Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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Hey all i am currently looking fo some one to help me creat a skin for my Virtual Airline, i can provide Logo Background and any information i just need someone to put it together for me thanks. CEO- ThoamsCook Virtua Oliver roper
Last reply by nevada, -
Hey, When I am veiwing a PIREP on the site and when I see view log and I click and it does nothing, but the log was already popped up. What is wrong with the log button and why is the log always showing without pushing the log button.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Ciao ragazzi, ho anche questo errore durante l'installazione della chiarezza della pelle per PHPVMS 5 Il file modello /home/ta3xnt1x/public_html/phpvms5//lib/skins/clarity/footer.tpl non esiste in /home/ta3xnt1x/public_html/phpvms5/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php alla riga 248 Non sono super esperto e non riesco a trovare nulla per poterlo risolvere Grazie mille per l'aiuto
Last reply by ProAvia, -
by Graeme Davis- 0 replies
hi i have just started my own va Bmi Baby Virtual i have got phpvms all set up just need to get a new skin for my website could anyone help.
Last reply by Graeme Davis, -
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Not sure if this was a skinning question or general support. As you all know I have been around for a few 3 or 4 months now and loving every minute of it so far. Now when I update, I look at the change log and it shows what templates were changed, but it does not say exactly what needs to be changed. I might be missing something some where. that I am not sure. Now talk about feeling like a complete newbie. I am running my template with minimal updates to it that I was running way back from october or november of last year. I fear it is so far out of date now, I need to copy a fresh crystal template and rename it and start over.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Current USA Flight Club Pilot Center, feedback would be great... More features to come..... Regards,
Last reply by Allan, -
- 2 replies
Ok, I am thinking of updating the software but i wonder if someone could help me out. When i replace all of the core etc what will i have to fix in the template? I am using Obsess Blue. I have edited some of the files in the core will i loose them? And what about the local.config file will that be the same so like Auto retire etc. Thank you Very Much Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 1 reply
I want to make a column on the right of the page for adverts which will all be images around 150px wide. Should I add the CSS in the frontpage_main.tpl?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Is there anyway to get dropdowns in Brialliance Template?
Last reply by joeri, -
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Hi again peeps, Just a quick question, which I hope someone may be able to help with. I am trying to display the logs of the FSACARS and FSPAX PIREP logs within a table on the report page, but can't do it. I can place the results in a table, but I wanted each line of the log to be a new cell with shading etc. Could anyone let me know if this is possible please? I have searched and can't find what I am after. Cheers, Stu PS, I am getting each line of the FSPAX logs starting with the letter n before each first word, any ideas on how to remove?
Last reply by stuartpb, -
- 1 reply
can you tell me how to mak it in table
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hello All!! I know that this request has already been done here: I can not put the drop down menu for the defaul crystall skin. Can someone help me with a tuorial? Thanks for the help!! best regards
Last reply by Jeff, -
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Hi! How can I modify the background color for the active tab in the schedule search page? Thanks!
Last reply by EricThePanic, -
need help with Brilliance
by Guest- 0 replies
good day all i have something problem in my site first in the register i got some data error the register work but i have something Warning top of the register page The second problem i can't found baton Log out and i can't add it The third problem i want know how can i change my menu and how i can add more items in it all i try to add items in the menu don't show and i want know how can i remove the last news from the home page and final i want know how can i change my background carol my site ty all
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Can someone tell me were I download or were do I go to add the airline status bar like on this site
Last reply by Dominican Airways, -
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How do I change the links where it says Utilities and Links so I can redirect it or possibly rename it to put my own, the picture is attached
Last reply by MAT, -
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I want to add a table to the profile_main.tpl that lists all the different aircraft types a pilot has flow and how many hours they have logged for each. Have been off editing stuff for awhile and need a little nudge
Last reply by CPC900, -
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Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
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I want to redo my pilot dashboard. I currently have it as icons which include the text, however I want it so that I only have the image, and the text is typed below. What CSS is required for this? I might also be adding some effects but that shouldn't affect it much.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, Just trying to make my first skin, and I'm running into some problems. My test website for the skin is here I have a footer, as seen in the layout.tpl Here, and the styles.css at this link, and the footer does not show. Also, when i visit a new page, the template is gone, and it is just plain HTML/TPL. Thanks. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Dave
Last reply by Talisman57, -
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I just wonder if anyone wants a new admin layout? Heres what i have in my mind 1) Top Navigation with Sub Menus 2) Header Picture over the Nav. 3) And Mods in the Center. What Do You Think? Please Let Me Know. The Poll is On Top Of This Post. If you have any suggestions, please post here!
Last reply by Kyle, -
Hi all im in the middle of starting up a mil va of thr RAF to be precise and was wondering are there any fantastic skinners outthere for the site and not skinning a chicken sort of thing i mean lol. if someone could do this is would be greatly appreciated as well as them being automatically promoted to a group captain in my air force once up and running if they are flyers atol on it makes and allows a change to learn new skills and meet new like minded people much appreciated shilly.
Last reply by shilly, -
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The default skin (crystal) only has a content area that covers the whole width. I would like to use a skin that has a side column on the left and probably also one with side columns on the left and right in addition to the main content area. I have seen them in some of the other VAs, looked all over the SKINS forum but apparently all the skins are either outdated (don't work well with .944) or just dead links to sites that no longer exist. Anybody has one such current skins?
Last reply by Mysterious Pilot, -
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k, i don't have the admin settings on right now but i want to test it first before inserting the access phps thingy. And i need your help that i can't get the navagation to come up. Do you know whats wrong with this code from the core_navagation.tpl <style media="all" type="text/css">@import "htdocs/phpvms/lib/skins/crystal with bar/styles.css";</style> <div> <ul class="menu"> <li class="top"><a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>" target="_self" class="top_link"><span>Home</span></a> </li> <li class="top"><a href="<?php echo url('/registration'); ?>" target="_self" class="top_link"><span…
Last reply by Kyle, -
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I put on the homepage of my site LIVE MAP. Do not know how to do that I have to put code and where I have to put
Last reply by polirom, -
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Hi, I wanted to know if you can change the setting Pilot Roster status Active / Inactive which then will change after a total time that the pilot not flying (of course if possible I would like to establish it ...) Thanks!
Last reply by Blu-Express VA, -
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Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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Hi guys. I for the life of me can not find where the Pireps list under the flash chart in the public profile is coming from. I altered mine once before but can not recall what file I edited. Can anyone refresh my recollection please? Thanks in advance Ray **EDIT** I figured it out. After walking away for 10 minutes, I came back and immediately found what I was after.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Last reply by t_bergman, -
newbie css or tpl question
by Guest GSIMMONS- 0 replies
I want to set some automatic formatting to the pages added via the admin page. I can't see where to do that and don't see any listing in the css or tpl files that related to the content areas of these pages. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!