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New Version is up

Curent Version of APVacars is

and module version is


I would like to present you APVacars.

APVacars is an opensource Log/Acars System for PHPvms.

APVA is created in Visual Basic 2010 and uses FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET By Paul Henty for the comunication between APVA and Flight Simulator software.

Also APVA uses a modified module created by fs-products.net for the comunication with PHPvms .

Below i have some screenshots

Main Form


Flight Information


Weather Briefing


If you are an admin at your V.A and something hapened with a pilot of your's you can resend the Pirep


About Box


APVA is licenced under

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

That means you are free to modify everything except the About Box as it hold's all referenced to all modules and DLL's that i have used and also not making a profit by selling it.

Source Code can be founded on GitHub


PHPvms Module


The Installer of the software if you dont want to mess with code


Please tell me what you think and what else would be nice to be added

All recomendadions would be acceced and if possible implemented on next versions

If you find any bug please let me know so i can fix it

The only thing that you have to do is

Copy the module that you have donwloaded from gitHub into your phpvms setup

Open the software insert your information in the settings and you are ready to bid and fly.

  • Like 6

FsPassengerX support up 7 characters in flight number. APVA only show 6.


If you are connected already to fsuipc and you go to APVA menu "flight simulatior connection" and click in connect, you recive a error:


See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #1: FSUIPC_ERR_OPEN. The connection to FSUIPC is already open.
at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open(Byte ClassInstance, Int32 RequiredFlightSimVersion)
at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open()
at APVA.FrmMain.ConnectToolStripMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.onclick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.onmouseup(MouseEventArgs mea)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.onmouseup(MouseEventArgs mea)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativewindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativewindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Nativewindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.586 (RTMLDR.030319-5800)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///D:/Program%20Files/APVacars/APVA.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 10.0.30319.1 built by: RTMRel
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.2001 built by: RTMLDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.450 built by: RTMLDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.2003 built by: RTMLDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.2001 built by: RTMLDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.1 (RTMRel.030319-0100)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Runtime.Remoting.dll
Assembly Version: 2.3.4779.5
Win32 Version: 2.3.4779.5
CodeBase: file:///D:/Program%20Files/APVacars/FSUIPCClient.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.1 (RTMRel.030319-0100)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.450 built by: RTMLDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
<system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

its not a mayor problem, you can contine normally.

A good thing to be added may be:

-select the actual aircraft from DB or similar.

-the log not regist the true airplane used, if the VA have prohibited fly 100nm with a 747, the admins can't check this.

-when you have landed and after put parking brake your status change to boarding, not to arrived or similar.

-when you stay in ground and put off parking brakes your status change to landed, not taxi to runway or similar.

-the status word "desending" is wrong, may be "descending".

-When you are "aproaching" the status show "departing".

Good luck with the program.


  • Members

Landing Rate is recorded and writen in the

Additional Log Information:

in the format of

You landed @ 180 knots and with 150 vertical speed

As far as i saw there is no specified place in the table to put the landing rate

If there is please inform me and i will put it.

-Fixed FsPassengerX support up 7 characters in flight number. APVA only show 6.

-Already done so the info is in Flight Information select the actual aircraft from DB or similar.

-Fixed the log not regist the true airplane used, if the VA have prohibited fly 100nm with a 747, the admins can't check this.

-In progress when you have landed and after put parking brake your status change to boarding, not to arrived or similar.

-In progress when you stay in ground and put off parking brakes your status change to landed, not taxi to runway or similar.

-Fixed the status word "desending" is wrong, may be "descending".

-In progress When you are "approaching" the status show "departing".

Good luck with the program.


I will finish with the rest and then upload the new version.

Also added

Version control so that you know if you have the latest version - admin's will be able to see if they have the latest module

  • Members

New Version is up

Curent Version of APVacars is beta

Admins do not forget to update the module asswell

Source Code can be founded on GitHub


PHPvms Module


And APVacars client can be downloaded from


1 -Fixed FsPassengerX support up 7 characters in flight number. APVA only show 6.

2 -Already done so the info is in Flight Information select the actual aircraft from DB or similar.

3 -Fixed the log not regist the true airplane used, if the VA have prohibited fly 100nm with a 747, the admins can't check this.

4.a -Fixed when you have landed and after put parking brake your status change to boarding, not to arrived or similar.

4.b -Fixed when you stay in ground and put off parking brakes your status change to landed, not taxi to runway or similar.

now when you have landed and you are without brakes status will be taxiing to gate

now when you have landed and you are witht brakes status will be ofloading passengers

5 -Fixed the status word "desending" is wrong, may be "descending".

6-Fixed When you are "approaching" the status show "departing".

now status is approaching

7- if you use the default client and there is a new version you will get a message on program startup

8- Landing rate is now registering as it should in pirep table

People that have changed the design and do not want to do it all over again just open both projects and copy paste the code in each form without altering the design

if you have any questions feel free to ask.

also for people that do not know VB.2010 this is a verry nice tutorial


If i did it you can do it asswel :)

I would like to thank the people that are trying the software and reporting back their findings.

and again if you find anything or you think that something is missing let me know .

Happy flying

  • Like 2
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New version is up

Curent Version

No need for module update.

Features added

Now sim rate is recorded in flightlog

Now pause status is recorded in flightlog

When the flight is paused flghttime stops counting when you resus he flight the flighttime starts again to count

Source Code can be founded on GitHub


PHPvms Module


And APVacars client can be downloaded from



I get this error:

Unable to load Jit Compiler (clrjit.dll): file may be missing or corrupt.

Please check or rerun setup.

Have reinstalled two times and downloaded and installed the newest version. What to do?


There is one error though, whenever you start your flight with parking brakes on it says offloading passengers? And when you release them after preflight it says taxi to gate on the virtual airline flight map?

Also in the log it doesn't seem to report pushback, taxing to runway etc but I suppose maybe it's not included.

Anyway, great addon and I wish you good luck with developing it :)

  • Members

JIT compiler is a part of (re-distributed) .NET Framework,

Can you please tell us with framework you have installed ? APVacars needs Framework 4 do be installed

also this messages come's also from a corrupted Framewrok that is installed on your system

Try this

1.Download http://blogs.msdn.co...p_5F00_tool.zip

2. Run Cleanup_tool.exe

3.Clik on Cleanup Now (It will take a while)

4. Download and run http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=17851

And the you will be ready to install.

  • Like 1
  • Members

New Version is up

Curent Version of APVacars is

and module version is

Admins do not forget to update the module asswell

Source Code can be founded on GitHub


PHPvms Module


And APVacars client can be downloaded from


Bug that didnt updated the distance in AcarsMap fixed

New feature added progressbar see Screen shot


If you have any problem's or you find a bug please let me know

Happy flying

  • Members

it still says

case 'version':       
                       echo '';


Please check

You need to update the module download it from github and replace the one that you have now

  • Members

There is one error though, whenever you start your flight with parking brakes on it says offloading passengers? And when you release them after preflight it says taxi to gate on the virtual airline flight map?

Also in the log it doesn't seem to report pushback, taxing to runway etc but I suppose maybe it's not included.

Anyway, great addon and I wish you good luck with developing it :)

I will have a look at it and fix it asap

  • Members

Another bug is that the password is requiered, but you can type any password you want and it will login, so other members are able to log in and fly as other pilots due of this password bug.

I will have a look at it and fix it asap

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