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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You can use the one included with jquery-ui: http://ui.jquery.com
  2. The ID wouldn't get that high on its own with 30 pilots. Someone's pilot ID might have manually been changed - and in that case, data gets lost and screwed up.
  3. Not sure yet. I've ordered the dedicated, hopefully will get to it this week sometime. It's an 8 core monster.
  4. What's your site? Did you change their pilot ID manually to that?
  5. Since 2.0 (the last release) there's been these functions: url('module/etc/...'); // Same as index.php/site/etc/... actionurl('module/etc/...'); // same as action.php/site/etc/... fileurl('lib/skins/etc/'); // same as site_url/lib/skins It automatically adds in the SITE_URL, et. It was detailed in the changelo/upgrade guide
  6. Sounds good. You should make a github account and use that!
  7. Is the actual ID 9530? I don't think it would be hitting the upper limit of the INT field... the max is 2147483647. Are you using the PILOTID_OFFSET variable, did you set something to that?
  8. You can use the pirep_filed event listener so then the code sticks on updates. Goto the docs link in my signature and scroll to the bottom to "events"
  9. Yeah, I can see it on my IE8 as well. Check your IE8 security settings as well, maybe something isn't set correctly there?
  10. Are they able to log in? What's their actual ID?
  11. Which version, are you on beta? Can you link me? I'm not sure...
  12. Nope, no configuration. What IE version?
  13. In the latest betas, if you call $routes_expanded = NavData::parseRoute($route_string); It will expand out airways. There are still some bugs but it will be avail from 2.1. As for what it returns, it will return an array of objects, one object for each point which contains the coordinates and the type of point, and what airway that point belongs to. To get the distance, you can call SchedulesData::getDistanceBetweenPoints($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2), IIRC. You'd have to check the API for specifics
  14. Yep, soon. I'm down to three potential hosts after evaluating all weekend.
  15. Yep, just don't fill any finance-related data out
  16. Hey, Not sure what you mean. Where is this happening? Any other details?
  17. You have a semi-colon at the end of hte foreach: foreach($bids as $bid); That could be it.
  18. Hey, You have to use one which is made for jquery. Those are prototype/mootools, which aren't compatible with jquery
  19. There's no one single OOP style. You have to learn the language and syntax. Most of OOP is part of design patterns. Those are included in any CS programs.
  20. No, you set those up. They tell you exactly what to enter in the host file
  21. Any OO stuff you learned in .NET should directly translate to PHP, in terms of static functions, public/private/protected classes. All those things. PHP books, I'm not sure. I always used the PHP manual. What I learned in C++ had pretty much directly translated to PHP. What would be more useful are learning design patterns and conceptual things. Syntax differs, but conceptually things remain the same. Important ones are factory, singleton, abstract. Some design methods like MVC and HMVC are also important concepts. Most frameworks are based on the front-controller MVC format, including Codon, which phpVMS is written on. It's MVC with a front-controller (MainController), which then routes to subcontrollers (modules). http://en.wikipedia....uter_science%29
  22. Sounds good! I forgot to mention, there will be email available as well, but I'm recommending switching to Google Apps for email and their entire productivity suite which would be great for VAs - you can create upto 100 users (but you can request more) who can all share your own gchat server, calendar, and all their stuff. Well, I'm still working some things out, but it seems like that's the jist of it. Thanks guys
  23. Some more details - you'll have the option to have phpVMS ready for install on the server once you get it. You will just have to setup the database and install it. I'm also thinking about making several scripts available to automatically download a fresh copy of phpVMS, and also to update. But these scripts will be available and uploaded to the forums/docs. In terms of specs - probably about 10gb space and 50gb bandwidth. Those are soft limits - as comparison, vaCentral + phpVMS use about 5gb of space with the near 1 million records in the vaCentral tables, 20gb bandwidth a month -. So for a VA or whatever's hosted, that should be sufficient. But if you need more, it'll be available. I don't want to cram people into servers. phpVMS 2.1 is going to be much more optimized than even it is now, so it's impact to a web-server will be minimal. It is a 16-core server I believe, with 12gb of RAM. I've been watching the load on the server for several days now, and it's been near zero. It will be cPanel, with SSH access. Not sure about git yet, working out something with the host, though in the end, there may not be support for it. No biggie, I'm not sure how many people in the end will use it. There will still be those scripts available. I believe it's reliable enough that I will also be setting up a mirror for the API server there. I've worked out pricing to be about $10 a month, and I'll include the nav data updates for free. I think it might be at least a week or two till it's up. A few infrastructure things need to finish before then. It will be based off of fivedev.net, and possible a nameserver mirror at fscentral.net. Though I haven't quite decided to make it fscentral.net completely.
  24. It's nothing OO, it's just a function call. The 1000 is how many items to show.
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