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623 topics in this forum
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Hello, everyone if you are struggling with calculating flight time for routes? If so then this is FOR YOU!!! This program estimates flight time based on multiple variables, including the following Number of passengers Type of Aircraft Cruising Speed of Aircraft AND MORE Attached are two screenshots from the program. I can fully customize the program for your specific aircraft and needs. Email me at for more information.
Last reply by treygeboy, -
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Hi, I'm currently in the process of creating a virtual airline and would need a graphic designer/repainter to paint our fleet. To start, we currently only have 3 aircraft (Dash 8 Q400, A320 and 77L) and would need payware and freeware versions of each aircraft for a total of 6 repaints. This is rough mockup of the intended livery: Please PM me if interested so that we can go over the details, logo files ect.. Thanks, Mike
Last reply by HoneyBadger, -
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Hi, Good afternoon Would need a graphic designer / repainter to paint our fleet.
Last reply by FlightDeckES, -
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Hello all, My name is Rory Mulcahy, and I've returned from a long break from the Flight Sim community, I'm back creating phpVMS skins and templates and just rolled out a very unique crew center application for all your backend or even front end Virtual Airline needs, I'm available to answer any questions regarding my products and will send my current designs if requested please email me on Nice To Be Back, Regard's Rory Mulcahy
Last reply by Rory, -
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Hello guys, Looking for someone who would be willing to help us at EastLink come up with a logo as well as a repaint scheme for our aircraft. I would like to implement something on the aircraft, it is attached below in this post. We have agreed to make the colors blue and gray. The hex codes for the specific colors are BLUE: 00587A Gray: 6E706A I will pay for someone to come up with a beautiful, sleek, and modern design for the repaint and logo. Send mock up designs to Thank you all -EastLink Virtual Airlines
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
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Bula! So I have decided to sell my beloved (not so anymore) VA, Fiji Virtual... why? you ask. Time, I've got no time to recruit or run this VA. I don't want to see it run into the ground like many other. It comes with a full set of logos as well as a fully custom website and smartCARS, this forum account and a discord server. I'd really like to see this VA go into some good hands. It was started at around the same time last year, I don't have the time to keep it up. The websites and all about Fijiv is completely spectacular and I want it to live on and gain some success. I'll be launching another VA soon but I'll have people to m…
Last reply by FijiVirtual, -
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Hello everyone! I'm suprised that no one has made a virtual airline from Bulgaria! My goal is to recreate Balkan Air(the former national airline) with some of the soviet planes and some new. Tu-154B(, Tu-134, Boeing 737-8, Boeing 767-400 and Airbus A320-200. I worry more about the repaint because I know HTML and CSS(I don't know how to work with php), but I cannot paint in any kind of photo editing program. The old logo could be modernized and re used.( If you want more information contact me on Thanks in advance!
Last reply by borisib, -
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Hello all, I see when people are struggling getting their Virtual Airlines online, They will either complain that it will cost a lot of money to keep it going. Now i started this post to tell you you can get your website up and running for just £5.00 a month! Included in our company's unlimited hosting plan to help you be the best Virtual Airline out there. Web Hosting: All plans are provisioned on a fully managed dedicated server. Also all accounts come with complete cPanel access as standard. -Unlimited Hosting Plan: Unlimited Disk, Unlimited domains, Unlimited subdomain, Unlimited email accounts, Unlimited SQL Databases. All for £5 p/m. -Domai…
Last reply by Drummond74, -
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I've designed a brand new vCrew Center for Vistara Virtual . Here are some screenshots!. I'm selling it for 50$ / 38,00 € (This skin will contain some exciting modules like Group Flight/VistaOps/VistaChallenges with inbuilt preloader of your VA's name or Crew Center name)
Last reply by Yash, -
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Hello guys, I made a new skin with some unique modules few weeks ago. My skin contains responsive designs with unique modules, listed below: 1. Unique VistaID of a Pilot 2. Group Flight Module ( Pilot can create a Group Flight ) 3. VIstaChallenges ( Assign Challenges to Pilots ) 4. VistaCharter System (Create and Bid Flights on your own with detailed information ) 5. VistaGallery ( Upload/View screenshots by Pilots ) 6. Real World FlightBoard 7. Responsive Booking System with Automatic Emails System I'm selling this theme with all the above features for $50 If you want to buy it you can send me a message on this forum or contact on +91 9619271512 o…
Last reply by Yash, -
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Hello Guys, I've made a Group Flight Module for phpvms which will allow pilots to Create/Accept / Reject/Delete Group Flights. Members of Group Flight are emailed about the Group Flight with a click of button! This module is fully automatic (No need of admins) Pilots creating Group Flight should Delete the Group Flight once finished (Automatic Delete will be available in future updates for Free) Pilots have the power to add anyone from the Virtual Airline in this Group Flight! I am selling this module for 50$ . Interested buyers can PM me or Post here! Here are some screenshots from my Virtual Airline:
Last reply by Yash, -
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I am looking for a fellow PHP coder who can help me design a basic system that allows me to input data and send it to the payment processing server. There is full documentation on the API as well as pre-written PHP code to guide you through it. I know this has nothing to do with VA's, but I would really like to support my old community, so if I can give any of you this work, please PM for extra details and a possible quote you have in mind. Thanks! Happy New Years Everyone -edmundk **UPDATE: I have found a developer. Thank you to this whole community, I hope I can find sometime to fly again but until then blue skies ahead.**
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Hi, I'm looking to hire someone who can help me sort this issue I have. I want to modify the live map so it will display the route of the aircraft. The map should show all connected pilots, and once you click one of the aircrafts it will show the route that the aircraft has flown so far. Like flight radar. VA: Live Map: Thanks
Last reply by vladimirs, -
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Hello everyone, I have a problem with the simbrief module and I pay if anyone can fix the problem. The problem is Hey Vangelis, I've tried many many times in my website even in clear phpvms but when Im clicking on the "Generate Simbrief" nothing happens can you please help me solve this problem? and they answer me: check jquery versions you cannont have 3 diferent versions If you think you can help me please pm me.
Last reply by Omerr01, -
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People who could do pmdg liveries please PM me as I am in need of a couple ? In a rush to get x2 done for 747 777
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Last reply by harryh146, -
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I have made a module for Connecting Flights. This module finds Direct as well as Connecting Flights from Departure Airport to Arrival Airport. Max number of Flights the system finds is "2" I am selling this Module for 30$. Message me if interested!
Last reply by Yash, -
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Hello, I have a offer for your u all! First of all a little about me, My dream is to be able to grow website design business, I'm trying to grow my portfolio meaning I'll be putting cheep prices for all services for the start, Services. :Custom Front Page Website :Custom Crew Page :Free hosting for 5 months :Free Teamspeak Hosting for 2 months As I have said to build up my portfolio I'm offering low cost priceing. My priceing is set at 10 pounds If your interested please send me a pm or email me at: Thanks-
Last reply by itsbenny99, -
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Hello Guys I am restarting my Freelancing Services after a long time.. These services include full custom Modules, [Including Route Finder with Latest Airac], Customised Crew Centers, & Customised Front Ends. Hold me up via PM or email me to Do Consider Sincerely, Aaryan Kapoor Freelance Web Develeoper
Last reply by Aaryan, -
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Hello everyone! I'm Carlos Eduardo, DEV of FSvas. For those who do not know, FSvas is an airline company. In it we have vPrime, vEnergy and soon will be released the American Airways. But I'm not here to talk about it. I am here to talk about the new project that FSvas is announcing today, on this Thursday. This project is ElixarCode. ElixarCode is a project consisting of sales of skins and modules for phpVMS, UI Designer, Web Designer and more! We're just starting out with a developer, me. Jobs for developers are open to everyone. ElixarCode has tried to accept all developers who send an application (This application can be found here: CLICK…
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409, -
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Hello there, I have created a Points System which checks the following things: * Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 * Overspeed entered * Engine 2 is off before Filing PIREP * Distance of Flight * Different Points for Different Landing Rates Let me know if anyone is interested!
Last reply by Yash, -
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Hi folks, i am looking for a portal with phpvms and below functionality: simbrief integration Entry exam Smart ACARS report auto accept or reject pireps pireps comment and email feature Pilot briefing Hub's information weather integration feature at departure and arrival airport fleet detailed page, etc Please get in touch!
Last reply by RafaelLeite, -
- 1 follower
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Hello All, I am the ceo of virtual AirAlgerie working on ips. So my pilots are bored flying without flight logger software such as smartacars kacars...ext So i want to know of it is possible to keep ips working and add phpvms in order to can use phpvms modules.. If there is no possibility is there any one for the migration from ips to phpvms in order to keep all pilots database ( flown hours ranks awards ..) So at that point i need a developer for that and some designing upgrade Email : http : \ PS : i contacted Jasper (ips owner) he told me that he isn't in operation any more . Regards
Last reply by krimov3, -
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Hi all, I am wanting a livery made for my VA and would like some help with it Asmara I’ve tried and failed! 😞 Any help you can give would be great! Scott
Last reply by drury211, -
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Hello guys, am looking for someone to build my new VA website if interested please PM for more details. Thanks
Last reply by blue3294, -
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Hi Guys, I am currently in the process of creating a brand new VA for the community, as a result I am seeking a Fleet Designer / Repainter who can accommodate to our needs. I am willing to pay for the service, if the job is completed to a high standard. If you are interested, please PM me or send and email to Thanks
Last reply by Rusty91, -
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I have built up a schedule database, all based on may airlines from around the world. Would make a helping start to any airline fictional and non fictional. This has been built over many weeks. I am willing to sell as a whole and also I will sell per so many. I have the database in order so I am able to provide certain airline specific routes. I.e AA (American airline) this is not a complete collection of airline schedule but there is many routes within the database. Please note this do note come with flight numbers due to the fact I was making it for my airline originally so that field will be blank. Can be filled in with my current flight number…
Last reply by Highskies, -
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I am currently seeking the services of an experienced livery designer for some Carenado and Aerosoft products. If interested please PM with previous work and prices.
Last reply by Rusty91, -
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Hello guys, all phpvms modules and skins on my site will be on sale from today until december 24th. To receive -20% discount on all items please use the following discount code during checkout: XMAS2018CCR This code can be used as often as you wish until december 24th. I also want to take the chance to wish all of you happy holidays and thank you very much for your continued support. Looking forward to 2019 with lots of new phpvms stuff to come. On a side note since some of you contacted me about having the problem that you cannot purchase things via PayPal in certain countries I have added the option to pay via …
Last reply by mseiwald, -
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Hi! I'm looking for someone to make me a website for my Virtual Airline. pm me if interested.
Last reply by Britishroyal,