Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello People! Since 1 month, I've been working for a skin for phpvms. I've developed the skin and a VA has already bought it! Some screenies of Login Page, Register Page, Pilot/Crew Center and Flight Board are attached with this post! Its a payware HTML template from Themeforest which I've converted for phpVMS ! Dashboard: Flight Board: VistaID: Charter System: Group Flights Module: VistaInvite System: VistaChallenge (Assign new challenges to your pilots): Login Page: Preloader:
Last reply by Yash, -
- 4 replies
Hello all, Currently working on a skin for the phpVMS admin panel for a virtual airline I'm staff on. Once complete I'll probably release it if there's interest for it. Also avaliable to customise this for your virtual airline and change anything, pm me if interested. Here's a preview of the new navbar which replaces the default sidebar (I'll be adding more images as I progress with this) Feedback would be appreciated
Last reply by LukeW, -
- 4 replies
So it seems that the Admin Template that I was using, Elmer, does not work with PHPVMS. What other admin templates are compatible? How do I know that a template will work? Thanks for the help, Braeden
Last reply by BraedenD, -
- 4 replies
Hi, A bit new to the PHPVMS realm, unfortunately I inherited the task to maintain and overhaul our systems after our CIO left and I haven’t found a replacement yet. We are currently using iCrew lite, which I personally like. But it doesn’t seem like many updates and support are happening for it. are there any good skins worth considering with good support and updates? We use the bid system in iCrew, so any skin we consider needs to have something like it. A few things I don’t like about iCrew: the search route function is a drop down menu of all my airports rather than a field I can type the ICAO on, this would save a lot of time.
Last reply by miniarma, -
Hi there I use the "Blueice" skin. How can I change the color of the Navbar? I've searched every CSS, but I'm not getting smart.
Last reply by Firebird, -
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Hello, its been a while since I have visited. If you have an html site already in use, one can use your documentation to integrate this system in to a site correct? To make it look the way you want is what I mean.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Can phpVMS work togheter with Joomla, XOOOPS and other CMS?
Last reply by BBuchanan, -
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I have a question to do with my site. I was wondering which way would be most efficient to have a "front page" like Dave's at Eastern Virtual? I don't mean his layout (which is nice) but rather having a page before the index.php. (Just like an enter page)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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hi everyone, i have zero knowledge about php script, html etc. etc.. i have recently started a new VA for Vatsim India. And i now wanna create a good looking homepage as i didn't like the PHPVMS homepage.. it should have my VA's logo, new pilot's and again a nice attractive site.. please help me i have to promote VATIND thanks, Chaitanya Kaul
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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After some hard work, I am almost finished with my new site design. Two things, though, are holding me back. (Don't worry about the home image, it will be changed.) 1. Color. Initially, the template had a black/gray background, so I changed it to blue in photoshop. Does it look too purple? 2. On custom pages, how do I center the title (highlighted text shown in the photo)? Also, does anybody have a FSPassengers "button" I can put under my partners?
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
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Hey guys, I have been working on my site alot and finally got it almost done, small problem i am having is that on diffrent web browsers the site looks diffrently. I dont know how to fix so if you can please help . Thank you Thank you
Last reply by Strider, -
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this code in the acarsmap .tpl make that the navigation menu and the arr. and dep. icon missing the transparatie in the live window <div id="main">
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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After much tweaking I think I got it... Comments are welcome and requested. Thanks
Last reply by kbohme, -
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This 'skinning' thing is not easy ! They all say it is, but they lie ! First you must learn css, html, sql, php, etc., etc ..... I am happy with my first try at intergrating this great phpVMS project to my VA: The phpVMS starts under the 'Operations' menu item. The current site is: we have a lot to move, but it will be easier to do with phpVMS. Many thanks Nabeel ! Mike
Last reply by RogerB, -
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Hi <img src="images/homepage16.jpg" alt="" width="202" height="226" class="left" /> <h2><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h2> <p><?php echo html_entity_decode($body);?></p> <p>Posted by <?php echo $postedby;?> on <?php echo $postdate;?></p> This is what I have in the file "news_newsitem". I want to see this or another picture if you post a picture in the "news". This image should have the following specifications (width="202" height="226" class="left"). If it is not inserted any image into the news, nothing will happen, other than that the text is posted Is it possible and which file must I c…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hello auguem have a php or html code of statistics for the total value of the home riders, acrafit total, total hours, total flights, full logs, it helps
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hi all, i present you Volovirtuale Virtual Airline . It's still under construction.. Do you like it ?
Last reply by vvair, -
Hey Guys, I've been trying to skin my website up but to be honest I have no artistic flare when it comes to things like this. I can build websites when I get a designer to "draw" it for me ;D So i'm looking for someone who may be able to assist me with skinning up my site. If anyone can help please drop me a PM i'm willing to pay if required to get a decent skin made. Cheers Guys!
Last reply by Ben, -
- 3 replies
HI I am makeing a website I need help makeing a skin please could someone help me with it. My email is
Last reply by RogerB, -
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Could anybody tell me what the sidebar codes and quick login (eg, Frontpage of Crystal) codes are?
Last reply by Strider, -
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Hi there, I have to say that I have very much enjoyed working with your software so far, and am very happy with the results I am getting using it. One thing I would like to be able to do though, is to add drop down menus to the main nav bar, as I am hoping to expand on the site quite alot. Could anyone give me any pointers on how would be best to do this please? Much appreciated, Stu. PS Here's a linkie to the site:
Last reply by joeri, -
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Hey guys just wanted to take a small poll here... Which design do you like better? #1 (This I designed from scratch, but it has its issues) #2 (This on I am still working on, it stated as a template but doesn't resemble the original template at all anymore.) Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Tom, -
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I am a newcomer to phpVMS, and am glad I found it to be honest. I nearly bought VaBase before I come across phpVMS. I have been messing around with the system for a week or so, and have finally come up with a look I am 75% happy with. I am leaving the site as is for now though, until I can get some second opinions. I have to concentrate on getting a forum on the site next and to try and get it as seamless as I can. Anyone who can offer some feedback on the site as it is now, it would be very welcome. Cheers, Stu PS thx for the hard work on phpVMS guys, I for one definitely appreciate it!
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hello Guys! Is there anybody here would be able to make a AWESOME site for my VA? Or well, a skin and maybe modify some .tpl files. - Emil
Last reply by EENielsen, -
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Can i skin by joomla, how?
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Hey Guys, Well i finally figured out how to allign my columns to the top of the cell, instead of having them in the middle because one is bigger than the other. so i put the code in and both are perfectly alligned to the top but now there is a large amount of unwanted white space between the intro and the video and the ads and the tabs... any ideas?? Home page: HTML code that i didnt paste here as it would take up too much space Thanks, Daryl
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi Guys, The site is still a work in progress but almost complete. I would love to hear some comments before I completely finalise it. Nabeel or anyone else with the know how. How do I include a separate php page. The complete list of links in the bottom are now a permanent fixture in the Layout.tpl file, originally I wanted to use the standard <?php include ("bottom_links.php"); ?> but that just would not work at all. I also renamed the file to bottom_links.tpl and use the standard templateShow to bring it into action, but that would not work either. What have I done wrong? Looking forward to your comments regarding the site Cheers
Last reply by selwynorren, -
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Newly i decided to start Scandinavian Airlines system VA. an Airline that is Based on SAS. but now i need some help with the Skin/Logo design for SAS VA . i have an Budget that Goes up to 40EUR. what i requier from the Designer: - Experience - Preiw of Earlyer works - an good reputation Carl r Kristiansen Scandinavian Airlines VA
Last reply by EENielsen, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone. Im brand new here, and Ive been having a lot of problems trying to set up my new VA site. Before I ask for anything, yes I have searched through the forum, google and everything else to try to find an answer. I am wanting to make a nice custom site using phpVMS. I sort of understand the concept of using css, along with html, and then throwing in the use of template files. I found a website design I'd like to use for my site, and the website was built using a css style. My question is: how do I configure my website, so that it will be able to use the phpVMS? Do I use the template files code, and insert them on each page of html that I making? I am tota…
Last reply by airline-alliance, -
Hello guys I am trying to make some phpvms templates in order to share them with others 1 of the problems that i faced is the google map size i tried to read the google map api but no succes so i would apreciate any help my problem is that the google map is out of the center of the page to the right Example so if anybody can explain to me how can i resize the map it would be nice Thanks in advance
Last reply by Michael,