Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Canadian Xpress is please to announce CXA-TV which allows our pilots to broadcast screenshots and basic flight data of their flights Live while flying so everyone can watch us fly. Visit CXA-TV at
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 30 replies
Hi all, I am planning on opening a virtual airline and I am thinking of opening Air France Virtual but I am open to other people posting what they think and what virtual airlines you would like to see. Thanks, Jordan
Last reply by Sava, -
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Today Atlantic International Virtual Airlines announces its 1st Annual Virtual Community Conference. We have been working on this for a while, said Robert Sayles, Chief Executive Officer. The entire community is invited along with our members. The conference will be virtually via our Teamspeak Server on Sunday, August 26, 2012 from 10:00am-6:00pm (CST). We have a full day of activities for our participants from a roundtable discussion to a group online flight. We also will be giving out prizes throughout the day such as gift certificates from Pilot Shop. We are making every effort to engage with the community on creating events such as our yearly conferen…
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 6 replies
On behalf of myself and the staff at Pacific Blue VA, Our mission here at Pacific Blue, is to provide a fun, entertaining, challenging and rewarding experience for simmers of all skill levels. How about braving the harsh weather of Alaska, the Yukon Territory and Canada. We make it fun, challenging and realistic. Unlike most VA’s that fly the same old boring routes day in and day out. Here at Pacific Blue, you are not required to start a route at an airport you had landed at prior. You choose your route by Departure airport, arrival airport, Type of aircraft or distance of the flight. We offer awards to pilots that show great ability, commitment and longevity. Operat…
Last reply by AndrewOne77, -
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Hello all I am stating that open registration for a new virtual airline and would like help from you all Thanks for the release! to register to access the area DOV Ai is the link: webdesign, voemercosul,
Last reply by levicosta201, -
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Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots and virtual airlines to join us for our August 2012 fly-in where we celebrate our 3rd anniversary! Thanks to all our virtual pilots who have made Canadian Xpress the virtual airline that it is. So we urge you to spread the news and invite virtual pilots from all over to join us for this event. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting ww…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 3 replies
First things first: I want to thank everyone on this board who have helped me over the past couple of weeks: without your aid EVA would have not been finished that quickly! European Virtual Airlines is a brand-new European-based virtual airline, open for all simulators and networks: we are one of the few VA's that actively support MSFS, X-plane and Flightgear, both on IVAO, VATSIM and mpserver. From our hubs Gatwick (EGKK) and Munich (EDDM) we serve over 60 destinations in Europe and beyond, with a fleet of 9 different aircraft. Our aim is to add a new dimension to simulated flying that is both social, entertaining and educating. We continuously balance on a …
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 9 replies
Virtual Blue (VB) is a virtual airline organization based in the games of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X. We are a community of aviation enthusiasts and real world pilots who wish to take their aviation experience to the next level, through the use of a virtual airline. Our virtual airline, Virtual Blue, simulates real world schedules and procedures of jetBlue Airways. Being a simulated version of jetBlue Airways in the flight simulation world allows our pilots to operate throughout the Americas, using their fleet of Embraer E190 and Airbus A320 aircraft. Using their established core values of safety, caring, fun, integrity, and passion;…
Last reply by Connor1994, -
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Last reply by Connor1994, -
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Guys, My new 767-300 paint created by our own Joeri. Let me know what you think... this picture is taken in Hanoi, Vietnam
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
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Boston ARTCC | Moncton FIR - The Fundy Rush Wednsday August 15th, 2012 - 19h00est-23h00est (23h00z-03h00z) Halifax and Boston have a long relationship in trade, disater releif and tourism dating back to Halifax's incorporation in 1749. From shipping and commerce routes, Boston's heroic and rapid dispatchof relief following the Halifax explosion and our Christmas tree tradition, to booming cross-border tourism and mutual support of Boston's sports teams, the bond between the these two cities is great. In honor of these close ties, the Boston ARTCC and the Moncton FIR are pleased to present The Fundy Rush that will be held on the VATSIM network. Halifax …
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 1 reply
The Board of Directors of TWAva has decided to search for a new COO and President to run the airlines day to day operations. Any one interested should email The airline always has pilot positions available.
Last reply by Strider, -
Hi, I'm giving a service where I put in your flight routes for a very cheap price. For example, lets say you own a British Airways VA I will put in the routes for that for very cheap price. This is for CEO's who don't have time please don't hesitate to PM me for any more info.
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Hello, Canforce is a military VA based out of Canada. We are looking to fix some website problems and are looking for a team of webmasters to help get this done. Canforce will recruit 5 or more webmasters of any skill level, even if you have no experience, as long as you are motivated we will put you on the team. The reason for the large number is so we have a wide variety of skill levels and so the work can be divided up. We are also recruiting a panel to basically make decisions for the airline, again we are hoping for at least 5 people. IF INTERESTED EMAIL:
Last reply by Aaron, -
jetBlue Virtual Airways
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello All! I would like to inform you all of the Creation of jetBlue Virtual Airways. jetBlue Virtual Airways began planning on May 23rd 2012 and Began operations today, Sunday, July 22nd. JBUVA has 100% realistic routing system and fleet table, which is updated weekly. jetBlue Virtual Airways is the 4th VA created and operated by Pacific VA Group. JBUVA will also be running a state of the art flight tracking system which is brought to us by TFDI Design (TFDi smartCARS). Please feel free to browse around on our site located at please not that the current design is 100% temporary and we are expected to release our full design by or before August 20th…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 9 replies
Is there any virtual airline out there that is in need of a repaint? I am willing to do up to 10 requests. If you need some sort of image showing the quality of work i would be glad too post it here Only if there is any request Sample*
Last reply by vader21, -
- 7 replies
Orlando, FL - July 18, 2012 AirTran Airways Virtual - Official News Release Contact: brian (dot) newman (at) AirTran Airways Virtual announced early Wednesday evening that they are currently accepting applications to fill the position of Vice President of Flight Operations. All interested applicants are encouraged to download the PDF information file, and submit the attached application with rèsumè to vpfo.pdf
Last reply by PilotJordan, -
- 9 replies
Hello one and all, I would love to introduce my new EasyJet VA called At FlyEzy we simulate the Real World Airline as closely as possible without infringing on copyright etc... So you can be rest assured we aren't going anywhere. We have over 30 Schedules and 100+ Destinations and we are currently recruiting new pilots and in the near future Staff positions will become available. So if you want to be apart of a growing VA that will develop over time and can only get better then is the place for you. Head over to, join up and take to the virtual skies with Warm Regards and I will look forward to seeing you i…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Welcome To Star One Alliance Virtual Airlines "THE ONLY WAY TO FLY" = Star One Alliance VA Welcome! Here at Star One Alliance Virtual, (also known as Jet-Star, or JTS), we strive to recreate real world airline operations as close as possible. We achieve this by the strong backing of pilots and staff, and their enjoyment being here, which in turn makes our airline what it is today. Star One Alliance Virtual is based out of many hubs along with its focus cities. We have a large selection of routes: 11,700 and growing. Our fleet consists of most modern day Boeing and Airbus airliners, and many more. Some of our airlines consist of; South West, Delta, JetBlue, and Ha…
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 2 replies
Good evening: I'm currently looking for an individual to run my virtual airline with. The qualified individual will be at least seventeen years of age, be an active flight simulator pilot, be very trustworthy, and self-motivated. I am handling all the financial responsibilities of the virtual airline. Furthermore, I am handling all technical aspects of the virtual airline. I need someone to help me input routes into the database to prepare for the VA's launch. After the launch you will continue as my running mate. Please contact me directly at:
Last reply by PilotJordan, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, I'm in the process of creating a VA(obviously...) and wanted to know your opinions. Which type of VA attracts more pilots?: A fully fictional VA A VA named after and modeled after a real VA A VA with a fictional name but one that flies real world callsigns Right now, I'm leaning toward the last choice. I want my pilots to have the freedom to use the callsign of the airline that they want, the skin of that airline, and have the freedom to fly to more airports than a fictional VA or single real world VA would fly to. I'd really like to know what you think, Cody
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 5 replies
On 7 July 2012, Virgin Australia requested that we take our website down. The reason for this was due to a HR error. As such we have had to re-request permission from Virgin Australia to use their copyrighted name and logo. We are confident that permission will be re-granted and hope that we can get this situation resolved as soon as possible. We would like to apologize for this and hope that you will be patient. For further updates please visit our Facebook page; Since we all run a Virtual airlines we are subject to this. So in a way I guess we are all subject to some kind of copy wright infringement. …
Last reply by bakers11, -
- 14 replies
I would like to announce the Grand opening of Alaska Airlines VA. Our VA opened June of 2012 and s accepting pilot applications. We offer current route and schedules as well as retro schedules such as the convair, Q400, DC-3, MD80, and B727. This VA was created to stand alone from the other VA's. HHMMMMMMMMM Like What? Well our VA has a fully interactive weather center, you can watch live weather reports and view updated weather radar. We also offer a In Flight Entertainment Center. Here you can watch full movies that shows a different movie each week, also a game room. Here you can play online game such as 3D Pool all you need is flash player installed. Unfortunately yo…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 6 replies
Hello phpVMS users, I am starting a new Virtual Airlines and I need staff to help with maintaining the VA and recuriting new pilots. I am also looking for active pilots. My VA's Website is , i am currently skinning the site. If your interseted in a staff position please leave me a message here with your name and a way to get ahold of you. Kristopher SPA0001
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As the topic suggest, I need your opinions/suggestions/critics/tips on my new redesign: Thanks
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 7 replies
Hello, On July 7th, 2012 AirCanadaV will open, after many long months of hard work. We have a wonderful staff that is very knowledgeable, and dedicated as well as a full website, ACARS and fleet libraries. Please come by and take a look at to either sign up, or to become staff. We think this is going to be a great experience for you! Staff Postions still availible: CYOW CBC A330 Chief Pilot CRJ Chief Pilot Public Relations Flight Instructors E175/190 Chief Pilot Thank You, David Reichert-COO
Last reply by DAL3, -
- 40 replies
Thats right you read it right, I have some free webhosting and a domain name to give away to the first lucky 3 people to inbox me. The webhosting is curtesy of and is valid for a year, after that you can transfer your domain or stay with us...its up to you! To see what you get click here In return I do require each VA to provide a link and show my logo somewhere on their front page. There is no catch and also no fee's what so ever! The reason I am doing this is to help out some VA get of the ground without having to worry about webhosting cost etc... This offer expires at 13:00 30/06/2012 UTC so you be…
Last reply by Talisman57, -
- 1 reply
Pacific Blue Airlines has now opened its Executive hiring to the public. In a phone interview today Andrew Johnson President of PBA said, "We have come to a mutual consensus within Pacific Blue Virtual that we will no longer restrict Executive level positions to current prerelease pilots in Pacific Blue. There is a wealth of talent out there in the community and the old way of doing business is just not practical. The days of VA's restricting hiring of Executive level positions only from within is narrow minded and does not further the goals of the community, and hobby in general. We are looking for pilots who would enjoy flying the following aircraft: Boeing 747-400 B…
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 2 replies
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad and also known as London 2012 as per their official logo, are scheduled to take place in London, United Kingdom from 27 July to 12 August 2012. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our July Month fly-in where we celebrate this world wide event aimed at peace, tolerance, friendship and of course, achievement in sports! Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us where our goal is to make a massive arrival at London Gatwick International (EGKK) at the same time on July 14th 2012. You can depart from wherever you like, as long as you time your arrival around …
Last reply by James142, -
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I need some advice. I have a flash banner script for my va, but it doesn't scrool or loop. etc. Any thoughts.
Last reply by Strider,