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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Just on the schedules page? It's gonna be tricky to do with the search that's there. I'll look into it
  2. Goto http://downloads.phpvms.net and try downloading the beta from there, the tar.gz version, and see what that /core/version file says. I think there's some weird matchup going on.
  3. I added a bug. Not sure why you're still showing 934, I did a test update and it shows 935. What does the /core/version file show?
  4. You have alot of corrupted files listed there
  5. That would be a rather large change for the next version. The problem is keeping it flexible as the one is now. I'll look into it
  6. They will be soon, I just haven't had the time to move them yet to the new docs
  7. If people want, I can update some of these pages so they're paginated the same way it's done in the admin panel (using jqgrid). The problem with that is then there isn't much flexibility
  8. Hmm the update might be bugged I just realized, since the previous version it can't compare since that file is replaced... hmm. I'll check that out. I'll take a look again in the morning, sorry about that
  9. You have to do the permissions on all those folders/files which are listed as well, so do the same Permissions 777 thing
  10. What program do you use for FTP?
  11. Hmm, not seeing it here. Try re-uploading those files, did you do a control f5 (complete refresh)?
  12. Cool, moving to Code Snippets
  13. I'd let Jeff know of that problem in his thread then, since the connector picks up the fuel used
  14. Glad to hear it worked!
  15. Oh, shoot, you're right, this should be 935, the zip says that, not sure why this didn't. Fixed that right now, thanks
  16. Are you on a free host? Can you paste the output from running install/checkdb.php and install/checkinstall.php? Thanks
  17. Look in the schedules module, it will be int here
  18. In your FTP client, right click the file and select permissions, and change it to 777
  19. Hi, Well, the question would be - is it already in use, double registrations? Can you run /install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php? Thanks
  20. Which ACARS program are you using?
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