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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hey Alex, welcome! 2.0.845 uses the v2 maps, do you have a Google Map API key? Make sure you don't change Div ID's, or the Javascript won't know where to put stuff
  2. There was a bug with that, if you do a search you'll find it, you have to add TOTAL_HOURS to the settings table
  3. On the Ranks page, there is a link to recalculate. Try deleteing everything from /core/cache first, see if that fixes it
  4. You can add a profile custom field (which exists now), for points, and make it public, and not have it show on the registration page (goto site & settings -> profile fields)
  5. Look in app.config.php, that might have some extra settings which you can copy over into local.config.php file.
  6. It's all good!! Sometimes you need a second eye
  7. They seem to generate fine, just the font color in local.config.php was white, so I changed it to black:
  8. I'm looking at it right now
  9. Do you have any expenses? Edit Yes this is fixed in latest beta(914)
  10. Nabeel


    Unless otherwise indicated, all addons fall under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License A quick summary: You can sell addons you've created, but do not sell add-ons which are not wholly yours, or you've gotten community input on. That's in bad taste, and is not good! You can however charge to setup an install, and customize. If add-ons are included in that 'customization', ask the addon author first and get their permission for being able to include their customization in your service. Remember the license is non-commercial and can only be waived with express permission of the author. So to recap You can sell addons you've created You didn't create it - you can't sell it If you want to include it in a package you're selling, you must get permission from the author. This includes any 'service' fees (for installation, updates, etc) So please, follow the rules and don't be a chump!
  11. This is the next error: $(".inline").colorbox is not a function http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/ACARS Line 31 So I guess some jquery addon. You can also see them in Firefox, if you open the error console, empty it, and then refresh your ACARS page.
  12. fixed #231 fixed #233 fixed #234, ranks image fix, code cleanup New setting added - EMAIL_RETURN_PATH - for bounced emails (thanks JM) Rank image problem fixed (thanks Roger!) Aircraft usage stats fixed (thanks Jeff!) Internal cleanup (removed a ton of deprecated code and a few columns) View more details, download from here
  13. fixed #231 fixed #233 fixed #234, ranks image fix, code cleanup View more details, download from here
  14. And looking at the commit log the other day, I thought 2 years was this fall, but in fact, it was back in February. Woops! But thanks guys for making this all worthwhile, very cool, didn't think it would 'take off' the way it has.
  15. This is the error: GS_googleAddAdSenseService is not defined http://www.tsviewer.com/ts_viewer_pur.php?ID=913080&bg=transparent&type=8f8f8f&type_size=11&type_family=1&info=1&channels=1&users=1&type_s_color=000000&type_s_weight=bold&type_s_style=normal&type_s_variant=normal&type_s_decoration=none&type_s_color_h=525284&type_s_weight_h=bold&type_s_style_h=normal&type_s_variant_h=normal&type_s_decoration_h=underline&type_i_color=000000&type_i_weight=normal&type_i_style=normal&type_i_variant=normal&type_i_decoration=none&type_i_color_h=525284&type_i_weight_h=normal&type_i_style_h=normal&type_i_variant_h=normal&type_i_decoration_h=underline&type_c_color=000000&type_c_weight=normal&type_c_style=normal&type_c_variant=normal&type_c_decoration=none&type_c_color_h=525284&type_c_weight_h=normal&type_c_style_h=normal&type_c_variant_h=normal&type_c_decoration_h=underline&type_u_color=000000&type_u_weight=normal&type_u_style=normal&type_u_variant=normal&type_u_decoration=none&type_u_color_h=525284&type_u_weight_h=normal&type_u_style_h=normal&type_u_variant_h=normal&type_u_decoration_h=none&skin=ts2_classic Line 219 Seems like teamspeak?
  16. I will change it to re-calculate when changing the status. You'd place that code probably in the kACARS module is the best idea.
  17. Did you run the update, it should have put everyone into the default 'active pilots' group?
  18. I would re-upload everything, something isn't correct with files or paths
  19. No sorry, something came up. I will tonight, though
  20. $contents = Template::Get('template');
  21. Can you link me so I can see what the errors are?
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