Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Does anyone use SMF 2 and is the SSI to show latest post on your frontpage_,main.php? I had a code that worked years ago, that doesn't work anymore. I am downgrading from IPB. Now I remember why I left I can't seem to get it too work. As shown in the SSI example I have this code on the top of the <html> <?php require("/home/flyakaco/public_html/forums/SSI.php"); ?> and have this to display the latest post, on my frontpage_main.php <?php ssi_recentPosts(); ?> I get an error and my site is all whacked. Fatal error: Call to undefined function ssi_recentPosts() in /home/flyakaco/public_html/lib/skins/flyalaska_1.0/frontpage_main.php on line…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Has now been resolved and he has taken it down and changed it
Last reply by Ashj24uk, -
- 3 replies
We have a new airline getting started up trying to learn the phpvms system and get it going with out airline. Hope to possibly get some help with a few things but that's for another topic and another day! Thanks for looking! This is our A319 livery with our dark grey/blue, lime green, light blue and white. We have other color schemes for our other Airbus family aircraft and small craft as well. Hope to post more soon!
Last reply by pedrobrandine, -
- 3 replies
Can anybody who has the GoAir schedules pass them here? I am starting a new VA and need them
Last reply by elfrost, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello Unfortunately I did not know in which category this belongs, so off topic. I'm trying to pass password changes and registrations to the WBB4 forum. I have already created a new function in "RegistrationData.class.php" public static function ChangePasswordForum($pilotid, $newpassword) { #Find Firstname in phpvms DB $sql = 'SELECT firstname FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots` WHERE pilotid =\'' . $pilotid . '\''; $firstname = DB::get_results($sql); #load Forum Stuff require_once '../../'; #Prepare Forum DB Search and execute $newpilotid = sprintf('%03d',$pilotid); $forumname = '{…
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 2 replies
I'm finishing up the import, but I'm trying to decide on something;Can you guys make a plain page, with this: <?php $reader = simplexml_load_file('');print_r($reader); ?> Just paste in what it says, I'm just seeing if the extension is enabled on your servers (it's supposed to be by default)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone,I am CEO/Founder of the Virtual Airline "FlyZen". We are currentlyusing the PHPVMS system and are loving the simplicity of it aswellas the usability and the customization as far is the system goes. But myself and others among my staff agree that it cold use a little cutomization per airline , so we are creating PHPVMS[DEFINITIVE], a completley new project built of of the PHPVMS system. it will still have relativley the same feel as the project and will only mod a few key aspects of the system such as--A message center allowing for Administration and members to communicate between eac other wiht ease-A very different aproach to FSACARS will be added, using c…
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 2 replies
I have an account at Flyawaysimulation. As part of an ongoing thing of mine, I continue to update my post: I've added and removed things as they have come and gone. I hope that Phpvms becomes something great.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 2 replies
Hi I wounder if there is a free webbhost site where i can publish my page on! im not so good at this so i wounder if someone can help to publish my site,i dont which pages and php and Databases who i will uppload on the page! I hope there is someone out there who can help to create a page? Best regards Joakim Gustafsson
Last reply by Adam., -
- 2 replies
Hello! I like to which all a nice and a good Happy new Year and i hope everybody will have a nice and good 2009! Best regards Joakim Gustafsson
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 2 replies
i am in the need for a website builder that is fimluar to phpvms. if interseted please email me at and please put in the subject phpvms thanks
Last reply by Leiserson, -
- 2 replies
Are there any plans to make users that are less than admin, but more than standard users? The reason I ask, is because in the future, I would like to have my hub managers have access to approving new pilots and pireps, without having access to the entire admin pannel.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 2 replies
i want to make the colors change on my live map for when the pilots fly. is there anything i have to do . if so what and where is this code that i am supposed to use example:climbing=Green,Decending=yellow, cruising=blue, on the ground=red.
Last reply by Coolkid122, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I use phpvms in my computer as a local server. If incase I want to move it to a different computer how would I back it up? I know the permissions should be reset again as they don't transffer as set to write and read. Anybody who tried this? Thanks, ermias
Last reply by ermias, -
- 2 replies
A united Airways Plane Crashed in the Hudson river All passangers Servied and Crew and Pilots On Jan 15,2009
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 2 replies
A Turkish Airlines B737-800 Crashed as it was trying to land Near Amsterdam Sadly 9 People Died in this Accendent including 3 crew and both pilot an co-pilot
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I was wondering if I change the FsPax cfg or the FACARS cfg can i send the pirep information to multiple databases at once ? Or is is possible to have one database on a server that can be accessed by websites on other servers ? I ask because i have two websites, on two different servers and would like to show information about pireps flown from my airline on my other website. since i am a css and php virgin I thought that i would ask here first. thanks
Last reply by kbohme, -
Test this site for me
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, I have created this site: When I use it, it can be slow to load, and I sometimes have to refresh once or twice before it works. Please test it for me, and tell me it you have these problems. Maybe it's just me. Thanks.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
by RogerB- 2 replies
If you fly on VATSIM here is the official PHP site where you can show who is on line.
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, Im new to the forums here at PHPvms. My new VA, Cirrus Air has recently run aground in regards to our system, before we did have a coder helping us create a personalized/custom system only to find that he was only building his own va with tips and helpers from how we built our own. Two days before our planned opening he decided to leave us with an incomplete system and forced us to pushback our opening until the 20th of May, maybe even further. We had to choose this pushback date because the only person we could find to help us out has exams until then. We've already decided to use PHPvms and our new guy still cant help until the 20th, but we need to open or p…
Last reply by Jeremy B, -
- 2 replies
Would it be possible to create a map of the places each pilot has flown, a new route added everytime they submit a pirep and it is accepted? Cheers Dan C
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 2 replies
When upon transferring the mySQL database info to another server, I was wanting to delete the schedules in the file, but would that wreck it in any way. I attached it to this post for further looking.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
Video Software
by Guest N402KC- 2 replies
Can i get a name or a link to the video recording software that the phpVMS video tutorials were made with? Thanx
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I Have this code to connect to the XML document on our FShost server, but it is not displaying each player, only one...if anyone could edit to suit, or explain to me why this is happening it would be great. <?php // XML Page $feed_url = ""; # INITIATE CURL. $curl = curl_init(); # CURL SETTINGS. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,"$feed_url"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0); # GRAB THE XML FILE. $xmlX = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); # SET UP XML OBJECT. # Use either one of these, depending on revision of PHP. # Comment-out the line you are not using. …
Last reply by G-NEWC, -
- 2 replies
SpringsAir Airlines is hiring for a web design coder. Musts: have experience have proof of work applied at As far as the operational aspect We are currently rebuilding our website system to include some new things. like: Automatic teamspeak registration New Website skin Dafsim and much much more. Grand Reopeaning is TBA. Current Stage: Building Stage
Last reply by Coolkid122, -
- 2 replies
Sorry for posting here, but am using one of your skins from your work shop and have a quick question about it. Am using it to learn the skinning system and tweaking a bit here and there. I fixed the ACARS map. It would not show at all. Only a gray back ground. Now I have this simple ( to some one ), but elusive to me issue. Check out my pilots page if you have a second. Notice I have 2 hubs. KMCI and KSUS Look what happens when it shows the 2 hubs pilots. I compared the code to Crystal and it is the same and it does not do that in Crystal. I'm a bit cornfused ;D
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I just wanted to get some opinions on what would be the best work flow for website creating with php & mysql. It seems like my current way of doing things is very inefficient, I currently use dreamweaver and usually just copy and paste to my Cpanel for some reason I don't like the FTP stuff with dreamweaver. I also watch one of the tutorials looks like .net was being used in it? I think I am looking for the best way to edit locally and upload everything after I am done. I have used WAMP in the past, but it didn't last long. Any ideas? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I have had a look for queries about this and couldn't find an answer. Could we have the option of using lbs/kg and $/€? Having frieght weight as lbs but fuel as kg will lead to problems for the beginners going between cargo and pax. I understand lbs better than kg. FS will show the fuel as either lbs or gallons, not seen it in kg or liters yet. I'm just thinking of the new admins like myself who have been caught out with the differences. Nice tool Nabeel, best one out I think.
Last reply by vcal, -
- 2 replies
For conversions... I suck at these... // Convert units from gallons to lbs if(self::$unit == 'lbs') { $result->jeta = $result->jeta / 6.4; // 6.4 pounds per gallon $result->lowlead = $result->lowlead / 6.4; } elseif(self::$unit == 'kg' || self::$unit == 'kgs') { $result->jeta = ($result->jeta / 6.4) * .45359; $result->lowlead = ($result->lowlead / 6.4) * .45359; } Basically I start with the fuel price, per gallon. Then to convert to price per lb, divide by 6.4. To KG, I convert to lbs, then multiply by .45 to get to kg. This correct, seems rig…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
SpringsAir Airlines is hiring for the following positions Website Designer(Must know php and html and css) Fleet Repainter( Already have design) click the link to APPLY Thanks for looking........
Last reply by Coolkid122,