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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Where is that path being reported? Being in root shouldn't matter, as long as the URL is correct
  2. Rev 726 - Another DB update21 July 2009, 7:10 amRev 726 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)Another DB update~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB_MySQL.class.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  3. Rev 727 - Updater bug fixes, another DB update21 July 2009, 8:02 amRev 727 - nabeel (2 file(s) modified)Updater bug fixes, another DB update~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB_MySQL.class.php~ /trunk/install/update.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  4. Rev 725 - Ranks update fix, DB fix21 July 2009, 7:05 amRev 725 - nabeel (3 file(s) modified)Ranks update fix, DB fix~ /trunk/admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB_MySQL.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/RanksData.class.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  5. Well, just reuploading the admin and lib/js folders should be enough
  6. I think the variable is $flight or $pirep, but iehter if($pirep->pending == 0) echo 'Pending'; else echo 'Approved';
  7. Nabeel

    vaBase skin

    Would something similar to that be of help for people? Not that I have the time to do it anytime soon.. lol... just throwing it out there?
  8. Yes, it's whatever width you set in your CSS or if you're using tables, whatever that width is
  9. Try reuploading the lib/js folder, that is weird. Try clearing your cache too
  10. Yeah, I was about to suggest was Darryl said. It seems on linux servers, it inserts an "n" instead of the Windows required "rn" (or it could be the other way around). But, perhaps FSPAX is tripping on that (which would be weird, but not unexpected)
  11. It's sorted by flight number But you can customize that view by modifying the template (schedule_results.tpl), and compress it down to one line. Every view is a template, which is 90% HTML that you can customize however you like There's some video tutorials which explain everything, spend an hour or so with it, it should be pretty familiar at the end of that and the tutorials And hey, that happens to me too. I am working on the vaCentral site, and it's annoying how I can't use the entire width.. well, one day
  12. The default schedule page isn't what you're looking for? http://www.phpvms.net/test/index.php/schedules
  13. You can goto http://yoursite/index.php/schedules You have to add schedules into the admin panel, then you can fly the route
  14. Just link to the vms pages which show it? Or what exactly are you trying to do
  15. It doesn't check the password, so it shouldn't. Did it export any? Or did it stop after a few? It's interesting the message is "the website didn't reply". Is there a firewall or something maybe?
  16. Interesting. I wonder if the config file format is screwey. I don't have FSPAX installed atm, I should do that...
  17. Well, that option is disabled by default, so 99% chance it's not enabled. I'll look through the code and see what's going on. Are you using the csv to import routes? Also, what version are you using?
  18. Nabeel

    Real order

    What do you mean by mixed up? Can you post your csv?
  19. You need to have PHP 5 yes, it seems as though Tripod would support it. Switch it to PHP 5 though
  20. It's possible, but you'll need to write conversion scripts, since the mysql table formats aren't the same. You'll need a script to select * from one table, and then insert into the phpvms tables
  21. Nabeel

    route map

    No problem. What are you entering for the page title?
  22. The double slash wouldn't matter. Does the VA show up in the fspax?
  23. From the downloads page? It can't be compatible at the same time with PHP 4 and PHP 5. You should check in their help section on databases and how to enable PHP 5 Is this Angelfire? Can you send me a link to your hosting provider?
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