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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. HI you need to access via the direct path so. /home/freshje1/public_html/code/
  2. Its in the admin section, i take it your finding that in your error logs as file does not exist? Just copy the file to the requested location, admin>lib>images off the top of my head not sure though
  3. Is there a way to populate the arr and dep dropdowns just with the icao's from the schedules? I have loaded in to the airports table the sql file from Dave and it lists all the fields which is massive so i want to restrict the population of teh dropdowns from the schedules. Would appreciate any guidance on this.
  4. The problem is the amount of resources available to scripts in your shared server, there is just too many sites fighting for resources. If you need help setting up on a new box im now in for the rest of the night and off work tomorrow.
  5. Have a look at their styles its on their site how to change the map.
  6. I had this problem and it was working its just the browser was caching the image, hit ctrl=F5 to see if its that.
  7. Yes i had this problem but was not sure if it was fixed or not.
  8. That's enough! Continue your private matters in private, this is not the place to air your laundry.
  9. Ok well its 8:30 here and i need to get out to work, im about later on and can help if you still need me. Basically just download all your files and then upload to the new server, then do a database dump of your existing db, import that to your new mysql db and then edit the local.config.php file with your new connection information. You will need to update the dns to your new server which can take up to 24 hours but is usually quicker than that, the only other thing to watch is your directory permissions, just make sure the correct directories have the correct permissions.
  10. Action.php is one of the main files for phpVMS, put simply, without it phpvms will not run. The file defines the modules path and the config files, also teh location of teh skins files so that file is used on every call which is why your host is complaining. Quite simply get a new host, if they are complaining about usage then the servers are over crowded and you are being restricted far too much to compensate for other sites on your server.
  11. Why do you need multipul accounts? Due to spam registrations you will find dupe accounts will be deleted or closed.
  12. Cheers, My training guy works for Rolls Royce so its based on a real dispatch note
  13. I have managed to hash something together, my ops guys seem impressed as an example you can have a look Here, if your not logged in then some of the variables like name wont be visible, i have not locked it down yet to logged in members as only testing. Its not complete yet as needs some other weights listing but you get the general idea. Call me sad but if you scan that barcode it does actually say something
  14. Sorry had to nip out, basically all you do is start it, you can configure passwords etc or just leave a default one inplace. You can also hook it up to a mysql database to read cid and passwords.
  15. What do you need to know?
  16. Ok so i had some time, you can add this to the mail_open.tpl | <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/delete/<?php echo $data->id;?>">Delete Message</a> For example line 35 in my template is now, <td colspan="2" align="left"><b><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/reply/<?php echo $data->thread_id;?>">Reply</a> | <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/delete/<?php echo $data->id;?>">Delete Message</a></b></td>
  17. You could try this This worked on the old V2 but not tested with V3, just look for the mail id and how its got from the reply to ensure teh correct variable.
  18. Im in the process of developing this now but the pilot can print it off.
  19. Make sure that folder the signatures has 777 permissions. Thanks the error, its unable to create the image.
  20. I have managed to get the following but don't really know what else to put if I'm honest. The only variable i can't seem to find is the load. The images below are from the site and then the print window,
  21. When i get home I will knock something up and post a pic.
  22. Top man, a bit of modifications and you have a ready made pilot briefing document Cheers
  23. Hi, Im trying to find the code where when you change the pilot group it will update another row in my database with the date time now. Currently i have an external cron making all pilots inactive if they have not flown a flight within 7 days of joining, this runs just after midnight every day so i need a way of putting in an exception when the account has been made active again by an admin so im going to put a AND rejoin greater than 7 days clause in the sql statement I just cant find that code in the system on the admin side to edit.
  24. I dont think there is no but that's a good idea, when i get the time i need to look at provide a dispatch document where all the load information is presented to the pilot with the routing and weather etc on a page where the pilot can download/print.
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