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Everything posted by t_bergman

  1. Looks like your domain is currently offline? Anyways, phpVMS is built on the codon framework, basic skinning is very easily accomplished with some basic HTML and CSS knowledge. Take a look at the documentation tab at the top of the forums and tutorials on the web. Start by copying the default skin and just mess around with it to see various changes. I like to develop on a live web server which means I have to constantly upload files to the site or be logged into my server via RDP. You can also develop offline with tools such as WAMP. I see this is posted in the paid services so maybe a freelancer will come along and offer a price for some web design. Best of luck.
  2. What is your hosting environment?
  3. Are you trying to develop on skin for multiple devices or are you trying to speed the loading of your site? If it's the latter, there is something going on in your hosting environment. Even if you have some bloated code you shouldn't be seeing a slowdown.
  4. A virtual airline takes a lot of time and effort to develop, one of the few sayings is "if you cannot afford basic hosting you cannot afford to run a virtual airline". I say this with the utmost respect as you must set yourself apart from the 1,000s of virtual airlines in existence. You can get basic hosting for around $2-4/month which will run phpVMS very well. Best of luck with your venture.
  5. What php version are you using? What environment is your site being hosted on, windows or linux?
  6. I wouldn't suggest adding every airport into your installation. When you go to search the schedules it will give more options than you will want. If you mean nav data, there is a thread around here someone. I think its in the code snippets forum which has a download with the current nav data for installations. Best to import your own list using a csv file. This way you only use local data and are not dependent on geonames.
  7. MPECEO, From what I understand you need to edit the permissions of group members. To do this within phpVMS (preferred method) you need access into the admin control panel. If you do not have access into the control panel you can enable it through editing a table within the database which you set up when installing phpVMS. Since you have phpVMS installed, I would assume you understand how to at least create a database and access it with a tool like phpMyAdmin. I recommended phpMyAdmin as it is the standard in terms of cpanel shared hosting packages. If your host doesn't have phpMyAdmin then they will have another database editing tool. These types of tools normally need to be setup by the host and not the user on shared hosing. This is the opposite if you have dedicated hosting. Once you have logged into a database editing tool, follow this thread as it will help you fix your problem http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22155-i-can-not-access-the-admin/.
  8. You are correct, let me know if you go to windows hosting. the new version has some quirks and I've got most of the ironed out.
  9. Glad you got it solved, remember to add the customized templates into your skin folder and not edit the default files.
  10. I would recommend using phpMyAdmin. I went to your site and the default phpVMS skin seems to be working just fine.
  11. Did you name the module folder exactly as directed in the readme file?
  12. In the phpvms_groupmembers table, make sure your pilot id (1) is a member of the group id (1). Use phpMyAdmin to do this, if you're on a host with cpanel this will be under the database tab.
  13. You can reinstall, or manually edit the database so that you have admin rights.
  14. Must have read over the fact that the OP is using a mobile flight sim. No PIREP/ACARS system which I am aware of will work with a mobile based software. In terms of flight sim software, its still requires a true personal computer.
  15. New hosting may be the answer, I know Nabeel's hosting supports the project but I think that he has abandoned development on the project especially since the license changed. SimPilot's version is quite stable and he also sells hosting.
  16. Thanks, should help a lot of people out.
  17. Is your nav data updated within the database?
  18. Its the enabled column, it should be 1 instead of e. Clear out your database just as a precaution before uploading the correct csv file.
  19. Have you updated the airport data within the database?
  20. Do you have an updated url?
  21. You'll need to force a new php.ini file to get rid of the first error, for the second I think its being caused by google's recaptcha. I went ahead and set up a unique api key for my recaptcha forms as I was getting the same error. Notice, the recaptcha form on my registration form (http://wwwapps.hphvi...hp/registration). This is googles new form.
  22. I got the same error when I took away the quotes, 'NOW()' is also being inserted into the submitdate field and it works perfectly, this is why i can't figure out why the modifydate is not working. I did a clean install on the windows server, to make sure its not a carryover issue from a linux server, but the same result happened.
  23. I've changed everything back to the NOW() Command, I've figured out (though reading the manual) that the command is supported in mysql 5.6. The error's phpVMS is throwing are below ===== Time: 03.17.15 01:08:34 ===== Time: 03.17.15 01:08:34 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PIREPData::fileReport > PIREPS->SubmitPIREP > PIREPS->viewpireps > PIREPS->mine > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_pireps (`pilotid`, `code`, `flightnum`, `depicao`, `arricao`, `aircraft`, `flighttime`, `route`, `submitdate`, `fuelused`, `source`, `route_details`, `load`, `distance`, `landingrate`, `rawdata`, `flighttime_stamp`, `exported`, `modifieddate`, `accepted`, `expenselist`, `flighttype`) VALUES ('1', 'HPH', '118', 'KAPF', 'MYNN', '2', '1.10', 'CYY DEEDS WORPP CURVE DHP VKZ SKIPS LEEVI SWIMM WOOZE RAJAY PRINE HINZY ZQA', NOW(), '214.5', 'manual', 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'28', '242.9669232532', '0', '', '1:10:00', '0', 'NOW()', '0', '0', 'SP'); Error: (1292) - Incorrect datetime value: 'NOW()' for column 'modifieddate' at row 1 ===== ===== ===== Time: 03.17.15 01:08:34 ===== Time: 03.17.15 01:08:34 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > ActivityData::addActivity > PIREPData::fileReport > PIREPS->SubmitPIREP > PIREPS->viewpireps > PIREPS->mine > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: INSERT INTO `phpvms_activityfeed` (`pilotid`, `refid`, `type`, `message`, `submitdate`) VALUES (1,,1,'has filed a PIREP from KAPF to MYNN', 2015-03-17 01:08:34) Error: (1064) - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1,'has filed a PIREP from KAPF to MYNN', 2015-03-17 01:08:34)' at line 4 ===== ===== What I really care about is the first error as its keeping me from filing PIREPS, what I can't understand is why the modified date is throwing the error and not the submit date. Both columns within the database are set up EXACTLY alike. The server is Win2k8 R2 IIS7.5, php v5.4 running under the fastcgi impersonate, and mysql v5.6. phpVMS version is SimPilot 5.5.1 The site is not writing any errors to errors.txt. What could be causing this and is there a solution? I've been able to put a bandaid over it by changing the modifieddate column to varchar but I don't know if that will mess things up in the long run.
  24. See Below
  25. I use php 5.3, I've found random errors with newer versions.
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