Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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More than just a VA, We are a unique community We would be happy to see you as a pilot in our Virtual Airline. We have an advanced PIREP and flight tracking system which allows our pilots to track other pilots. we are constantly in development. We use the latest technologies, and keep our virtual airline updated. Modern Crew Center Full responsive Crew Center like it should be. You can use it on any device you want. Custom build for our needs. Community Forums We have a forum where you can ask a question, or find a solution! Online Flights We make this more realistic and enjoyable by creating events. Trusted Software We …
Last reply by GKT001, -
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Virtual Delta Aviation Group is an Airline Group looking at simulating real world SkyTeam operations. We use a custom type rating and booking system that makes sure that pilots know how to fly the aircraft. Our ranks aren't based on hours as we think that hours don't show a pilot's skill. We have over 30 different airlines with 5000+ aircraft. With 40000 routes to choose from, you'll never run out! The airline uses a SmartCars system to record flights. We also provide our users with Xacars for Xplane support. All users will start at the CRJ program and work their way up to 747s and A380s. If you love realism, this VA is for you. Have any questions? Contact staff@virtuald…
Last reply by 997R8V10, -
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Hey Guys, I'm looking to be a Marketing Director for a Virtual Airline (for free of course). More so working on Graphic Design work. I can help with Social Media and some website work also. Please contact me if you'd like to know more about what I can offer.
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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If anyone would like to, I need some plane skins done for my airline.
Last reply by BaconTuxedo, -
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We at Etihad Virtual are opening the site in the next couple of weeks after serious routing and also fleet adding as well to orur ranks we will be adding a real Aircraft purchasing mod as well i have been working on.. look for members serious as well we have added some ficitional things as well as real world ops from Etihad as well we are using smartcars 2.0 as well as a solid server and teamspeak server as well if you wat more info about joinin or having a look please get in touch Michael Poole
Last reply by poole3003, -
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Good morning fellow CEOs and pilots, I'm just writing this little update as a lot ofyou have asked me if everything was ok. As you may have seen before we were called Palmair Virtual, and it was going superbly well as I had been in regular contact with the real world Palmair and they agreed that I could use their name for a virtual airline. But only if I officially start operations in 6 months time (since palmair were still getting rid of employess and closing the company down it was a tought time). So 6 months passed and I contacted them again, but my regular contact had unfortunately moved companies and the response I got was that I still couldn't use the name becaus…
Last reply by MBrown, -
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It’s a new year here at Canadian Xpress® and as normal we are busier than ever. This month we have been contracted out by the Ministry of the Environment to perform aerial surveys and to pick up research equipment from around Algonquin Park. Leaving Ottawa you will have 4 aerial surveyors and their equipment on board and at each stop along the way you will pick up 500lbs of research equipment. Due to the size of these airports and limited services, fuel and overnight services are only available in North Bay. Join Canadian Xpress® today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won. First Place: 25 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ran…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Press Release: Japan Airlines Virtual turns 10! 4/1/2017 Watch our new vid On this day 10 years ago in 2007 a new Virtual Airline was born and its name was Japan Airlines Virtual. JAL Virtual was started by an avid 13-year-old aviation enthusiast, we started on a free host under the domain, our website was very basic and we had no PIREP system whatsoever, we were using a web form to submit ours pireps. A small VA starting in an area with many established and well respected airlines at the time, at the start it was rough, inexperience and lack of skills plagued us for the first 6 months, however after that we steadied …
Last reply by Toyuko, -
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Hi everyone, I would like to tell you that Air Argentina and JAL Virtual have announced the creation of Starfly Alliance. This new virtual airline alliance will be working soon. So we invite you to visit the website to get updated information about the advances, Regards.
Last reply by Imanol, -
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Hello all First of all a bit introduction about PIAS Virtual , About Us PIAS (Pakistan International Airlines Simulation Virtual) is Pakistan's third virtual airline. We simulate Pakistan International Airlines, the flag carrier of Pakistan.PIAS (Pakistan International Airlines Simulation Virtual) was relaunched on 14th October 2011 by Ahad Imran. We at PIAS Virtual replicate the real world PIA flight operations with pure accuracy. We at PIAS Virtual also want our members to enjoy the flight simulation experiance for that we have special events for which there are at times certain restrictions as well. The member who wins the event is provided with a special award fro…
Last reply by P.I.A.S Virtual, -
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The Milk Run is the bread and butter of a flight schedule for an airline. Solid standard routes are usually guaranteed contracts that always make money. These routes are the back bone of an airline and their profits is what helps keep the low income flights operating. One of Canadian Xpress’ milk run flights is a twice daily cargo flight from Los Angeles to Toronto and is this month's challenge. Starting at Los Angeles (KLAX) load up your choice of Canadian Xpress® Cargo Aircraft which are available to all pilots regardless of rank, but only for this challenge at 80%-95% max takeoff weight (fuel and cargo) and head for Toronto (CYYZ). Join Canadian Xpress® today in…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Accepting Pilot and Staff applications We have several management and staff vacancies available, if you think you have what we are looking for, if you have current or past experience with the phpVMS system, then we want to hear. email the CEO,
Last reply by smurphy, -
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Hello guys, I'm currently working on finishing a few things within the website, overall about 6 more small things need to be fixed or edited for the website to classified as "stable". I am looking for a few helpful, passionate people to help finish the job for my VA. If you are interested in helping out, that will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Anthony Edwards
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, urgently required aircraft livery repainter. fleet there to be done. cash waiting!!! APPLY NOW!!
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
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- 1.5k views Soon Link: va.PT Come and Fly With US! TAP PORTUGAL ♥
Last reply by lNash1998, -
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Hello all, Let me introduce myself. I am Braedyn Dea and I am the newly appointed COO for Fly American Virtual Airlines. I have been working for FAVA for about a year and a half now starting as the CIO moving to the CTO and now COO. Now on to about the Airline. So, what is FAVA? Fly American Virtual is your one-stop-shop for American and One World partner routes. We allow our pilots to fly ANY ROUTE in our schedules, ANY AIRCRAFT in our fleet, at any time! We don’t require a test or hours to fly those aircraft. Fly American Virtual is the only American VA that allows pilots to fly all aircraft types with no hour restrictions. You can even create your …
Last reply by RedCoder4, -
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Hello fellow CEOs and pilots! I am very proud to inform you that Air Serbia has reached a huge milestone and that is 1000h of total flight time! We have worked hard to achieve this and I am extremely happy since we were founded in April this year! At the same time we have seen a great increase in flight numbers and the expansion from the original market we planned to serve! With the release of our new website soon, and a pretty cool perk for our pilots I am going to disclose later this month, we believe that we have what it takes to survive in this very competitive market. I would also like to thank Nabeel for creating phpVMS, and all you other guys for creating add…
Last reply by Sava, -
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After a lot of time and effort we are so excited to announce Bmibaby Virtual is now open to pilot application's ! We cannot wait to welcome you to our family don't miss this opportunity baby! Regards Bmibaby Staff Team. Please click to apply:
Last reply by harryh146, -
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Hi Guys, I have a VA, and send flights with regular, but still not have points. What I make incorrect ? Follow the link my VA site in VACentral for appreciation: Waiting for hints. Thanks.
Last reply by mattsmith, -
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AFA is one of the oldest continuing operating VA's. We were founded 20 years ago. In 2016 we converted to PHPvms. Now a little over a year later we are seeking additional Staff. We support FS9, FSX, P3D and X-plane. The following positions are open: Social Media Aircraft Painter PHP programer HR staff Mentors to assist new pilots Contact us at HR (at)
Last reply by smokey68, -
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Hello everybody. We have tried to make a VA based on Joomla and PHPVMS. During the last month or so, we have worked on Virtual Cimber. Virtual Cimber is based on the real airline Cimber Sterling that have there base in Sonderborg, Denmark (very small town). In the past it was a very small local airline only with flight`s from Sonderborg (EKSB) to Copenhagen (EKCH) and used the ATR42. Today it has grown to an Airline with 46 destinations, and a fleet with. ATR42, ATR72, CRJ200 and B737-700. The fleet is very exciting, because it is jet`s and propeller airplanes. Additional we will ad some oversea routes, where we will use the B747. We will try to model a "Cimber …
Last reply by weitling, -
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Does anyone want to start up a Va if pm me and we can sort things out as i have a lot of things just no domain at the moment
Last reply by poole3003, -
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VAs do Brasil S/A Somos uma aliança de vas que operam no brasil, virtual airlines reais e virtuais. Nosso foco é em uma aliança entre amigos para uma simulação de qualidade seguindo o realismo ou por hobby. Nosso foco é dar a opção aos membros, fazer com que eles tenham o lado sério da aviação e também o lado da brincadeira em um voo VFR. Atualmente estamos com mais de 400 membros que não são obrigados a cumprir metas, com isso temos maiores resultados. Aqui damos a livre escolha e oportunidade aos membros. Nossa aliança possui mais de 30 companhias aéreas, todas operantes no brasil na vida real e também temos companhias aéreas fictícias…
Last reply by VAsdoBrasil, -
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It’s June! The birds are singing, the kids are finishing up the school year and most of us stare longingly at the gently swaying trees, overcome by cabin fever after having been locked away from the sun all winter. It’s time to dust off those fishing poles and the camping gear, hook up the boat or camper and head out into the wilderness. It’s time for a summer vacation! Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, June 16th, 2012 at 21h00edt (Sunday 01h00z) for our June 2012 Fly-In where we will celebrate the beginning of Vacation Season by visiting some of the most beautiful outdoor spots that the Intermountain West has to offer. This…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Last reply by JackDavie, -
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- 1.4k views Enjoy
Last reply by hollinst, -
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Dear Members, 2 years have gone by already and we keep growing stronger than ever. New features and updates are consistently hitting the website and we now have a state of the art Dispatch system with PAR121 compliant paperwork to print, just like the real world. Too many features to mention, come and see for yourself..... With this exponential growth we are also seeking some talented individuals to hire within our ranks. Come Fly With US!!
Last reply by avdesigns, -
Well my second attempt at a VA is up and running (in its infant stages) Its mostly beaver and otter flights, based on the history of Canada and the Fur trade. Historically accurate fur trade posts and routes flown with modern aircraft. Would be happy to accept any assistance in running it. Check it out at: Comments and advice welcome. (there is still alot of work to be done, but I think its ready to go live)
Last reply by kbohme, -
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This month’s challenge is an easy passenger run this month. No VFR cross-country flying, picking up equipment in fog and snow storms, just an 80% passenger load from Toronto (CYYZ) to Halifax (CYHZ). But... For the February Challenge you can only fly an aircraft that is in your rank. What's this mean? If you are Captain rated, you can only use an aircraft from the Captain level, nothing higher and nothing lower. Same goes for all the ranks, only the aircraft listed in your rank, based on the Canadian Xpress® website, ranking system. This levels the playing field for those who have been around for years and can land a small aircraft at -100 any day of the week,…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Hello all! I have started a virtual airline, Impulse International, that conducts flights in and around Australia using Boeing 757-200 equipment, the link is below! Thanks for looking!
Last reply by Impulse,