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    Ontario, Canada

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    Who uses it anymore lol

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  1. is there a place to download this module?
  2. where can i buy
  3. that sucks cause it looks really clean and professional
  4. any updates on this yet?
  5. I have an issue with this module. I submitted a ticket almost a week ago. Its an issue with the cron job anyone able to help?
  6. we have. its an issue with the module
  7. i also have this issue aswell!
  8. please let us know! thanks!
  9. im using iCrew so how would i get to display the pilots for a certain hub on the front end site? thanks
  10. How would I get the pilot roster for a hub displayed on a front end page? Thanks
  11. any updates on this?
  12. SmarticleCo


    is this available for download?
  13. I have been waiting for 5 months to get access to the forums with no luck. They don't respond to emails either. It's like the company just up and went out of business
  14. How would I go about doing that. I tried to follow the guide on the SimBrief forums but it only added the remarks to the ofp and not the vpilot download. Thanks
  15. Is this company still in business. I have an issue with my auto Award System and sent a ticket in a week ago with no response.
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