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623 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
The airline we model, releases the complete seasonal program in excel spreadsheet. These are for the hole seasons, and we want to try make a script to extract flights for a given week/period within the season, for example, 1 week in May, 1 week in July, 1 week in September. This would save us a great deal of manual labour, and would free up time to do other stuff with our airline. For the season we are in now, I manualy removed duplicates, adjusted for active/inactive within the season etc. I want to make this more effective. Anyway, the format for the spreadsheet is like this: FltNo From To Freq STC ACT DEP STD ARR STA Config DY118 30MAR12 30MAR12 5 J 73H BGO 18…
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I am setting up a Virtual Airline, my site is I need someone to skin the website for me for £25. I want it done perfect, no time wasters. Email if intrested, thanks.
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 43 replies
Hello my name is Puzant Yacoubian and I am the owner of , A company that was formed by me in November 2011. I have a hosting company that offers hosting for phpvms and for other services. When creating I had one thing in mind, and that thing was to provide hosting for affordable prices. If you are looking to purchase an unlimited hosting with free domain , I will provide you with a %15 discount , make sure you use the coupon code phpvms , Note: the copoun code is only valid on our Advanced package. Visit for more info
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 22 replies
Hi Guys, Well I am updating this post to inform you that I will be offering alot of services. I understand that virtual airlines are non registered non profit organizations, therefore there is no income. In the hard economy, Alot of people could use the extra dollar for dinner or such. Essentially what I am bringing to phpVMS is Free web hosting for virtual airlines, budget FS Repaints, and budget friendly website's and software addons. Web Hosting: 100% Free Hosting Package, 1GB Disk Space, 10GB Bandwidth, Unlimited Emails & Databases, 5FTP Accounts, 3 Addon/Parked Domains. Latest Edition of cPanel Website Builder, Scrip Installer, and Cloudflare FREE! All Hos…
Last reply by OA01, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I pay for a new schedule system only for my VA. In the schedule system you can book a flight in your location and with the planes are in your location. And I put in the admin in a tab in xxx_schedules tab ex: E195, AT72. If you book this flight the Schedule System gives you the option to select Embraers 195 & ATR72 in this location. I do this part "And I put in the admin in a tab in xxx_schedules tab ex: E195, AT72" but I pay for the rest of the Schedule System.
Last reply by carlosuc99, -
- 15 replies
Virtual Airline Consulting is a new organization dedicated to helping clients who are not quite sure how to get the framework of their Virtual Airline going. We work to ensure that a structure is in place for each client to help with their success in the Virtual Airline industry. We work with each client to do the following: * Create a structural support for their Virtual Airline * Ensure that they have the proper tools to run a successful Virtual Airline * Ensure a proper flow of the website Are you still confused? Here is a breakdown. Many Virtual Airlines start up with no structure, and sometimes with poor flowing websites. We work to ensure that each client has a…
Last reply by SubyDriver, -
- 17 replies
Hello all, I have been a repainter for some time and have pretty much repainted everything out there. If you want to get in contact with me please view this website: Thanks looking forward to working together! I have previous work and everything you need to know listed on there.
Last reply by flightsimcreator, -
- 3 replies
Hello all. I have not posted on this website yet, and I hope that doesn't scare away any would be bidders. I have been in the VA business for some years and am now looking to strike out on my own. I've helped run several in the past, but I was never responsible for web design and development, and none of my old contacts are still "in the business", so to speak. Thus, I am in need of someone to help me put together a website. I am interested in hiring someone to do this and am seeking out any interested parties that would like to talk about what services they can offer. If you're interested, please email me at or contact me via this forum. …
Last reply by SubyDriver, -
- 11 replies
Software is discontinued Hey Guys! It is finally Complete, tested, and better than ever! Dynife is now available for your virtual airline. What is Dynife? Dynife stands for Dynamic Inflight Entertainment. Fully Customized to your virtual airline, the IFE allows a new level of realism. Automated PA announcements is only one of its distinct feature. Along with a library of Movies, Music, and Games all editable through the admin panel eliminating the need of complicated programming. Also follow your flight Live as it happens with the new Inflight Flightshow. Also included are 2 of the skies favorite radio stations(Skyhigh & Skyblue)! I need screenshots! Virgin Amer…
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 4 replies
I know that DeltaVA has bascially the most advanced acars system out there but I have seen others that record exact positions of flights like this and a line that tracks where the plane actually was even on the ground like the shot here on this Delta VA pirep. So my question is can Kacars track exact position updates and show them in the pirep for all to see instead of just a straight line from departure to arrival like it currently depicts.
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, after a few months after starting i have not found the time to tend to my VA, as a result i no longer need my hosting. unfortunately (because i got a discount) i signed up for three years of hosting. Would like to sell it...the hosting is through ipage and i have never had any problems with them, great support and customer service. Shoot me a price!! Thanks, Theo
Last reply by VirtualIntegraAir, -
Hi, I'm giving a service where I put in your flight routes for a very cheap price. For example, lets say you own a British Airways VA I will put in the routes for that for very cheap price. This is for CEO's who don't have time please don't hesitate to PM me for any more info.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
- 1.6k views Willing to pay to have the website fixed by a pro. There's allot to be done, email me at
Last reply by Talisman57, -
- 5 replies
I will paint airplanes for your virtual airline for a very low price. $3.00 USD per plane at most. PM me if you would like more info.
Last reply by Ghiby, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I'm looking for somebody that has experience and talent with video production. I'm interested in creating a YouTube video promo for Fly Star Alliance and would like to get some quotes. Thanks Will
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 31 replies
I'm starting to do mobile application development(Android, Iphone, Ipad) and was wondering if there would be any interest in customized VA chart apps, customized VA route apps, and maybe some customized VA mobile IRC-type chats. The apps would have the VA colors and logo on it, a customized icon, and pretty much anything else you wanted. The apps would probably sell for about 15$ for a single airline, all including Android, iPhone, and iPad versions. Let me know what you guys think Cody
Last reply by Tom, -
- 3 replies
- 2.1k views is offering website skinning from as low as $80. We can do custom website templates which start at a base price of $80, and go up as more features are requested. We understand that a Virtual Airline does not make profit and thus provide a flexible price range to help everyone get what they need to run their Virtual Airline. Upon emailing our team, we can give you links to our past works that we have done, as well as an accurate time frame on which your project will be finished. We never resell the same skin, and we do not require that you keep our name on the skin, as we respect that you should be able to use the skin however you like. We currently h…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am looking for someone to help me create a route map for my Virtual Airline. If interested, please email me at Thanks
Last reply by flyalaska, -
Hello Phpvms users! I am now able to get extremely accurate flight schedules for most airlines around the whole world! This is a great service for Virtual Airline CEO's that don't have the time to sit there any put in them one by one. Once purchased you will receive them in CSV format for easy import into the Phpvms service. If you have any questions, or would like to inquire on a price. Please do not hesitate to PM me! Thanks, Edmund K.
- 14 replies
WEBSITE URL: Hello, My name is Trevor and I am the CEO of Your cPanel Hosting. Your cPanel started planning in 2010 and opened about 4 months later in 2011. Your cPanel offers some of the fastest Web hosting servers around. Your cPanel uses the Very popular cPanel Software. Your cPanel offers Web Hosting, and very soon to come will be selling Teamspeak 3 Servers in about 2 months from now. Below are some features of Your cPanel. Fast Servers 24/7 Support Live Help Desk 45% OFF First Month Multiple Domain Hosting Many more! PACKAGES: BRONZE PLAN 1GB of Disk Space 10GB of Bandwidth 24/7 Live Support 45% OFF First Month using pr…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 2 replies
We need a graphic designer able to take care of some awards for various parts of the website. I will provide sizes, ideas and eventual material needed to have an idea of what I want. We are not maniacs, but if you look at our website it looks nice, clean and professional and we want to keep it that way. I have no problem paying a few dollars more for a job well done instead of being cheap and get quick stuff thrown together. I already work with SimPilot (since a long time), Jeffrey Kobus, Joeri etc. and I'm looking for a long term relationship for all the graphics that I need. If you are interested please contact me at or through the forum pm …
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
A Virgin America style IFE is for sale it includes all features such as music, radio, chat, reading and shopping. Small changed can be made if necessary, The cost of the system is £15 and can only be bought through Paypal, If you are interested please PM me Kind Regards Jacob
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 0 replies
I am looking for someone that can make me a professional looking very affordable design for the MyBB forum system. Please PM for details and let me know if you are capable of doing such a thing. Thanks, Edmund K.
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm offering service such as developing your website. Helping you in the admin panel, this could be doing routes for you or anything else. About developing the website,unfortunately I do not make skins but lets say you have a skin and you don't gave time to set everything up I can at a low price. If you would like a quote, please message me I don't charge allot and I really need money to help my family.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 2 replies
I need somebody to skin for me, I'd like it to match - contact me for details and price negotiation. Thank you!
Last reply by PilotJordan, -
Cheap TS3 Servers!!
by Guest- 0 replies
Hey Guys, Pacific Hosting just started hosting CHEAP TS3 servers. If you interested visit We add new packages daily! Check it out today! Thanks, Ryan Palmer
- 3 replies
In the past I attempted to reach out and offer my services unfortunately due to health issues in the family I had to put that on hold. I am pleased to announce that at this time I would once again like to open up my services to the FS community. Technical Writing Services: The backbone of any virtual airline is technical writing. Whether it be your website or the policies that govern your daily operations you will notice that words are everywhere! What is Offered: -Terms & Conditions -Standard Operating Procedures -Pilot Handbooks -Web Page Text -And more! (Per Discussion) Financial Information: All documents are uniquely written and created under the full g…
Last reply by Britishroyal, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a great offer! If you are looking to start a Virtual Airline, and need Web Hosting then this could be for you. WebHosting for many people is quite daunting and we can help to give you the support that you need. If you order our basic, standard or advanced hosting then we can also install and configure phpVMS for you as well, we can also assist with things such as installing templates, editing the code and helping you to succeed in running a Virtual Airline, Flying Group or Virtual Military! The most basic package that is hosted in a UK datacentre, is only £3.50 GBP. We are an english company but can al…
Last reply by WillMorgan0711, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I'm looking for liveries for A32F, A332, A343 and A346 (from Wilco) for a new virtual airline. Already have logos. Anyone interested in doing that work? Thanks. Tony
Last reply by jb123, -
- 12 replies
Hi, We are in the process to renew and re-upload our Fleet and we need some help. We are talking about several aircrafts, anywhere from 12 to 25 at least and we are willing to contract a fixed price per repaint. Please contact me if interested at to further discuss timeframe and details. Thanks William M.
Last reply by MrAmsterdam,