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7147 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Okay here we go.. when i start a flight and turn on fsacars, it looks like this Now what i want is to customize the data which the FSAcars get from my website. Especially the remarks. On my website i changed some files so it now also outputs the registration of the aircraft in the schedules_briefing.tpl ...Is it possible to automatically put it into the remarks? so it wont be like on this screen "+RMK/ CALLSIGN CLIPPER / WWW PANAM AIRWAYS COM" but would look like "+RMK/ CALLSIGN CLIPPER / WWW PANAM AIRWAYS COM / REG/N747PA / CLIPPER MAID OF SEAS" (for the name, i already changed the code also so its just another variable
Last reply by hjhjhgjgjh, -
- 1 reply
Hi boss, i'm afraid that the aircraft list and the pireps do not match. For example i've set the MD-82 to have maximum 150 pax on board, while now a pirep had 203 passengers As it sais in the edit page of pireps : This is the load of this flight. It's automatically determined, though you can adjust it here Ciao! Simon
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
When logged in as admin and viewing the overview report (reports & expenses), my aircraft usage was showing weird hours and miles totals. A quick delve into the StatsData.class.php showed that the sql query for AircraftUsage was using COUNT() rather than SUM(), i.e. public static function AircraftUsage() { $sql = 'SELECT AS aircraft, a.registration, SUM(p.flighttime) AS hours, SUM(p.distance) AS distance FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps p INNER JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft a ON p.aircraft = GROUP BY p.aircraft'; I changed the query accordingly and the totals now show correct values. Nabeel, was this the right thing to do, or was I…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Can someone please give me a step by step guide on how to install the beta over my current live version. Every time some of my pages no longer work. What I do is i just upload the beta version right on my server overwriting everything that is there. When I try to run the updater it tells me that its already updated. can someone please shed some light on this for me. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 18 replies
Hello, I have an Error on the Flight Schedules Page. The Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in .../core/templates/schedule_results.tpl on line 102
Last reply by Kimis, -
- 3 replies
Hi boss, i've done the upgrade and for now i see two errors : 1) live map not showing anymore aircrafts nor people connected. Just few minutes before upgrade i had 10 people on the map. i saw there are 3 errors in the console with firefox, if you would like to check. 2) pilot center - the aircraft statistic on the right is not visible any more 3) the landing data is available only on xacars/fspassengers or also on fsacars? Out of the new 10 reports i received ufter upgrade only 1 showed that data and i'f i'm not wrong it was with fspassengers Thanks and thanks again for everything Ah btw i'd love to be inserted in the…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
I have noticed some issues with our website which I can seem to figure out. First of all on sundays (possibly other days too), no routes or schedules come up on the schedules page, which is a little strange. And yes, we have set the days to every day and have been doing it in CSV, for days of week it has "1234567" in all of them. Which to me looks like it should work. Secondly the route map is not showing all of the flights we have and schedules we have. Thirdly when using CSV we seem to have a lot of duplications when we upload them which is a little strange since we are not adding these. I have been reported the routemap issue but from what I can gather thats the basic…
Last reply by goldenairways, -
- 8 replies
Hi Nabeel. Am using Version 2.0.812 and the one and only other admin besides me, can no longer access Admin Panel since I upgraded to this version lastnight. I have checked his default group and it is infact admin. I had him delete site cookies and clear cache and it did not work. Is there anything else I can do or check before I call this a bug?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
I have a laptop and i am not always connected to the internet. I found out, that the schedules page looks different when i am offline and does not work correctly. Here a picture When i select an airport or something, it shows me a page without any styles and at all.. it doesnt look like it should. I use this page without any modifications (only that one which does not show all schedules automatically at once)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
hello installed the new beta version but the last I saw the fsacars and not working are not working here to give flight problem on esvio you could tell me what may be happening on the old version works fine. This released the 777
Last reply by M-Queiroz, -
- 5 replies
I was looking to add a section on the pilots_list.tpl with an Active/ Inactive icon. I wanted this to be automatic and therefore wondered if there was a code that I could use to change these images. The check would be to ensure that the pilot has filed a PiREP within the last 31 Days. Cheers, Jack.
Last reply by JackPlumb, -
- 6 replies
Anyone else having issues posting news? I JUST updated lastnight to the new beat and now when posting news, anywhere it inserts a , it gives me that thing where it shows a ff fd in a little box. Not sure if this is a bug or what so posted here first. I never had this issue prior to. I just moved my website to it's own url now instead of a sub domain off of another website, but it is the same exact server. So I'm ruling server config out.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 14 replies
Well, I fired off my large import before I went to bed last night and when I checked it is morning it appears that all 3400 of my routes were added. But, not one of my airports were. Here is output of one of the imports: ICAO PANC not added... retriving information: Imported IPG26 (PAJN to PANC) ICAO PANC not added... retriving information: Found: PANC - (,), airport added I just fired off the import again since I'm getting ready to leave for work so hopefully they will add the airport. Any suggestions if they don't?
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 2 replies
I am just wondering if I missed something here...running Beta 812 and on my Admin schedules page, I can't get it to display more than 20 schedules. ??? There are something like 800 there but it just shows 20 with no way to pull any more up to view. I can use the filter to pull up flights that I want to edit but I cannot view more than 20. I checked the admintemplatesops_schedules template figuring there was a limit placed there but I saw nothing. Chuck CYXU
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hi, once I get my current live website stable, I would like to create a development site to work on a few things. Is it possible to run my dev site with the same database as the live site? Is it a bad idea to do so?
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys... The installation is finished go to the home page and gives me this error ... Why?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, just a couple of problems, please let me know if there are solutions. 1) i imported aproximately 400 routes on ver.1 phpvms. Apart the problem that i saw in an other thread (ICAO LIBD not added... retriving information: Found: LIBD - (,), airport added ------> this is just one of the various airports), some flights changed the aircraft... i had this problem : instead of importing me I-VVER that is the 767 he imported the I-VVEM that is the Embraer 170.. only on some routes. Both planes exist in the aircraft list. 2) the first time i open the routes pages it shows the complete list. From the moment i start chosing departure airport, airplanes or others, i…
Last reply by Simon VVair, -
- 3 replies
FSACARS outputs 00:00 hr:min format. But Manual PIREP asks "Enter as hours - "5.3" is five hours and thirty minutes". Does VMS figure this out as i think im seeing problems in over all career time totals. Please advise so i can do more research or not
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I think pagination is needed on the admin side for the schedules. I have 3400 routes and it tries to load them all on one page. I'm thinking a drop down type box asking how many records to display per page would be cool. No big deal if this is not possible. Just a suggestion. In fact, this could be cool on the public side as well in the schedule area. Thanks, Keith
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 8 replies
Dumb question, whats the latest version and where do I get it?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I'm just about ready to import my huge 3400 routes into my database. The last thing I need to edit is my aircraft and the flight level. I'm a little confused because there seems to be conflicting instructions about what to add to the "aircraft" column in the import template. Look at number 2 and 6 bolded below. To me, I would think I'd need to do number 6, not number 2? 1. The airline code must be added, or import will fail 2. The aircraft must be added, use the "Name" entered, not the fullname or ICAO 3. You can leave out the header, but if it is there, check off the box 4. All of the columns can be there, but only the route, leg, distance…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
How long does the Bid stay in someones flight? Im getting a problem with members bidding on flights then not flying them for whatever reason then going in-active, this leaves loads of my schedule missing because they are stuck in limbo! How can i see who has bids outstanding and also so can we have a global bid reset button so i can free all my schedule from forgetful and non-active pilots!! ?? Thanks, Dave.
Last reply by davehardy, -
- 7 replies
Is it possible in future version to add a page function? I dont like it to have a table which is 12000px long i prefer it to be like 800px of height and then just pages to click through. That would look much better i think
Last reply by hjhjhgjgjh, -
I get this error on all my user made pages.....
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
Hey when you go to the pilots in the admin and click on the View Pireps and click on Accept on the Flight Pireps iam getting Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, '' was given in /home/flymapl1/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 292 Please help me
Last reply by pouzo, -
- 3 replies
I was just flying with a friend. Both with FSAcars. He sent his pirep and i did. My one was recognized by the website, his didnt. I told him to file pirep manually and so he did but nothing came into admin panel to accept. Later i watched my emails and found out that his pireps were sent via email to me. Why that?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Can someone please tell me where local.config.php is located. I have seen somewhere that it is in core/local.config.php. But when I look in the core folder I do not see this file. Can someone please point me in the right direction. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hello , can you guys please tell me exactly what each file and folder need to be in my php vms as some people can access the files from my server . Thank you
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Page editor
by Tom- 1 reply
I thought I saw this but: Is there a way to change the editor used for editing pages in the admin panel? Whenever I want to use code using the Source view, I save it and it's all fine, but when I go back to edit it the editor converts it all into html ("?>" and the like) and it's reaaally annoying. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hi, On my bids page im getting the following, rather than my list of bids: $bid->flightnum; ?> depicao; ?> to arricao; ?> aircraft; ?> (registration?>) deptime;?> arrtime;?> distance;?> Is there any known fix for this? (Using latest beta)
Last reply by Tom,