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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Double check permissions on those folders, they can change underneath you. Also, follow the debug info instructions in my signature, see if something strange is happening there.
  2. No, it's not. It says the pathname is too long - that's how they've setup their platform. That's not something I control. I'd find a new host.
  3. For now you can put it in where <?php echo $report->arricao; ?> is it'll mess up your output but thats ok for now
  4. Jeff has the basic answer. It really depends on what code you changed, it's looking for specific output.
  5. There's no way to really fix that, the flicker is from the icon being repositioned since the flight is omving.
  6. Contact your host with that error
  7. Nabeel


    Make sure permissions are ok, sometimes they change b/c of server side stuff
  8. do print_r($report) to see what variables are available
  9. Nabeel


    The double slashs doesn't matter
  10. Can you do a re-export? It sometimes happens when the data has either been exported too often, or didn't export properly
  11. Follow the debug instructions in my signature. Have you set the rank to something that doesn't exist anymore?
  12. Open a support ticket, not on the forums.
  13. Nabeel


    YOu have to do $this->set('userinfo', Auth::$userinfo) to set the $userinfo variable to the view I think its Auth::$userinfo
  14. check the local.config.php file, there is an alternate for that
  15. http://creedthoughts.org/.com/creedthoughts
  16. Follow debug instructions in my signature and report back
  17. You should contact your host, maybe your domain isn't setup properly
  18. Updated URL meaning to something valid? Was the previous one wrong? The URL shouldn't really matter... that's strange. But gives me something to start with
  19. If you open the Firefox error console, does anything show up when you try to search?
  20. OK I will look. Is vacentral working for you on the beta?
  21. deleted what? i ran a test on the beta, seemed to update ok? not sure...
  22. Strange.. no vacentral changes in this code? Is it working on non-beta?
  23. Nabeel


    https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/blob/master/core/bootstrap.inc.php#L106 That line, change SITE_URL to 'https://yoururl.com' (up to the /admin path)
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