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  On 6/19/2011 at 5:16 PM, flyalaska said:


From your demo and my link I seem to be missing some functions.Charts and weather info are missing.

Yeah, I've been working on my version of the addon all day today, to add some more functionality to the airport info pages. If I get time tomorrow, I'll release an updated version of the addon, to include:


Airport Chart links

Departure Flights

Arrival Flights


Schedule count on airport table

If you want to see it in action, it's all live on my site: http://execair.org/index.php/airports

  On 6/19/2011 at 5:51 PM, stuartpb said:

Yeah, I've been working on my version of the addon all day today, to add some more functionality to the airport info pages. If I get time tomorrow, I'll release an updated version of the addon, to include:


Airport Chart links

Departure Flights

Arrival Flights


Schedule count on airport table

If you want to see it in action, it's all live on my site: http://execair.org/index.php/airports

Thank you! Works perfect. Been trying to get to show the number of dep.arr forever. Thanks for doing this.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,

I've found myself in a spot of bother :blink:

(Got to say the airport function on your site looks amazing B737PILOT!)

Now I've uploaded everything as it should be done, but I seem to be getting a similar error to Dimitris on the airport_info.tpl aswell on line 25!!

But reuploading doesn't seem to work.

I get this on EVERY airport:

ICAO: EGHH Country: United Kingdom

Latitude: 50.78 Longitude: -1.8425

Total Arrivals:

Fatal error: Class 'AirportData' not found in /home/chitchat/public_html/palmair/core/templates/airport_info.tpl on line 25

Strange huh! Really weird. The airport lists fine here: http://www.palmairva.com/index.php/airports

This is line 25:

<td><?php echo AirportData::getarrflights($name->icao); ?></td>

SOLVED: Sorry to cause such a panic, seems it was actually my own error. Airportdata.class.php failed on upload!!

Oh well, that's a relief. I really reccomend this to any VA CEOs :) Thanks.


I finally got to get to this download, as I was busy with other things. Works great right from the start. Now, All I need to do is tablize the .tpl and it will be complete.

Thanks Stuart - +1

  • 5 months later...

I've got an issue too.

For starters I must say that it works great, my compliments for that.

but here comes the problem. I've got 2 copies of my website; 1 dummy, which is used to test new stuff (so I don't destroy the real website) and then the real website.

On the dummy there are only about 30 airports in the database and it works splendid, but you probably hear it coming: on the real website, which has about 42000 airports in the database, it only shows a blank page. No content what so ever. Not even the navigation bar.

Both site are 100%¨identical , except for the database contents.

Could it be that the script can't handle this amount of airports?

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, but when I get back on the menu airports get this error, how can I solve. Thank you so much

Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid 
callback, 'Airports::airports' was given in /membri/testva/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Apologies for a bump, but figured I'd post it here, rather than ask a new question. I'm trying to include airport information into schedule briefing, to display Departure and Arrival Airport information, and I'm failing. I want the code to gain the ICAO from the schedule. Any ideas?

I was thinking, include a template, but then how do I tell the template to search for information from $schedule->depicao?

<?php Template::Show('airport_info.tpl'); ?>

<?php echo OperationsData::getAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); ?>


I got it as far as this, but I still can't include the template into the page :unsure: I only managed to make it appear as a link.

<div id="briefing_idTab2">
   <?php $depairport = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); ?>
   <?php echo '<a href=" '.SITE_URL.'/index.php/airports/get_airport?icao='.$depairport->icao.'">'.$depairport->icao.'</a>';?>

  • 7 years later...
  • Administrators

Did you download the module from the link in the first post? If not, where did you get it from? 

The module files in the first post do include the template files.


What version of phpVMS are you using? If phpVMS 5.5.2 or, you will need to convert the module files from .tpl to .php - this entails reviewing all the module files and changing any reference of .tpl to ,php and then renaming the template files from .tpl to .php

  • 2 years later...

im getting an error on line 28 for the airport.php


It will not display the airport arrival or departure total flights


<td><?php echo AirportData::getarrflights($name->icao); ?></td>

<td><?php echo AirportData::getdeptflights($name->icao); ?></td>


anybody have a fix?

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