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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Lol, I guess I should do scrolled down to read replies. I registered to test it. What was the issue?
  2. flyalaska


    That was weird. Was working last night. All good now. Sorry for the troubles.
  3. flyalaska


    I had some issues with the skin. I have taken it down for now.
  4. You should make a post in the Pacific Skin thread.
  5. Thank you! Works perfect.
  6. I am trying to make a link click able that will take a pilot to their Public Profile from their dashboard, Every attempt has failed. Any ideas. This is what I thought would work. <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>">View My Public Profile</a>
  7. Think you have to do it manually.
  8. You are not getting the point. If you are getting the error, you still have a problem with the js. The reason you are getting the error in the first place.
  9. You still have the issue that has caused the "No Routes Passed". In most cases that error issue will also effect the schedules. Just put your js in the correct order.
  10. This may not be the issue, try this. Replace <? with <?php
  11. If you are looking for a skin too, I am releasing this one for free. Comes with a custom Public Profile and Pilot Dashboard. Might have it done this weekend.
  12. West Wind Virtual has been around since 1996. http://www.atlanticskies.com/new/index.php since 1993. http://www.lynxairways.com - 1992 Both domain were bought after. They could have changed domains or didn't have a website at first.
  13. Did you happen to modify any file extensions in the templates?
  14. Fixed the issue. I am making multiple skins and was sharing the same DB. So the active skin in admin was changed. All fixed now, using a separate DB for each skin. Thanks for the help Tom!
  15. I put a empty header and footer.tpl. That did not do the trick? Any suggestions?
  16. Far as I know footer.tpl and header.tpl are not used anymore in the skins. It is not called anywhere on my template files.
  17. In the main page. It messed the css. http://www.bluedogdesigns.net/phpvms/Artic_Blue/index.php/
  18. I am getting a footer and header error. I know that the error means that footer and header.tpl doesn't exist. Those files are not used anymore. Why am I gettting this error? home/flyakaco/public_html/flyaka.com/phpvms/Artic_Blue/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php
  19. Server issue, contact your host.
  20. In admin, bottom right of the page. Are your template files tpl or php?
  21. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4736-can-i-have-a-clean-code-of-the-pilot-roster-with-no-hubs/page__hl__%2Bclean+%2Bpilot+%2Broster
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