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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Vangelis is correct, you need to enable those PHP modules. There's a list here, it should be complete: http://docs.phpvms.net/setup/requirements
  2. Thanks, please add that one in Github as well. I fixed the first one you posted
  3. Are you on a VPS? Or shared hosting? If you're on shared hosting, you're might be outgrowing it. If you're on a VPS, using php-fpm is best for performance, and there's some guides out there on tweaking it for performance.
  4. It was causing a lot of issues so I had disabled it, but it's still enabled in some places. I have to look at re-enabling, I think I fixed most of those issues This is right, it will only allow what's marked as OK in $fillable. But you always have to have $fillable set, if it's not there, it won't get filled (got bit by that a couple of times). For example with Frontend/PirepController::store(), I use $request->all() We'll need to see the code for the store() method and also what the model looks like.
  5. Hey, if I understand correctly, the expense is being applied for every airport, not just the arrival? Can you add a bug in Github? Are you able to duplicate it on the demo site?
  6. You have to set a name for the route with ->name("admin.update"); and then call it with "staff.admin.update". If you look at the installer module you'll see it. I thought it defined route names automatically but only for resources
  7. There's also a YAML command line importer which I'm planning to expose in the admin panel at some point, but it can be a little dangerous. It's how the data seeder runs too.
  8. What problems were you having with the importer? I'd like to fix them before a release, esp since there are multiple legacy versions, I know there are some things that might have been missed. It was tested a lot, someone's import took something like 6 hours but it got done heh
  9. Post in this thread: https://forum.phpvms.net/topic/25447-add-on-acars-software-for-phpvms-version-7/
  10. Auto update isn't working. You need to manually update which I put in the other thread
  11. Manually update; just extract all the files over (delete the vendor folder first), and then go to /update
  12. Yeah, there might be one more because of the auto-update error
  13. Go to /update, or if you try to log in and go to admin, it will check if there are updates pending
  14. There is a guide to developing addons here: https://docs.phpvms.net/developers/addons With a sample plugin created here: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms-module If there are issues, something is missing, or you just have questions about best-practices, let me know. Any addons that aren't created in this way will a) have a good chance of messing up someone's install b) get wiped out in an auto-update, and therefore, will be locked and removed until they're compliant. I know modification and addons are a huge draw, so I'm not trying to restrict that, and yes, the process is a little more complicated and there is a learning curve, but it's for long-term viability and the good of the ecosystem that these rules are going to be enforced. Your addon should also be submitted here: https://forum.phpvms.net/files/category/8-add-ons/ Thanks!
  15. Everything follows the Laravel way of doing things, so it uses routes and controllers. https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/controllers Routes all all defined in what are called Service Providers. The RoutesServiceProvider is here: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/blob/dev/app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php Controllers are all located in this folder: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/tree/dev/app/Http/Controllers You can lookup the route and see exactly which controller and method it maps to. I believe in that case, it maps to For SimBrief, the definitions are here: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/blob/dev/app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php#L78 Which are all map to these methods: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/blob/dev/app/Http/Controllers/Frontend/SimBriefController.php
  16. Yes, I just mean if you're changing the DocumentRoot to phpvms, it should point to the public folder. Same thing for the webserver/vhost if you're running your own. Can I use your instructions on docs.phpvms.net? I'll add a section for xampp and link to this thread. Running Laravel in a subfolder is also usually problematic, so I don't recommend it. And thanks! I enjoy it and it's a fun project. Thanks for helping test and documenting/playing with some of this stuff.. There's a lot of edge cases I can't cover myself.
  17. Don't transfer the files, everything needed is already in the public folder. The htaccess in the root actually tries to redirect to public. In short - using the public folder hides all of the files like storage/resources, etc, so they're not exposed to the outside. It's a security thing. Here's a good explanation of the public folder: https://devdojo.com/articles/explaining-the-laravel-public-folder
  18. This sounds good. I actually would change the DocumentRoot to the public folder, so in your case, DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms/public". URLs will work without having the public in the path
  19. What did you do to make it work? I was going to suggest trying out beta 4 because there are a ton of fixes.
  20. You don't need to do that... if you're doing a custom design, it should be in a new skin folder (which it sounds like it is). Otherwise, just copy all the latest files, and run `/update/`. I have to write this in the docs page, but that would roughly be it.
  21. Yep, I wanted to release another beta in part to check the updater... I'm looking into it to see what's happening.
  22. Yep, a lot of testing, some issues end up coming in. Just released another (hopefully last) beta. A ton of issues fixed
  23. Yes, this is the vmsACARS application which will be released with v7
  24. https://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.tar.gz
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