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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Which charset did you change? If you change it back to the default, what happens?
  2. When I get time All the information is in the documentation, though. The videos are all out of date anyway, so there's nothing really of value there
  3. This is being worked on It's not as easy as you imply, there are issues mainly with the display. But I'm working on it.
  4. What was it? Might help someone else
  5. I would try a complete uninstall and removal of fsacars and reinstall. Or better yet, use kACARS
  6. It sounds like the cache isn't refreshing. If you clear the cache under maintenance data, does that help?
  7. So...airnav won't budge, despite the fact that they don't have an AUP in place, and claim that I'm spidering. Lame. Anyone know of any other resources to get fuel prices? I could do a 'community database', but not sure how much good that would do, since there's alot of manual investment. Maybe something that collects averages from vaCentral?
  8. I'm hoping with the maint. release which is coming hopefully by the end of this week
  9. Right, and you need to add the other part in the template, which sets the right CSS class
  10. What do you mean? That should be about right
  11. There is a bug with that at the moment
  12. The easier way would be this: In your CSS file: #topBanner { background: /* default for when not logged in */ } #topBanner .klm { background: /* klm image */ } #topBanner .ups { background: /* Ups */ } /* etc, setup your classes, one class for each code */ Then in the template: <?php $class = strtolower(Auth::$userinfo->code); ?> <div id="topBanner" class="<?php echo $class;?>"> Much cleaner
  13. Glad to hear you found it
  14. It wasn't in a template. Yes, as long as your customized templates are moved you should be ok
  15. Hi everyone, Without any notification or warning, my live fuel price provider has blocked me from getting updated fuel prices. This really affects US airports, so for now, live pricing will not be available for now, until I work out and figure out exactly what's going on - sorry all. I've changed the API to refer to the last updated fuel price, so they may be off (they were updated last week). I will be adding an airport import/export so that fuel prices can be updated en-masse, as with schedules. This will be available soon. Again, my apologies Nabeel
  16. There was a bug fixed in 932 I believe fixing a problem with custom fields, so that might be it
  17. It's in core/templates, pages_item.tpl I believe
  18. There's a template which the page is inserted into, just remove it from that
  19. I will also be looking into adding the admin-style pagination for PIREPS in several places (the other pagination thread) Edit NVM, I see you posted there already
  20. I've emailed them, it seems that they are blocking my server. That's not really fair, I've emailed them several times before starting, and there's no acceptable use policy on their site, much less one forbidding certain clients. Let's see what they say. Sorry about that!
  21. It says it can contact outside servers, hmm. When you open the airport dialog box, and move off of the ICAO field, it should refresh the live price. Does it come up then? I will check the API server as well to see if there are any errors Edit: Oof, damn. Seems like Airnav has blocked phpvms maybe... hmm
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