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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel

    Live Acars Map

    Thanks, Jeff. If it's not there, just add those lines. All of the settings are in app.config.php, you can copy them into local.config.php to change them
  2. Nabeel

    Live Acars Map

    It's ACARS_LIVE_TIME or something similar
  3. It might be in the skin file, which is header.tpl in the skin folder
  4. What missing graphics and login? I haven't heard of those issues before.
  5. I'll check the mileage, probably my lousy math skills
  6. I suspect there's a problem with your host where something is going wrong. When you run the install, is there anything in the debug log?
  7. I think fsfk doesn't report the time remining actually, so I do a really bad estimate
  8. Nabeel


    That just deleted the admin link, not the pages
  9. Really, interesting. Seems then the data is coming out incorrect from MySQL. Thanks
  10. Nabeel


    Uncheck the 'public' button, it'll only show when logged in. Otherwise, do a search, there's a few ways
  11. Nabeel


    If you search, for Russian it's not utf-8, it's a different charset.
  12. I would definately tell them about the fact that you can't make or alter any databases. I'd also send that error you had in the first post
  13. Many here are skeptical, and it would be best to first assuage their fears with a completely working free version first, before you jump into a paid version.
  14. I guess if the schedule has "disappeared" on day 3 then it might fail, but I'm not sure what that error is
  15. Robin, can you try setting DB_CHARSET_NAME to blank, see if that helps with inserted data?
  16. It was mainly on ACARS setup, and whatever videos I had for that are in the docs for that ACARS section anyway
  17. Nabeel


    It should be UTF8, what language?
  18. Modified templates should go into your skin's folder. I'd contact your host about that error, sounds like PHP or PEAR isn't installed correctly
  19. Well, for now you can add an expense. I'm working on ways to enhance this area, but haven't had much time
  20. Seems like a wrong PHP version, can you run install/checkinstall.php?
  21. Hey, as of 2.1, Google Maps have updated to 3.0, so there's no API key. You need to update your templates, though. Read the changelog file, all the details of changes are there.
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