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285 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hey pilots and devs! I'm watching an issue with an acars system and it says that an error occurs in the "DoWork" function. I found this function in the past and know that it exists, but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone has an idea where I can find the php function called something with "DoWork" or "filepirep_DoWork"? Thanks!
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 0 replies
Hello! I have hired a server! I want to build a set of flight system, who can help me! My email address: Skype ID: ryuu_kyou Thank you very much! I look forward to hearing from you! ryuu_kyou
Last reply by Ethan, -
- 1 reply
I dont know why but when I try to send my log in the admin center all the pirep show for exemple: FAILED exporting PIREP #52 - FAILED exporting PIREP #51 - FAILED exporting PIREP #50 - FAILED exporting PIREP #49 - FAILED exporting PIREP #48 - FAILED exporting PIREP #47 - FAILED exporting PIREP #46 - FAILED exporting PIREP #45 - FAILED exporting PIREP #44 - FAILED exporting PIREP #43 - FAILED exporting PIREP #42 - FAILED exporting PIREP #41 - Anybody can help me please ? Thankyou!!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
We were wondering on what vaCentral's position is on having a VA send pireps that do not include the Pilot's Name? We would like to send our pireps, except that our current privacy policy forbids us from using the pilot's name. Would it be possible just to use the pilot's callsign as his name instead of his real name? If not, we will have to look and see if we can change our privacy policy. Thanks in advance,
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Ok Well Heres The Thing, I try to send the Schedules to VAcentral Get this error: Try to send Pireps to vacentral, get this error; ^^ Would be nice to fix the above as there now 64th... Also, Just a little erm, Sort of annoyance, I cant see the VACentral links in the admin panel, I have to type in the link manually - I dont mind but some people may I ran the unit test, I got these errors, If there important then i will raise these ones in a separate support ticket,
Last reply by Thomas, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, In the process of setting up our web site to automatically send a pirep, when a pilot submits his flight on our web site. For the most part, it seems to be working as I do receive a 200SuccessUpdated 1 of 1 message however, I am also getting the following: An Error Was Encountered Error Triggered: [2] fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given Line 80 in file /var/www/phpvms/api/core/functions.php An Error Was Encountered Error Triggered: [2] mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource Line 237 in file /var/www/phpvms/api/models/update_model.php An Error Was Encountered Error Triggered: [2] mysql_num_row…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 1 reply
It’s a long shot but is there anyway I can obtain the module for rewards? I’m desperately in need of this module for my site.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 9 replies
I've recently noticed that my VA news hasn't updated on VACentral since March of 2013. In my admin panel, under NEWS, I have recent news there. Can someone give me a hint at where to start troubleshooting? As far as I can tell, I've made all the required updates and so far everything seems to be working fine except for the news. Thanks, Keith
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 1 reply
Nabeel, Just a quick one to point out a small error in the "key" for the Virtual Airlines. where is says S P H F PI underneath says "shedules pireps hours flights pireps. It should of course read Schedules *pilots* hours flights pireps. Cheers Alex
Last reply by Strider, -
Small Question
by Guest- 6 replies
what is the difference between "PIREPS" and "flights"
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
I have noticed some errors in VACentral, When i submit a pirep or another one of my pilots, it defaults the flown time to flown over 4-5 hours ago, and the pirep was only just submitted, why is that? Also The first P is obviously for Pilots not pireps, so that may be needing fixing And the yesterday score, if that is not being used, why is it there? As it always says yesterdays score 0. These are just some observations.
Last reply by BastiDE, -
- 10 replies
Hi, there are some issues about vacentral that i do not know how to fix: 1. the logo and/or other images do not upload 2. in the VA details page, the graph of daily pireps is inactive 3. when a pirep arrives, it is counted in the VAs list, before it is accepted. So, sometimes the flights number is not correct. If a pirep is declined, it still counts in vacentral, i think this is wrong Any help on these please?? and: * A mistake in vacentral: in the profile page, the explanation of symbols is wrong, the "PI" is the pireps, not the pilots number also: * a question: as i can understand that some airlines fly offline, i think the online flights (VAs) should be awarded…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Does this raise any suspicions for anyone? On, frontpage. 3,000 PIREPs - screenshot taken 2:03 AM EST. Could it be an old virtual airline who has signed up to VACentral, then imported the phpvms_pireps table with over 3,000 PIREPs or is it a fake attempt. Anyway, this problem should be taken more seriously.
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 21 replies
Well, this happens the last two days: for every flight we make, our score goes down!! Since the VA got in vacentral, every flight was giving 1 point (sometimes 2 and i do not know why), but the last two days we get penalized when fly!! funny No change have been made to our schedules or pilots, and the flights made are as scheduled (aircraft, time etc), i cannot understand how this happens
Last reply by Cor, -
- 3 replies
Hi there, I've just been wondering why on the Livemap for VACentral is has extreme values for Time Elapsed/Remaining (where most of the errors on this one are for Time Elapsed) as well as for Distance, where it has really high values there as well. On our own ACARS Map it shows everything just fine (provided kACARS is being used), but even with kACARS there are some weird values for the VACentral Livemap. Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
I've seen this and other similar responses, but that made me and my airline (Atlas Virtual Airlines) extremely confused about how the whole Point system works. I've read that it's basically based on numbers of PIREPs filed and active pilots, with actively flown scheduled routes, live fuel price usage etc. somehow being factored in. The big question is... what does that mean? How do you get those numbers, and what do we do to raise or otherwise control our ranking? My airline's been using vaCentral for roughly two years, but we've only seriously looked at the system for so long... With a possible reorganization and expansion coming up on our agenda, I'd like to get th…
Last reply by renegade343, -
- 0 replies
Done ok thanks
Last reply by Passion, -
Time Zone Problem
by Guest- 2 replies
Anyway, i don't know if this has already been brought up, but i noticed that the system being used has the incorrect time for the time zones. For me it said that the last activity was @ 7:14 EST When it really was 8:14 EST, so i switched it to central time although i am in the Eastern time zone and it seems to work now. Just curious if this was happening with anyone else.
- 2 replies
Hi. I made a post yesterday but there was a mistake. When I click EDIT and make the changes, it says "TypeError: Can not read property "getText" of undefined" Help - thanks. Tim
Last reply by tmurphy31a, -
- 5 replies
Hey, I'm having problems at vaCentral... I can't register? The error was Error: The requested address '/register/process' was not found on this server. Any ideas?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 13 replies
Hello guys. For some reasons. Im no longer able to send data to vacentral No response from API server I double checked the code into local config but it was working well like 2 weeks ago. Thank you
Last reply by Boogace, -
- 8 replies
We just recently activated vacentral part of this magnificent community. At first we had problems exporting to vacentral because our web host have to make an exception to external connections. Now that this has been done, sending our schedule did result in success, but trying to send all pireps I get a: And if I try again it will tell me to wait for 8 hours... If a pilot logs a flight it will export just fine to vacentral also the live map includes our pilots. Our airline is Vacentral Virtual Norwegian If anyone have any pointers give me a shout We are currently on build 934, could this be a problem? We have done so many custom stuff to the pages so updating is …
Last reply by jantorre, -
- 2 replies
Everytime i try to upload my logo it does not show up is there a reason for this ?
Last reply by Robert_VAE, -
- 26 replies
Hi My VA is unable to send VA PIREP logs to VACENTRAL.NET here is the error ; FAILED exporting PIREP #18 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #17 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #16 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #15 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #14 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #12 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #11 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #10 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #7 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #6 -…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 17 replies
Hey there, I'm the CEO of KLM Virtual. For about 2 or 3 days now I have been experiencing a problem with uploading my pireps to the vacentral system. The error messages I receive when attempting to send the pireps are as follows: vaCentral PIREP Export FAILED exporting PIREP #3074 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3073 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3072 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3071 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3070 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3069 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3068 - No response from API server FAI…
Last reply by SteveK, -
- 6 replies
Hi Nabeel, I have registered with VA Central and inserted the code into my local.config.php file, do I need to do anything else as nothing seems to be updating. Also can't upload a logo. Thanks Mark
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Update to the latest beta and re-export your PIREPs. I screwed up the data =
Last reply by Nabeel, -
If I sign up like 2 or 3 hundred more fake users like some of the other VA's will this move me up the list on the site?
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 6 replies
I am getting this error when sending my pireps to vacent. Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 58 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: No input file specified. in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 58 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 58 There was an error, server said ""
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Who do i contact regarding my vacentral account? I cant log in to it.
Last reply by simpilot,