The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi. I have been using Kacars free for about a year now and it's great! http://www.fsvintage...pvms/index.php/ I do have a question, on the live map everting is working fine, but the Distance/Time Remain does not work. Does the Distance/Time Remain only work for the paid version or is there somthing I need to do to get the Distance/Time Remain working? Thank you for your time, Kenny.
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello there, I have been trying to get kACARS working with my new airline and can't seem to get it working. I get these errors (note: I can't see the bottom of the website error as it goes off screen.) If anyone can help that'd be great!
Folks, Using a custom build KaCars. Recently the Departure and Arrival pulldown under METAR only displays "1". I checked all I know and still having problem. Did a reinstall of kACARS, checked FSUIPC and all seems good. Is anyone else having this issue?
- 5 replies
If you forget to start kACARS when the aircraft starts to move, it gives you the popup letting you know this. It then continues to pop this up over and over and over. Can you set a flag that once it's warned the user it doesn't keep popping up? The only way to close kACARS at this point is to force close it, since it continuously gets stuck in this aircraft movement loop. This is on the paid version of kACARS, don't recall this in free. Thanks.
Last reply by texxasal, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, how to configure eFOQA in the kACARS?
Last reply by Fernando, -
- 1 reply
How can i costumize kAcars? And would it be possible to give the pilot some informations about the pax satisfaction after the flight ? Best regards.
Last reply by Fernando, -
- 3 replies
So I have read many times this is a slow server error. While I have never had any issues at all with slowness on this server, I am willing to bite on the slow server bait. How can I fix this issue to make the script just ignore that error and continue on? We are using the Customs Kacars device on our VA. Also, I run another little VA on the side that uses the free version, can I fix that error on that module (script) as well? The person who paid for our script emailed Jeff and got no reply that I know of thus far. It's been a month or so ago. If anyone has a clue, PLEASE fill me in on what to do. Thanks in advance either way. Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 16 replies
Hello there, I'm trying to insert the aircraft used in flight into PIREPS table. I was wondering what would be the xml variable for aircraft in kACARS. Thanks
- 6 replies
Hey, I just got a new iMac and i'm wondering if kACARs will work on mac and Xplane work together?
Last reply by PilotManChase, -
- 0 replies
Hi there, I have doubts about phpvms modules in Fs-Products page. What is it and what is it used "Navdata phpvms"? Where i can instructions to install? Any picture? Thanks! DELETE THIS TOPIC MODERATOR, PLEASE, DOUBT WAS SOLVED.
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys. I need some help. I keep getting error messages from my Kacars when trying to start a flight. I have attached 2 screenshots. The first on occurs when I go to retrieve a flight bid. I can continue from this one with no probs. But... the second picture shows what happens when I actually start the flight, and I am unable to continue from this point. Any Ideas?
- 1 reply
In kacars when my mate of VA start it., appear this message: can not find file or assembly system.xml version= Culture= neutral Publickeytoken= b77a5c561934e089 or one of its dependencies. The system can not find the specified file. S.O: Windows 7 64 Last version .net fremeworks installed
Last reply by ARV187, -
Hi there, I have installed the Step 1 Aircraft buying Mod Version 0.91, and in the database, Under Aircraft, it added a table named 'cond' for aircraft condition. Is there a way that when filing a pirep with kACARS, it reads the current condition of the aircraft, and based on the landing rate, it write a new condition to the table? The idea is with a landing with a rate between -200 and -300 to subtract 7% from the condition. From -300 to -400 to subtract 15% from the condition and -400 to -500 subtract 30%. any landing harder than -500 subtract 50%. I was thinking of the core/modules/KACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php module, maybe it can be write into that? my own UNS…
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Our v.a. uses custom kACARS and one of our pilots is struggling with a fuel issue, in that 99% of his PIREPs show 0kg fuel usage, even though the log itself shows correct take-off and landing fuel quantities in lbs. Very occasionally he will have a PIREP with the correctly calculated value in kg, but I'm at a loss to figure out why most show 0kg. PIREPs from all other pilots are spot on with the fuel usage the majority of the time, although sometimes I will see a report with a negative value, but there is no indication of midair refuel etc. In all the above situations, I can manually work out the use by subtracting the landing fuel value from the take-off value, a…
Last reply by steelerboi, -
- 6 replies
Due to the short falls of FSX and from time to time when FSX freezes and you end up with a CTD after a long flight. It would be nice if kACARS was able to auto save the flight from time to time to prevent this very frustrating event. Would be a nice addition.. Wood
- 7 replies
What is this error code for. if its trying to say that my FSX is not running yeah it was.
- 4 replies
I have a pilot that is running windows 7 and of course as an admin. This program loads and appears to work fine. When entering VA settings it allows the pilot to fill in the information and when he clicks the save button it deletes the information and does not show in the saved VA settings. Any ideas?
Last reply by Nighthawk, -
- 6 replies
We just finished uploading a new website but now our Custom KAcars will not connect. We get an unhandled exception error everytime. I have used this install of the custom KAcars for well over a year now with no issues. The web urls and root folders on the site are exactly the same. I am at a loss here. Help!! Chuck CYXU
Last reply by wrenchca, -
- 3 replies
Hi all with the Kacars free and module have this error when i send the pirep (see photo) how to resolve thanks to all
Last reply by mattia, -
- 9 replies
I have correctly configured my VA profile in the latest kACARS FRee client. I have also selected that profile (my only profile) but when I click on the Login button I get "Not Logged in" in red. I have used the same username/password combination on the website and I can login without problems but somehow the client fails.
- 5 replies
Quick Question about the "Select Aircraft" option - i now adjusted the ranks and fleet - so with my rank now i can only fly the Dash and not the T7. T7 flights don't show up in the schedule - so far so good, but when starting Kacars i'm able to select any aircraft i want ? Is there something i can do about that ?
- 1 reply
I have the latest version of the client and the module installed. I have noticed that there is a pending issue that has never been fixed in the client application that has to do with usability (user feedback). When one presses the Login button to login to the server it may take some time but since there is no feedback that something is happening, the user will most likely (I do) click again on Login because you don't see anything happening unless your server responds very quickly. The usual pattern for handling button events in Microsoft .NET is: private LoginButton_Click(object sender EventArgs e) { Button btn = sender as Button; btn.Enabled = false; …
- 5 replies
I contacted Jeffrey but thought it'd be best to post here. Does anyone know how to export own data to kACARS? Take passengers for example. There is: $load = $xml->pirep->pax; in the code but this won't set the actual value. I'm assuming the values are decided in the XML? Any ideas?
- 7 replies
Hello One of my pilots has a serious malfunction with his kacars. When he saves the profile he gets a big fat exception, see attachment and details below. What is says is that the access to european.xml (where the config info is stored) is denied. he runs it as admin though. He first had it installed in the default install path, I then advised him to put it in a sub directory in fsx somewhere but that didnt change anything. I'm not familiar enough with win7 to tell where its going wrong. The file seems ti exist. I wonder if it could be an issue with the space in the pathname? thanks in advance for providing any clarity! Informationen über das Aufrufen von JIT-Debugg…
Last reply by mischka, -
kacars error
by mac- 5 replies
I have read the forum and downloaded new module and progam, and still get this error. kacars_free cant continue! contact your site adminisrator to fix this issue! Application and module donot match! evry thing is updated on site and computer Help
- 17 replies
I dont understand why its not working, i updated the module and pointed it to the right URL http://jalvirtual.org/en any idea why this is coming up? Thanks
- 1 reply
Hi, My connect tracker custom kACARS crashes just after launch with this error. I have tried reinstalling and now I'm stumped . Version=1 EventType=CLR20r3 EventTime=130011997651212456 ReportType=2 Consent=1 UploadTime=130011997651582697 ReportIdentifier=56344228-512c-11e2-be9c-8c89a55ce90b Response.BucketId=6e13f8d2af3d0fe6f93b2ea074ec6931 Response.BucketTable=5 Response.LegacyBucketId=-875727915 Response.type=4 Sig[0].Name=Problem Signature 01 Sig[0].Value=kacars - juliana connect.exe Sig[1].Name=Problem Signature 02 Sig[1].Value= Sig[2].Name=Problem Signature 03 Sig[2].Value=50ac2045 Sig[3].Name=Problem Signature 04 Sig[3].Value=System Sig[4].Name=Problem S…
Last reply by Heliguy, -
- 1 reply
SOLVED. I used wrong information..........>_< Noob mistake Dylan
Last reply by Strider, -
- 11 replies
Well, lets start off by saying that your kACARS is the best. It just works right out of the blocks. Thank you very much!! I was wondering about the possibility of the actual departure time being read from the sim and not from the system. Most of the flight we fly are normal daytime flights, but are flown in the evenings, or wee hours of the morning, but we set the departure time to a few minutes before the scheduled time to depart, this way we can monitor if the pilot did fly the flight at the correct times or not. Example of a flight that takes place at 15:00 UTC teh sim time was set for 14:50 UTC but the log shows as follows Again thanks for a brilliant products. …
- 5 replies
Hi there, I was just wondering if the FlightStatus variable is actually working completely in the Free version. I suspect it is not, but wanted to double-check before I go any further with what I'm trying to do which is to have kACARS tell the user that the airplane is out of service if they try and bid on a plane that is not enabled. The module is coded that if you pass the number 3 back through the XML for FlightStatus, that is supposed to represent "Out of Service", but it seems the only two messages that get passed are "Flight Found" and "Flight Not Found". Am I doing something wrong or is that the case? Cheers.
Last reply by drgullen,