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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Hi everyone i have been working today on a flightboard that reads from the phpvms acars table. The results are below but im still working on some bits and pieces, this code has been based on the release in this post so full credit goes to the author, all i have done is worked and extended the code. once i get it fully functional i will post the code. This board will produce an and image for every acars stage of flight, you cant see it there in the image but the approach and and final calls are gifs that alternate flash.
  2. To save bandwidth and save others leaching from your server see, http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/administrator-guide/securing-files-and-directories-r35
  3. To stop leaching of your image files add this to the same file. #disable hotlinking RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?PUT YOUR DOMAIN HERE/.*$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?forum.phpvms.net/.*$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?va-list.com/.*$ [NC] RewriteRule \.(gif|png|jpg|js|css)$ - [F,NC] Explained put your domain here is your website address, leave the ? so ?somedomain.com If you want to allow other domains like i have then simply add them to the exception list. phpvms and va-list.com, you can add as many as you like.
  4. Pop this in the right place where you want it to show, <td><div align="center"><?php If ($pilot->retired == 0) { echo '<img src="your image path active" />'; } else { echo '<img src="your image path inactive" />'; } ?></div></td>
  5. Im glad its not just me that does that, as i get older i need to read things a few times before jumping in @ Tylor, Just make sure that you are editing the right tpl as there is a couple, just edit the <h3> tag to something that will update just so you know your in the right file
  6. Yep i have this already but creating all those print screens, just not enough hours in the day
  7. Yep sure is, just edit the header.tpl and add it in there as you normally would.
  8. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4335-an-old-idea-being-rehashed/page__view__findpost__p__28752 Its working but like Jeff said the pay adjust will need to be altered because if you hit "Reset Pilot Payments" all their cash would go back to them Shouldn't be too hard to sort that out.
  9. The code to change is in the local_config.php Retired pilots. Do a search there is also the code here as well to show the if else images
  10. I believe the file you are looking for is called, route_map.tpl, you can shange the size be defining and changing the default code at the top, Just change from this, <div id="routemap" style="width:<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_WIDTH');?>; height: <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_HEIGHT')?>"></div> To this, <div id="routemap" style="width:600px height:480px"></div> That should give you want your after.
  11. Hi, the lookup should be working, just check that the coordinates are in the correct format or you will get that error.
  12. Cheers Jeff, ill have a look at that later on.
  13. Hi Chaz one thing i would say is just doublecheck that you have the data in the correct columns, just reading your post again the registrations have to be entered not the db id's I use the csv import function on the admin side to mass import my schedules.
  14. OK folks, Here are the files updated and the sql file redone to make creating the tables easier, Please read the readme and have fun It seems to be OK on my test server and doing everything its supposed to like reducing the pilots money when they have bought things from the shop. Useful links for the shop, Pilot Shop:- siteurl/index.php/PilotShop View Purchases:- siteurl/index.php/PilotShop/pilotHomePage Any problems please let me know and I will try to help. See below
  15. Well i have just put this on my dev server and got it up and running, i can add shops and products, so now to address the problem when pilots actually but something that it does actually show up, i believe they were not being added to the database, some work but i believe the basics are in place for improvement and it can be fixed. I will keep tinkering If i get to a stage where its does actually work ill post the how to with the files
  16. Sounds like a good idea, maybe we can work with that has been pushed out and iron out the problems and get this working. If we try to contact the original developer first if nothing has been received then either recode the functions or start a fresh. It does seem a bit strange that we are offering a finance system with no way of pilots spending it.
  17. Cheers Dave, I will have a play with that now. Thanks for all you help
  18. I understand what the current system can do, I have other goodies that need updating when certain things happen like above that i need triggers for Example, pilot registers all the data goes in to another database that i choose, When i accept him /her in to the system the other database gets updated to allow access to other resources ie TS and the fsd flight server as well as the forum. Those other hooks are for updating access, i have a lot of custom controls that i have built in to phpVMS.
  19. More action hooks to drill in to, Pilot Accepted Pilot Retired Pilot Deleted Those would be good off the top of my head
  20. Well I'm cough....37 so I need to read about 4 times I think.
  21. Which file is this please? Don't worry i really do need to read before posting
  22. HI, just take a look at your registration form tpl if im not mistaken you can just copy the recaptcha code and paste that on to another page, if its an external page you will need to include the codon config, include '//path/to/core/codon.config.php';
  23. Is there a hook when a pilot is accepted in to the system, what triggers the sending of the email once they are accepted, could i tap in to that?
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