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Everything posted by Txmmy83

  1. I like that feature but I think pilots with -1ft/min as seen on greased landings on frontpage seems quite strange and pervert the system a bit for example I land with -80ft/min up to 150ft/min normally and that are my better landings
  2. My VA is currently matching with other VA's around Rank 120-123 PS: since yesterday my VA (VolaItalia Airways) all of a sudden stops from showing up on live flights not changed a thing in phpVMS configs compared to day before where all flights showing up live flights and map how the should I tried with all known free ACARS systems no luck! but the day before I tested APVacars the next day I discovered that my VA stops showing up on Live Flights doesn't know if that is connected with the problem David, I already sent you an email about that problem best regards and thanks, Thomas
  3. I did carry out exactly the instructions for the 5x Version seems to work for me
  4. Hi, the problem with smartcars is that it is closed-source software (means source code is not available for developers because of it's Payware nature)
  5. this how it looks at my site http://www.flyeurope-va.org/index.php/flightboards I customized the letters a bit
  6. Hi Duncan, the answer is quite simple some of these VA's using other Systems then phpVMS and other Pirep Clients and manually Upload their statistics when approved Smartcars flights for example never show up on live map but that is written in vacentral FAQ page So not being on live map does NOT necessarily mean they are not flying! Best regards, Thomas Schedl
  7. David, I did not find the line $pirep_xml->addChild('revenue', $pirep->revenue); in my CentralData.Class.php any ideas my phpVMS version number reads v2.1.934-170-g5ca803a I have reviewed my file and it looks a bit like a 5x Version? I have that in my protected static function get_pirep_xml($pirep) { $pilotid = PilotData::getPilotCode($pirep->code, $pirep->pilotid); $pirep_xml = self::addElement(null, 'pirep', null, array( 'uniqueid' => $pirep->pirepid, 'pilotid' => $pilotid, 'pilotname' => $pirep->firstname . ' ' . $pirep->lastname, 'flightnum' => $pirep->code . $pirep->flightnum, 'depicao' => $pirep->depicao, 'arricao' => $pirep->arricao, 'aircraft' => $pirep->aircraft, 'registration' => $pirep->registration, 'flighttime' => $pirep->flighttime_stamp, 'submitdate' => $pirep->submitdate, 'modifieddate' => $pirep->modifieddate, 'flighttype' => $pirep->flighttype, 'load' => $pirep->load, 'fuelused' => $pirep->fuelused, 'fuelprice' => $pirep->fuelprice, 'pilotpay' => $pirep->pilotpay, 'price' => $pirep->price, 'source' => $pirep->source, 'revenue' => $pirep->revenue, )); }
  8. where in the OperationsData.class.php should I post that?
  9. have question don't know if it was already asked by someone and answered is there a a possibility (function) to count all enabled aircraft by ICAO type and is there a possibility to output all registrations of the same? best regards, Thomas
  10. yeah that works but if I remember right it causes troubles if you have Pilots using manual PIREP submit as any unchecked Airline is not selectable for PIREP submit too
  11. you can add it with a other code example EK688K which you can change back to needed code at least I do it that way since by default if you create a flight you can not give a flightnumber twice but when editing it allows you to rename EK688K to EK688 even when EK688 already exists! hope that helps best regards, Thomas
  12. yeah good idea but it can be annoying for some users
  13. how can I set visible for non logged in users? PS: just found it out myself
  14. OMG that made my day I have Studied Multimedia Design but I in my whole Design Career I haven't seen something like that
  15. thanks a lot working now!
  16. yep now the admin part is there but bringing up another error Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/flyeurop/public_html/admin/templates/faq/update.tpl on line 10 Warning: file_get_contents(http://php-mods.eu/m...es/versions/faq) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/flyeurop/public_html/admin/templates/faq/update.tpl on line 10 There is a problem with the server connection. Please contact us. fivedev is my hosting provider
  17. still not working even when doing that runing on phpVMS Version v2.1.934-170-g5ca803a which is when remembering right a Beta?
  18. No that giving me The module "FAQ" doesn't exist! Error Which is Strange since I uploaded the folders exactly in the structure gives! best regards, Thomas
  19. What can be the cause that it didn't Show up in Addons in Admin all is uploaded in right place best regards, Thomas
  20. the one in the signature above or in this Post now
  21. doesn't work for me! getting Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/flyeurop/public_html/core/templates/faq/faq_index.tpl on line 53 and it also doesn't show up in admin any Idea? best regards, Thomas
  22. what would interest me more is a country flag aliased to planes registrations as above SP-* for Poland or I-* for Italy EI-* for Ireland guess that it will be do able with else if statements
  23. absolutely agree with Jordan free hosting wouldn't work well (because most of them will limit you below the minimum of the minimum standards to run phpVMS)
  24. think this codes wouldn't work any longer!
  25. what do I have to change?
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