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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Would I be able to get access to your server for a couple of diagnostic scripts?
  2. I would assume that's the root of the issue, especially with the odd problems you're having. Change hosts
  3. I see the last PIREP update being today with 13 PIREPs listed as the total, and I have those 13 in the DB. Did you run a send all PIREPS?
  4. Might have just been a hiccup since it all seems ok now. I put an alert on so if there's anything else weird I'll know, but let me know if you see anything as well
  5. There is a template for the boarding pass, you can add it into there via CSS
  6. Right, I just saw the apostrophe, glad you got it working
  7. Nothing has changed with FSACARs code since before the update, it's probably an error with FSACARS itself. But like Joeri said, give kACARS a shot
  8. I have to add a payadjust column like Jeff described.
  9. Yep, reupload all those files. The ones in core/templates perhaps you modified those? Modified templates should be placed in your skin's folder.
  10. It seems correct. The last update from your VA was today. It shows 17 pilots, 717 PIREPs. That about matches what's on your site. 1. the logo and/or other images do not upload I just tried this and it worked... you sure? 2. in the VA details page, the graph of daily pireps is inactive It's not a daily graph, it's monthly. It's working on your page 3. when a pirep arrives, it is counted in the VAs list, before it is accepted. So, sometimes the flights number is not correct. If a pirep is declined, it still counts in vacentral, i think this is wrong If it's rejected, the count is updated later on. There's a nightly process which reconciles all of these
  11. Is the message the default one? Can you paste the output from running /install/checkinstall.php?
  12. White means there's some PHP error somewhere, when you edited the message, were there any errors? What version are you on?
  13. Nabeel


    Are they for the date listed (ie the proper days of the week?)
  14. Read the changelog and update the templates you've modified
  15. Are you registering it for your domain? What version are you on? 2.1 doesn't require an API key anymore
  16. Nabeel


    He means people are immature like this all the time, esp in the VA world. It's just a hobby, people need to get over themselves
  17. The yesterdays score doesn't matter, like Joeri said it has the increase next to it. What's your VA and the link to it and all that?
  18. This setting: Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/lib/fsfk'); // web path from SITE_ROOT
  19. Glad it's working. Also make sure the acarsmap.tpl file is synced, as there were changes to update to Google Maps v3
  20. IPBoard has a good API to access and do it, I believe they have code samples on their site
  21. Nabeel


    It's in the beta, the documentation has information on how to update to beta
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