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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Looks awesome! I will try it out tonight.
  2. Will it be released?
  3. Here is how I do the tour complete. {echo '<td><img src="path to image" width="50" height="16" border="0" title="Tour Complete" /></td>';} In tour_details.tpl on mine its line 170 Just change the image details.
  4. I have a pilot who can not connect the acars to FS. He gets the following error. FSUIPC Error #7: FSUIPC_ERR_VERSION. Incorrect version of FSUIPC He is using the payware version of FSUIPC, version 3.999w
  5. It's a issue with your theme. Can't remember exactly. Something do how you are linking your js files.
  6. BTW, IPB search function sucks. You get threads that have nothing to do with your search.
  7. go to http://www.tsviewer.com/ register your server, get the code and place in your template.
  8. Don't forget to check Public, so its open to the public.
  9. What do you see? Errors , etc. If you have the same as me you should have a jquery.dataTables.min.js aswell. Looks like that we have the same one. Try moving the paginate code after </table> and remove it from above. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#schedule').dataTable( { "sPaginationType": "full_numbers" } ); } ); </script>
  10. Free or custom?
  11. Ask your server what the max allocated memory is. I had this issue. Got fixed when my host moved it up to 128mb.
  12. Won't connect for me.
  13. I did a whois search on the domain.
  14. I had that problem before. It was a Javascript issue. Maybe you have them layed out wrong in your layout.tpl Try to place a bid. If you get :No Routes Passed" than its a javascript issue, if you don't it's something else.
  15. It messed up my sites when I did it. Just copy <table> to </table> and you will be fine.
  16. You are missing a closing </div>. Other than that, its nice!
  17. Mine was from Jeff, its an addon for kACARS Custom.
  18. Are you talking about this? - http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/pireps/viewreport/12852
  19. I ran into another issue. When a new pilot is accepted or when a pilot receives an award. It displays as -- has been promoted.....
  20. It's perfect the way it is. Thank for all your help.
  21. Thank you! That worked.
  22. Nice paint Roger!
  23. I have progress. I have no errors now. http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/ Look on the bottom Not displaying the Name or pilot ID, neither is yours.
  24. I have the betta. I got an email from a pilot, stating that he tried to login and got a message saying that he was banned. No reason why I would ban him. Anyone else have this problem? I unbanned him in admin, don't want this to happen to anyone else.
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