21 topics in this forum
by Nabeel- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Docs: I'm making some changes to how the PIREPs are filed. I don't have a list of who all the current ACARS devs are, but I suppose this is as good of a place to make it known. I'm compiling a master topic on Github issues, here: I'll make notes, etc. Once of the changes that will be is that the file PIREP endpoint is going to require passenger information. When a user selects an aircraft, a request should be made to get the fare information for that aircraft, and it should be passed to the file PIREP endpoints. Otherwise, financials might not be accurate. If a …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, I'm looking to make some addons for phpVMS, such as an exam centre, as the one by simpilots is outdated. I'm not entirely sure how to. Could somebody explain?
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I am responsible for the flight planning of our CYBER AIR VA. I am thinking of how to make the flight planning more easily. Therefore I recommend to change the structure of airport. Insert a point TORA. Insert into subfleet the fields max_range and max_t/o_length. Then insert into flights the following fields: TORA. The flight time and arrival time can be vanished because ist varies by type of aircraft. The subfleet can now automatically insert the aircraft of the VA applicable for the route. This helps if you have a lot of flight plans and 'buying' a new fleet type. Prensently you have to correct each flight plan (we have presently over 3000 files…
Last reply by CYB1682, -
- 2 replies
Hope to be understood . So I start with an example. I start my Acars and cargo and passenger weight appear. Would it be possible when I click on start ( when sim is already ready with my plane) the weights displayed in Acars, automatically get inserted in msfs, without having to manually modify them?
Last reply by Trony70, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I'm trying to charge to pilot to accept a pirep not scheduled. I tried to follow an example, but I don't know what I must write in condition. if ($event->pirep-> !scheduled) Or how charge the Debit of pirep $amount = pirep expenses/debit; Thanks! \app\Listeners\FreeFlight.php <?php namespace App\Listeners; use App\Contracts\Listener; use App\Events\Expenses; use App\Events\PirepAccepted; use App\Models\Enums\ExpenseType; use App\Models\Expense; class FreeFlight extends Listener { public function handle(Expenses $event) { $expenses = []; $amount = pirep expenses/debit; if ($event->pirep-> !schedule…
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys ı am starting up a virtual airline whith Wix. I have The Wix paid hosting whith everythying unlimited. I did everything but ı dont know how to add the crewcenter to wix? How can ı? Thankyou
Last reply by igusim, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone, I have been developing a skin for PHPvms v7. The skin is based off ProUI, I have attached some images to show some of the pages for the skin, If you would like more information please feel free to contact me. Please note this is a different skin from my not to be confused with my Bravo Skin This is skin is a payware skin Please note you are required to purchase your own license to use the theme prior to me being able to send you the files and proof of purchase will be required for me to validate.
Last reply by MichaelTrickett, -
- 0 replies
CrewOps - Beta Version 1 Crew Operations Skin This is based on the Creative Tim - Argon Admin UI Theme. If you would like any more details please contact me, Please note the Powered by phpVMS is located in the footer as per the agreement. Just some images are cropped due to my screen size This is a payware skin Please note this is a different skin from my not to be confused with my Alpha Skin
Last reply by MichaelTrickett, -
- 1 reply
Is there any way to create your own language? For example: Hungarian? I saw the lang folder but what exactly do I have to do there?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I'm trying to figure out how I can modify the app controllers code to following fuel "tankering" logic. What I have done so far was create another field on the PIREP submit labeled block_in_fuel. That seems to be working fine. But now I want the PirepFinanceService to look for the previous pirep for that aircraft. Is there a function like that already built I could use to accomplish finding that record? From there I assume I would so something like ...$fuel_used = $pirep->block_fuel - $prevpirep->block_in_fuel I'm a huge noob to Laravel. So any pointers would be appreciated.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi! I was trying to change a language for my VA since it is a Chinese airline, and it is making it easier for those who perfer to read in their first language. I have edit the language from in japanese into Chinese, also successfully change the flag of it. But now I'm stucked at this part. I couldn't find the file to change the JAPANESE(日本語)in to what I need. I know it is a silly question, but I've been trying to find this file for 2 days and still not sure where is it. Anyone can help me to locate the file of this thing?
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I am seeking someone to help with the basic installation & customization of my website. I am familiar with how PHPVMS "works" to support an airline group, but am not proficient in the mechanics of how to perform the basic customization and setup of the website. I am going to run PHPVMS 7, and TfDI have installed the website. What I need to have accomplished is: 1. Install Disposable Theme to the website. 2. Customize the basic theme/background to utilize an image I have attached. 3. Install SmartCARS flight logging software. 4. Document what you've done, so i can hopefully do similar tasks in the future (Upload/Install things such a…
Last reply by LesJar, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Is it possible to have. amass route editor in place or a mechanism to export and import routes for mass editing via a csv?
Last reply by LesJar, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys ı want to learn abaut if I Create my website from wix or weebly can I put livemap or crewcenter (virtual airlines stuff) into the wix or weebly thankyou
Last reply by igusim, -
- 5 replies
In the old phpvms we had the ability to modify the amount of $$ a pilot had. For instance we could have implemented a sign-up bonus or similar ideas. I cannot see a way for Admin to access the pilot finances or modifying them. Am I missing something? Thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
Hi. I would like to write a python script that converts ACMI files into a PIREP and supplements necessary data (e.g., ICAO codes...). Is there any documentation on how such a Pirep must be structured? I find a lot about the API/REST, but unfortunately no documentation for manual Pireps that players can upload after a flight (not interested in live data). To accomplish this task, I'm trying to understand the PIREP Format. regards marc
Last reply by marcos, -
- 3 replies
It would be nice to be able to group aircraft into a category/class and assign those classes to routes vs listing aircraft one by one.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
One of the things I offer in my VA are tours, so far so good. One of my tours has several legs but also includes the necessity to follow a certain set of waypoints in the air. See Currently the only way for me to make these waypoints accessible to pilots is to attach a flight plan. But I cannot check (apart from taking a look at the duration of the flight legs) whether the pilot has actually flown the intended route. Now you could say: If the pilot wants to cheat his way around, it's his own loss, because this whole simulator thing is about experiencing the actualy flying part, not about cheating an avatar to th…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hiya all, I'm in the process of skinning phpVMS 7, and I'm just wondering if it would be bad practise to skin the admin panel, and if it wasn't, how to go about routing it. Many thanks, Lucas
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 1 reply
Virtual Sky Aviation ( loves your theme and we continue to get positive feedback thus far. Thank you very much for the hard work and keep it up brother. v/r, Russell
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 13 replies
Would it be possible to integrate the VATSIM single sign-on (vatsim connect) with phpVMS? I am building my VA to operate solely on the VATSIM network, and since we already have the capability to store the VATSIM CID and use it to direct members to the stats area. I think it would be great if we can also use it for the actual member account.
Last reply by skyguyt,