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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. How do they store schedules, is it in a ASCII format? Do you think a converter can be written for that format to the phpvms csv?
  2. You'd have to use some client library, and MySQL/your host have to be setup to allow remote connections
  3. Hi David, A good place to start would be here: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/CpanelDocs/ Which is how you'll manage your site from cPanel. I'm guessing you know about FTP, and how to upload files, if you've used iPage? Not sure how that works
  4. Sure.. can you add a bug in the tracker, I'll get to it later on
  5. DB Check is a blank page? Interesting Open up checkdb.php, and right before this line: include '../core/codon.config.php'; Can you add: error_reporting(E^ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); And then open that in your browser - does it say anything?
  6. The maintenance script just does things like retire pilots and update finance. The same stuff runs whether you have a cron or not, it's just a matter of where it's run
  7. If you give me the exact string, I can do a find/replace on that field before it's inserted
  8. You can set that to 0 (zero) for no time l imit
  9. Where does it get entered?
  10. Good to hear you got it working. You can emulate the same using a textbox too, just enable multiline
  11. Could have been that your browser was caching something, and that got cleared
  12. I'd remove the DCT keyword, that's a bug that will be fixed in the next version (it's fixed in beta, atm)
  13. I used VB 6 last, this seems like it's .NET so the syntax will be a bit different, but the idea the same. You can use a large textbox just like a list, what you'll do is: textbox1.text = textbox1.text + "my text" + VbCrLf Which is taking the current contents of the text box, adding your text, then adding a new line (VbCrLf, a constant). You'll have to enable the multiline property on the text box. Inside this function: Private Sub btncompute_Click You'll want to pull the values from the text boxes for each. Dim pizza As Double pizza = PizzaTextBox.Text If IsNumeric(pizza) == false Then /// do something if its not a number? End If // do the fries and drink // You dont need the amount function // Now calculate the total using the totalcost function totalCost = TotalCost(pizza, fries, drink) That will go in that button click function. It'll be something like that... hopefully that makes some better sense? I'd create a sub to write out to that big text box (let's call it LogTextBox) Sub WriteToLog(message) LogTextBox.text = LogTextBox.text + message + VbCrlf End Sub So you can do something like: If IsNumeric(pizza) == false Then WriteToLog("Pizza amount is not a number") return false End If
  14. It's all averaged out, and yes it does come down to the number of pireps vs pilots in the last 30-60 days. There's some "stepped averages". And yes, in the end the smaller VA might lose out, but that would be natural - recruit more members and do more flights... your rank goes up... But there is some weighting to make it a bit more fair so it's not just sheer numbers
  15. Schedules are not counted at all. It's primarily frequency of flights
  16. Yeah, $pireps = PIREPData::findPireps(array('p.pilotid' => [PILOT ID]));
  17. What did you restore that table to? Is it blank?
  18. So when you double click on the compute total cost, you should be in the code window where you can pull stuff.
  19. From what I remember, you'd add three text boxes Then you can get the value using something like (maybe you know this). The autocomplete/intellisense should help u out when you type the button name and a period: text1.value text2.value text3.value In the form, add a button in the IDE, then double click onthe button. That should bring u to a code screen, with a function (they call it a sub) Something like sub button1_dblclick() calculate_cost(text1.text, text2.text, text3.text) end sub ' you create a sub (short for subroutine) ' rubric says to create this sub routine sub calculate_cost(pizza, fries, drink) do calculations end sub I'm rusty on VB, but itll be something like that...I started programming with VB sooo long ago haha
  20. Blank page usually means a PHP error - can you follow the directions for debug log in my signature?
  21. It's tied to schedules, so if your schedules are arranged so that aircraft don't overlap, then you shouldn't have a problem. I can look into it, though
  22. If you do a search, there's some detailed posts - you need to write a module, where your app with POST the XML, and that module has to receive and parse the XML
  23. I've been trying to get in touch with them as well, haven't heard anything back
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