Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I was wondering if thre are examples out there of sites that use a different log in/registration interface with phpvms so that way guests or other are limited in what they see. I am familiar with re-arranging navigation items based on the vanilla crystal skin. However, what i want to try to do is have a single page that would show for the site, that would have the login just for va members and basic VA joining information. I just want to get some ideas on what is out there or what folks may have done as I am new to phpvms. I also wanted know if others have ever modified their registration_mainform.php file and was it a hard thing to do? Regards, Nat
Last reply by ryanek20, -
- 3 replies
Here are the errors I am receiving while trying to use any theme... Help?! Error at the header of the page: Notice: The template file "/home/skywes25/public_html//lib/skins/flight/header.php" doesn't exist in /home/skywes25/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 The Error at the footer of the page: Notice: The template file "/home/skywes25/public_html//lib/skins/flight/footer.php" doesn't exist in /home/skywes25/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 See it for yourself here: Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
Last reply by Rickisani, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys! It's the Tech guy here from SkyWest Virtual! I have some issues that I just can't figure out myself and it would be much appreciated if someone could help me! One: White URL text. Two: Everything on the page is just shoved to the side?! If anyone can help that'd be much appreciated! - Max. SKW Tech Admin.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 3 replies
Looking for a new skin for my VA. PM me please .
Last reply by mattsmith, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys. According to my post topic and the gif below. The problem is pretty self explanatory. I just started work on this website and I am already having issues. Anyone to help please? Thanks.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
i have managed to install PHPVMS and have it running. However after getting it to run i realized that my install doesnt look like the ones i saw on the tutorial videos. When i go to my domain it is just text, there is no admin panel, no search bar, nothing. first pic shows what i was expecting it to look like, second pic shows what it looks like when i installed. I believe it is a problem with the CSS, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by web541, -
- 3 replies
O'Que happened the free modules simpilotgroup were deleted the links to download????? is error modules download
Last reply by pedrobrandine, -
- 3 replies
Hey, I am making a new template to go perfectly with Mark Swan's CrewCenter! Stay updated on the github page. You guys will really love this! I plan to make skins of demoVA up to v5. The Current one will be v1. It will come with a phpVMS installer (for new VAs [both .PHP & .tpl]). But the first one I will release will be the .PHP version (phpVMS 5.5.x). Have a read through the file on github. I'll keep you posted and when everything is released I will post a new thread in the "Releases" section of this forum! ---------------------- I offer phpVMS web design along with CrewCenter for competitive prices! Check out…
Last reply by Max, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I recently installed CrewCenter by Mark Swan on my PHPVMS, but when I login to it, I just get PHP’s white screen of death. The login page works fine, and I can manually access the admin panel after login. I am on Nabeel’s PHPVMS 5.5.2 with PHP 5.3. I have followed all of the instructions regarding PHP 5.5.x on the CrewCenter thread. I am using the admin account for all of this. The location of the site is: Does anyone have any ideas as to how this could be fixed? Cheers, VirtualAirMalta
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
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I purchased the Crazy Creatives Skin called JetSet Basic. I have it installed and have my home page setup for the most part. Was wondering if anyone has used this skin. I cannot figure out how to add more menu names to the navigation bar as well as create additional pages. Can this be done on this skin or do you have to buy there modules? Been waiting to become a verified member for their forum to ask these questions, but haven't heard anything back. Any help and/or ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Perry Fincher
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I am trying to get skins on my website but all I seem to be getting is white screens with writing. Even with the most basic to install like deep blue. I am using Phpvms 5.5.2. Can anyone help please? Much appreciated below is the example of StislaSkin skin. I have tried clear blue also with the same results. whej trying deep blue I was able to get other pages to work like pilots page but not the home page
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
- 2k views What do you think?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
I may just be dense, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to change my site's appearance effectively. I have managed changing the images and colors and such, but as far as the actual layout and placement of things, all I have managed to do is move crap around in a non productive fashion. I made a file called test.php. In it I have <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $title ?></title> <?php …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
ok I got the header and footer done but I have a few problems I have watched all the tutorials and there is nothing that says were to put the part of code that is between the header and the footer.. also now the main info that goes between the header and footer has now lost all formatting.. i have included a pic to help u understand my problem..
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys.... well im request a quick convert of my new web template to a phpvms skin i will pay if necessary. Im not really good at converting and splicing things etc and yes ive seen and read the tutorials but im really busy with other duties and rebuild other parts of my website (after a server crash). Im available on PM.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 2 replies
Ok, after much work, and a very steep learning curve, and LOTS of help from y'all I have finally got a skin that I think i can work with. All thats left ot figure out is the CSS code that effects the headers when it comes to padding....and a couple of other things... BUT I wanted to thank everyone for all the help.. the airline isn't running yet, but if y'all want to see what all your help has created, there it is. Keep in mind that it is still a work in progress....
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
ok...I got fed up with trying to modify others skins.... so i made my own from scratch.... comments and suggestions would be welcome...
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
We have finally released our new skin thanks to Zendev for making the skin for us.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, I am in need of some assistance with a good skin. Here was one skin I was testing with:, but the template was very annoying to skin. I like the frontpage layout, though and would love to find a skin similar. I would try to create my own, but I am not that experienced to do so. Any good suggestions of an appropriate template for this? Or could somebody help work on one for me? I can skin, so a template is enough, not the completed .tpl files for the site. Any questions or clarifying of something I said you may post below. It's getting late, so I may not make much sense. :-[ Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Today Citybird has a brand new layout, that are based on the Paintshop template and fully operatoinal with the great piece of sofware phpVMS 8)
Last reply by RogerB, -
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I am currently skinning my phpVMS. On the sidebar instead of having the latest pilot and flights just on the home page, I want them on every page so I have put them in the sidebar however when I put this code in: <h2>Our Latest Recruit</h2> <p> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 1); </p> and on the page it says The "</p>" is on line 36. I might be just not thinking right, because its 01:08 in the morning here lol however I am pretty sure it should work. If you could help then it'd be great. Its pretty much just a coding issue I think though. I might suddenly figure it out or it springs to mind but I am not su…
Last reply by goldenairways, -
- 2 replies
I tried adding Google Translate by adding the following script to footer.tpl. <script src=""></script> It works except for the complaint that the Google Map key is invalid (since the translated page is displayed on Google's site). I can live with that, but don't like the idea of its removing the viewer from my site. I tried to get the translated page to display in a newwindow by using target="_blank", but that doesn't work. Anyone know of a way I can get the translated page to display …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
hi i just got a new skin i uploaded i to my server and it doesn't show in my skins list all there is is crystal and crystal sidebar here is the list of the files --images ---arrow.png ---arrow_select.png ---logo.png ---menu.png ---menu_sel.png ---pattern.png -colour.css -frontpage_main.tpl -header.tpl -pirep_viewreport.tpl -pirep_viewall.tpl -route_map.tpl -schedule_searchform.tpl
Last reply by alexcunningham, -
by Guest chikolol- 2 replies
You know is amazing how people want to create virtual airlines and such a few portion actually sucessed. You guys have to know that making a va is like making a real airline just virtually, save money if you know your not up for the challenge, is best give that hosting money to charity or donate it to your local hospital! do something rather useful with it! Point is! i am willing to help anyone with their va site and operations , is ashame that such a good system like this has poor skins and people just dont have the skill, i will RESCUE ALL OF YOU! every person thats using this system reply to this with your va link i will remake your entire site with in 2 weeks each giv…
I am working on a new skin, will release in the next few days. I am still Adding some features at this point. have a look and let me know what you think. This skin will have some VATSIM integration, PHPVMS addons installed and some other stuff.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Ok so I am the first to admit, I am ok at integrating a bunch of things most of the time, but skinning is NOT up my alley at all. I watched the skinning tutorials and the guy said he found a simple template to use. Am I correct in saying this guy found a forum template? Or are they plain jane html website templates that he is modifying? I am having real issues figuring this out. I am looking for some place to find free templates from so I can get a layout that I like that I can alter to my liking. Any suggestions? Thanks Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Ok, this probably sounds like a simple question, but I don't have much experience with javascript. I noticed the majority of va's have it so when you roll over one of the buttons in the navbar, it changes color and a submenu drops down from it. Could anyone give me a program to use to do this or base javascript to work with? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hey i am currently looking for a skinner to skin me a new design to replace i lost all the original skin files so i am looking for a better more professional replacement, i am willing to pay. If i could could i see some of your previous skinning works? PM ME or email if interested.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 2 replies
Someone know how i can change the color text of the signature ? Thankyou
Last reply by vicente, -
- 2 replies
How to change, and where in which file, position of login screen and position of bid flights page, pireps page, finances and so on...(h3 i think)...I have changed site so i can put iframe in it, with those pages inside...i was able to change first page (home) and i think map, but others i cant find where to change...soon as i reinstall this all i will try to fix that...
Last reply by shiljo,