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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Create a module with the this event: http://docs.phpvms.net/development/02_events_list#registration_complete Then you'll have to call another script which called Registration::AddUser()
  2. Thanks. I do this as well, except, I have a subdomain I use: dev - My site with all development stage - fresh installs on commit (i have a script which cleans the db, copies files over) release - the last released version (for testing updates) You can also point multiple sites to the same database, just use the same settings in local.config.
  3. Yea it's not working on purpose in the front-end. I've said that in a few places. "edit something"? Like what? Yep, things are broken though, I know. But if you can give me a list of exactly what is broken... Thanks, I updated it to jquery 1.4, so a few bugs to fix. BTW, I hope you guys are testing this on a test site, and not your live site (you can point to the same db as your live one).
  4. Can you check your va page on va central, and see if pireps are showing up?
  5. Maybe, or your settings within FSFK itself. There might also not be weather information for that area
  6. It should, I'll check it out
  7. Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/EPA/lib/fsfk'); You're missing a forward slash before the EPA, try that out
  8. I mean, you're calling that from somewhere, what's that code?
  9. Nabeel


    Yep, goto pilots and groups, then goto a pilot's profile, you'll see it there
  10. Yep, I know about that one, workin' on it
  11. Sounds like you didn't close a quote somewhere around that line it says
  12. What's the full code you're calling?
  13. Ah I see. Well, if it's the same format, perhaps you can just point it to the URLs/use the config file used for FSPax
  14. Yep, it has to be writeable. Bruce, this should be: Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', 'EPA/lib/fsfk'); // web path from SITE_ROOT Yoursite.com/EPA/lib/fsfk That's where it will look for the images. So if that's not right, then it won't look in the right place
  15. Nabeel


    It won't change ranks automatically, you'll have to do it on a per-pilot basis
  16. The first part, those are part of the Google maps stuff, and are being deprecated and replaced. I'll hopefully have a full release with those things soon. Also, you can change the setting for API_SERVER from "geonames" to phpvms (search for "geonames" in the app.config), and copy it over to the local.config and change it to phpvms. There are instructions in there. As for weather lookup, that's nothing I can change, you can contact the site which does it (I don't remember who it is, off the top of my head)
  17. Yup, read the changelog, you have to change those templates. Financials won't be working on the front-end until I sort out a few issues. Might be in a couple of builds
  18. I'll take a look, it's most likely an issue on my end. Do you have cookies enabled?
  19. Nabeel


    Someone wanna make icons to represent VOR/NDB's? I like simroutes, but don't wanna rip them (not sure if I'm allowed to... I will look into it), but if someone wants to take a swing at it, go for it. I guess I've given away what's coming 8)
  20. Thanks. You don't have a google API key. That's your problem
  21. Ok, make me an account on your site, and PM me the login, I'll tak ea look
  22. Ray, What's the problem again? Did you try the configuration in FSFK which I posted? I think it was in the other thread, I posted a screenshot of my config. Give that a try. I didn't have to install anything in my aircraft.
  23. Register on: http://dev.phpvms.net/ And then try adding one of those routes to your bid. Also, what browser?
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