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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hmm, do you have a login so I can see? Kinda hard to tell from the SS Edit: Here's the old thread: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2009-manual-pirep/page__p__13287__fromsearch__1entry13287
  2. Yeah, screenshots would help
  3. Thanks, it's just int he display, otherwise it is being subtracted
  4. Are the ID elements on the form fields the same?
  5. Maybe an error with your connection? Going directly to: www.kafly.com.br/do/action.php/fsfk/vaconfig_template Worked, and I downloaded the template
  6. It's just bolded since it's a menu
  7. Yeah, those links are broken for now, I didn't get to take them out. You can use the search/filter within that main schedules list
  8. Right, I remember vaguely. The ID's on the form elements were changed
  9. Something like: PilotData::changePilotRank($pilotid, $rankid); Will change their rank
  10. Fleet list? Which template? Then instead of being depicao it should be arricao. Sounds like a typo in the mod
  11. If you can a enhancement for that in the bug tracker, that'd be good, thanks
  12. Changed Files: m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml 2.1.934 release, tagged 2.1.934 View complete changes Download from here
  13. Changed Files: m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml 2.1.934 release, tagged 2.1.934 View complete changes Download from here
  14. Ah, I wish you posted that earlier. I'll have a fix in about 5 minutes for 934.
  15. Nabeel


    Hi all, Sorry about the downtime yesterday, had some server updates, and Thursday end up being the more quiet day There's an update out now to 2.1, pushing it to 2.1.933. There are various fixes in this update, the major ones being fixes to how pilot pay is calculated (alot more accurate now), allowing the use of 7 for Sunday on imports, and other fixes with hours, and some admin stuff. For details, you can check out the Build Log forum, it gives the bug numbers of all the fixes. Thanks all, happy flying
  16. Have you modified any templates? And my question wasn't answered - are they the same when you look in the database? How are you submitting the PIREP?
  17. You have to set the ranks to be manual (there's a setting in app.config). Then you can either manually change the rank, or have it done programatically
  18. Nabeel

    Finance Data

    It's not a 'bug' per-say, but it should be entered as hours:minutes, so 02 or just 2 will count as 2 minutes as you've discovered. For 20 minutes you do have to enter 1:20. Leading 0's (02) are stripped off by PHP. That also matches up with how all the ACARS report time
  19. Can you try the latest beta?
  20. Gonna let this sit until tomorrow then push to release is there's no issues
  21. Changed Files: m admin/templates/core_navigation.tpl m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml VMS-293 #close fixed View complete changes Download from here
  22. Updated Tickets: [VMS-293] - Massmailer mispelled in admin nav Changed Files: m admin/templates/core_navigation.tpl m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml VMS-293 #close fixed View complete changes Download from here
  23. Which link? There will be another update with fixes maybe tomorrow or Friday
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