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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel


    You can do it either way so its manually or automatic. But it will work in one way for all pilots
  2. Can't tell, it's all lowercase, permissions correct? I'll check the code
  3. You should be able to. Can you send regular email to that address? In local.config.php (well in app.config.php) there are a few settings for emails as well, take a look at those. Are you getting no emails at all?
  4. That's how it's supposed to be, it uses Javascript to open/close the log below it
  5. Haha! Good luck, we're here if you need help!
  6. To be completely honest, the prefix they use won't matter since it looks at the number ID afterwards, as long as it's a valid airline code they use as the prefix. But I'd keep that a secret and have the airline code prefix they signed up for
  7. Actually it will be in hours:minutes. It was an issue a while ago but it should be all good now
  8. If it's resetting to the top of the page, most likely a Javascript error. Are you sure you didn't modify the form? Try removing the custom fields first and seeing if the stock form works. A problem might be the questions marks which I just noticed (Where did you find us?). Try removing those...if that does it then it seems like a bug on my part
  9. You could but it would be missing alot of data, since PIREPs don't have all the information needed, some info is pulled from the schedule. If you look in the FAQ forum there's a way of doing 'unscheduled' flights
  10. Don't create a new one, just copy/replace those settings in the existing one. I would perhaps leave the DB_CHARSET_NAME as utf8. What do you mean doesn't work, as-in, what's it doing?
  11. If you don't mind me saying, it's better to do this: <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { echo 'You must be logged in to view this page!'; return; } ?> No else or other brackets to keep track of
  12. Make sure the core/local.config.php file has a filesize of 0 and is completely empty before you run the installer
  13. Can you send me our airline name/code? Thanks
  14. Can you post the output from /install/checkinstall.php?
  15. You need to use a lightbox which is compatible with jQuery. You're using prototype which conflicts with that, and will cause errors. By placing it below, you're overriding jquery, which is breaking the site. So I'd find a lightbox which can be used with jquery (there are quite a few, colorbox, etc), and place those includes where it says to in the file
  16. What's the skin you're using? Are you putting it into the correct folder?
  17. Nabeel


    I removed the option and added it into the filter in the beta
  18. Lorenzo's right, means either your local.config.php is busted, or your database is missing stuff
  19. Have you read the main docs? http://forum.phpvms....html?category=5 Also, take a look at the crystal skin which is included, the layout.tpl file
  20. Instead of linking directly to registration in the navigation, you link to that page. And then from there, you link to the actual registration page
  21. It's a host setting, I've tested it with openbasedir restriction on, it's usually a setting that they haven't configured properly
  22. Run the /install/checkinstall.php script, it'll let you know what files are corrupted
  23. There's a bug in the updater which I still have to fix. But there are no DB changes so it's ok. The updater just updates the DB side. The navdata.sql file: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=30 Thanks!!
  24. If I put the original Fireworks PNG up, would that help?
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