Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1237 topics in this forum
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Japan Airlines Virtual 2020: Press Release. Monday, February 24th, 2020 Japan Airlines Virtual (JAL Virtual), would like to make the formal announcement that we will be releasing our new website tentatively called JALV2020 on Wednesday, March 4th, 2020. After 6 months of development, and testing, we are proud to bring you a complete reboot of JAL Virtual from the ground up using the latest modern standards of internet today. We are bringing to the forefront the most modern system of any VA anywhere. Right here, right now. 2020 is a big year not only for us but for Japan as a whole, this year the Tokyo Olympics is happening and as the flag carrie…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 3 replies
Pan American Virtual Flexin’ Wings Around the Globe! Pan American Virtual is a virtual airline created for flight simulation enthusiasts, aiming to relive the legacy of one of the best known real world airlines; Pan American World Airways. Founded in 2017, we are dedicated enhancing the flight simulation experience. PAV seeks to expand on the vision of Pan American World Airways as if were operating today. Whether you fly online for a realistic experience or offline with AI Traffic, you will find a friendly atmosphere in which to enjoy your hobby. Pan American Virtual accepting new pilots!! Benefits:…
Last reply by perryfincher, -
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Pilots! After much planning and two weeks of hard work, I am proud to announce that Thomas Cook Virtual has begun operations! We currently fly to more than 80 destinations in 32 countries around the globe in North America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Our current fleet consists of the A330 and A321, and we are currently in the process of expanding our fleet to include the 737, 757 and 767. At the heart of our Airline is a sleek, modern, functional crew centre powered by Mark Swan’s CrewCenter. Book and plan flights easily with our SimBrief integration, and track and submit flights with our easy to use ACARS software. Come and join us on Discord: https…
Last reply by DeletedUser, -
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German Liebe Piloten und Pilotinnen, Das Jahr neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu und darum möchte ich euch unser Projekt vorstellen. Wir das Team von LH-Virtual, öffnen am 01.01.2017 die Pforten und bieten euch Zugang zu über 18.000 realen Lufthansa Routen. Natürlich könnt ihr auch auch vor dem 01.01. bei uns Registrieren und für uns Fliegen. Wir sind selbstverständlich mit smartCARS, einem Forum und einem TeamSpeak ausgestattet. Des Weiteren werden wir in naher Zukunft ein Eröffnungsflug (Event) durchführen. Also begebt euch in die heiligen Hallen der LH-Virtual und werdet ein teil, von etwas ganz großem. Das Team von LH-Virtual wünscht euch ein einen gu…
Last reply by LHVirtualGroup, -
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Hi everyone! I recently created Hawaiian Virtual Airlines, the airline has a website that works and, at the administrative level, is fully configured. For me it is very big because I started and I am alone in this project, therefore, I sell the airline as it is. Who is interested in buying it acquires: -Web domain for one year (paid). Offered by - Gold web hosting (pay $ 6.95 per month) (I paid until March). Offered by More information write by private. The airline is ready to continue operating Website: Best Regards.
Last reply by VIELMA16, -
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Hi everyone! My name is Julio and I am the CEO of Level Virtual Airlines, the airline is recently created, the recruitment of new pilots and corporate staff members is open. If you want to be part of my team, contact me: or visit our website: You are welcome on board! Best Regards.
Last reply by VIELMA16, -
- 1 follower
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Hey there folks. Im Steven President and Owner of Me and a group of a couple guys purchased this VA from its previous owner Jay Roberts in November of 2019. We have spent the last few months working to fix alot of the issues with the VA and are in need of assistance We are in need of people to fill our ranks and help bring this VA back to the top. If you are interested in helping with the following please let me know ASAP Webmaster - If you have a good knowledge of the coding language PHP and can help fix alot of the issues we have with our site (hasnt been updated in a long time) we could definitely use the assistance. …
Last reply by SmarticleCo, -
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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the PhpVMS community. Air Robin is now opening our hiring process, no formal training is required, you just need to have a legal copy of FSX, X-Plane, P3D or Infinite Flight If you want to join the Air Robin Team, sign up now here: Air Robin Signup and we will get you accepted as soon as possible. We hope to see many new faces on our team! Thank you and Happy Flying ✈️ KaPow
Last reply by PenPow, -
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New Virtual Airline StartUP: Ive got a website hosting sorted and started on the Aircraft Liveries I am just needing to get ontop of sorting out the phpvms side actually building the website. The VA will use TFDi smartCARS Tracker. Looking for people that I can trust to help me run the Airline. Ideally would like UK based as time differences etc can be a problem when wanting to talk. Looking for trustworthy people, friendly and knowledgeable of VAs and the Flight Sim Community. I have Discord for Voice chat. Please message for more details and if interested.
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Hey everyone, I am looking to start a new virtual airline. It's a lot of work and I am in need of help to get it off the ground. I have web space and domain available already. If interested, please PM me. Thank you.
Last reply by omglookeyhere, -
- 4 replies
Hello all, I am the CEO / Founder of Fly Monarch Virtual. Today I am pleased to announce the launch of our newest addition to our family... Monarch Cook!! Following the sad collapse of Thomas Cook we have decided to bring the loved brand into the family. Registrations are open find us today Our discord is open to all: Regards, Rory Mulcahy
Last reply by RoryMul, -
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Hello All, I am very pleased to announce the return of Fly Monarch Virtual, We're currently recruiting staff please visit our website for further details. Regards, Rory
Last reply by RoryMul, -
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G'day, I'd like to announce the Velocity Virtual is now officially open to the public. We operate both Virgin Australia and codeshare schedules all up-to-date. We allow you to fly most aircraft with plans to add some non-codeshare operators in the near future. Available Features Custom Crew Center Dedicated Staff Team Dedicated Hosting & Flight Tracking Software Realistic Procedures and Policy's Up-to-date Schedules. These are some of the many features and unique things we have to offer, we are a new VA so bare with us but we are always welcoming new members to the team. You can find us …
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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I am just testing the water to see if it gets any interest. I have a fully established Virtual airline ready to go with 300 pilots, 6 staff and 9000+ scheduled flights, it has a complete smart cars tracking system fully paid for. For more information please contact me directly.
Last reply by TomKing, -
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Good Afternoon Everyone, My name is Michael i have been in the virtual airline world now for some time developing new software for phpvm and also making the phpvms experience a vast improve to the default version. My self and Carlos have been working hard a fully customised variant of phpvms using alot of different modules custom built into phpvms to run smoother. We offer a complete package on a year basis for your airline to be hosted in the cloud and be be ran or fast cloud hosting and also to be able to edit any of your features at the push of a support ticket. We also offer live chat within the airline free this isn't a phpvms module this is desig…
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Expansion plan with PIA Virtual Continues,,,, We as Team of PIA Virtual are dedicated to realism and creating something for the Pilots, enhancing the Operation and value of needs and desire of its own kind. In the 1st Phase, we have launched the Emirates Virtual to carry out, all its mainline routes in and out of Dubai to link the network across the globe. We just launched the FlyDubai Operation with the most famous and common modern Boeing next generation fleet with so many wonderful destinations from short to Medium haul routes. Air Canada is also in streamline to start the Operation as an (Interline) service, followed by Turkish Airlines (Interline)…
Last reply by IrfaanKhan, -
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On behalf of Executive management of PIAv, Welcome to PIA VIRTUAL all the pilots, PIA Virtual are Introducing Operations with Emirates Connecting the World with better and smoother connections. We are Introducing into vEmirates operations with connectivity and Real time Schedules to meet customer timeline and frequency to enhance Virtual Flying Experience. It gives us great pleasure to better the Flying Experience for our Pilots with more famous and world renowned routes and destinations. Pilots are eligible to fly with Captain Ranks and Commander only to be able to run and opearte a flight on to this operation. We are using State of the Art Boein…
Last reply by IrfaanKhan, -
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Welcome to the official pandaair virtual airline. We recreated after three years of pause our website and virtual airline structures. What do we offer? fly "real" with fuel costs and taxes a really friendly community of real pilots and hobby (computer)-pilots an extraordinary designed website (including dark theme for the night pilots 😉 and https for web-security) pandaair acars (smartCARs) pandaair liveries for different simulators and aircrafts custom website modules pandaair teamspeak 3 and discord server and much more We look forward to receiving your application. ☺️ Sincerely - PandaAir. About us: htt…
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 2 replies
Nordlink is a organisation with a twist offering pilots the option of a realistic virtual airline, and a flying club all in one place. This is an exciting project and we are looking for the right people and enfusiast to join. Please take note that this is a long term project and will only launch when everything is satisfactory and ready to a high standard. This organisation will not be rushed into development We will become a sustainable virtual organisation that is respected for not only its professionalism but also options and events it provides. We are currently in need of three members of staff which have the time, energy and motivation to be p…
Last reply by Mattb1990, -
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Welcome to the New Transload Virtual Airlines. We are currently 95% complete with the "best" phpvms based operating skin and database. We run as Transload, est. in 2002, as well as many code share operators for your flight sim experience. We will soon be incorporating into Infinite Flight as well. Swing by and look around at what we have for you. VaBase Ron Thanks to our Webmaster Jim, for the hours of hard work put into the development of this site.
Last reply by TVA703, -
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Hello, I've started my new VA, Velocity Virtual. If you are keen to fly Virgin Australia and it's code shares along with some others, why not join a quality Australian VA. Register! p.s don't worry about recaptcha just click submit.
Last reply by TomKing, -
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Hi All! I am in the middle of launching a new VA based in the Ohio Valley, USA. As of now I had fleet, routes/flight schedules, and a lot of other details done. However I am struggling HUGE with the website. VA is fun and hobby, so this is a volunteer position to be the webmaster. Also if you guys know a painter; for the fleet that would be a plus.
Last reply by saitek290pro, -
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Nowa Polska wirtualna linia lotnicza EuroLOT Virtual poszukuje vPilotów! / New Polish virtual airline EuroLOT Virtual is looking for vPilots! Co oferujemy: /What we offer: -Bogatą flote/ A generous fleet -Wiele połączeń/ Multiple connections -Zaawansowany system iCrew v4/ Advanced iCrew v4 system -Dobrą zabawę/ Good fun Dołącz do nas już dziś!/ Join us today/ ODWIEDŹ STRONĘ WWW (
Last reply by HyPn0zEr95, -
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Hello All, Due to the announcement of an upcoming new arrival, myself and my partner have decided that I am to step down as CEO of my Airline. While I am looking for a new CEO, I'm not opposed to a new Owner also. I look forward to meeting the new candidate web address: If Interested in this offer please pm me here or email at
Last reply by ArielSuchowski, -
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Hi all, I was thinking we should make a list of Airlines that don't have a virtual airline yet
Last reply by thunder175, -
- 9 replies
After the rebrand, we are ready to launch! Join for an amazing experience at Welsh Airways! Fly the amazing virtual welsh skies! Join now!
Last reply by Benjamin5896, -
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And off we go..... We have finally launched, After a few weeks of waiting and tweaking and a big thanks to Roger for his skin were now open for business. Come on over and have a look, feedback extremely welcome, we are of course based on easyjet
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Hello fellow phpVMS admins! It is with pleasure that I announce for the first time to the public a new cargo exclusive virtual airline that has been in active development for the past year. Capitol Logistics, is a virtual airline organized for the purpose of simulating real-world cargo operations of an FAA Part 121 certified all cargo carrier. Capitol Logistics is an airline that focuses our operations to emulate real-world freight operations, striving to be a realistic and rewarding experience, all while maintaining the flexibility required by our hobby to ensure fun for all pilots of varying skills levels, and levels of interest. We have been in existence for almost on…
Last reply by thunder175, -
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Good evening pilots, JetBlue Virtual is pleased to announce 'A Night in NYC.' A Night in NYC is a VATSIM event put on by JetBlue Virtual on March 16, 2019, at 2100Z-2330Z. If you are interested in joining us, you can make your account here: & Sign-Up here:
Last reply by Jonah0037, -
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Last reply by thunder175,