button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}" onclick="window.location='<�?php echo adminurl('/operations/buysellaircraft?id='.$aircraft->id);?>';">==>Back<�==<�/button> <�/body> <�/html>