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magicflyer last won the day on January 13 2019

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    Aviation, Duh...

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  1. A lot of VA's just use a single aircraft registration for each type (B737, B747, etc..) So you'll be perfectly fine by doing that. phpVMS does support this. Also when you purchase a VA Schedule, that's going to be the case anyways. Besides, I don't think a lot of pilots really care about the registration of the aircraft they're flying. It doesn't bring any added realism except maybe some role-play value. Edit: Jim and I replied to your post seconds apart. Read what he wrote - He brings up some good points worth noting.
  2. Woah somebody is still using this. (Thanks!) Anyways, all the database queries are in: https://github.com/RyanHerga/Advanced_Fleet/blob/master/common/FleetData.class.php. I don't know what the name of the db field you're trying to order by, but you'd essentially be appending "ORDER BY `icao`" at the end of line 17
  3. The variable $pilot_list is either undefined or an empty object. Where in the code are you assigning a value to it? If your core/modules/Pilots/Pilots.php file is the same as this: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2/blob/master/core/modules/Pilots/Pilots.php Then you should instead be using $allpilots instead of $pilot_list. Also, noticing you have one pilot in the VA, try adding another pilot and see if the results change.
  4. The problem isn't in that file.It's the jQuery - You must be loading in a conflicting library that also uses the $ symbol to call jQuery (I'm guessing this is a new theme that is using bootstrap?). You're probably loading two versions of jQuery on the same page. This might help: https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/ You can also try loading the new bootstrap jQuery before every other script in the file core_htmlhead.tpl
  5. A couple of ways to get this done. If you have access to the Unix Shell, run the following command: chmod -R 755 /var/www/phpvms/storage If you do things by cPanel, go to the file manager and browse to that directory above (/var/www/phpvms/storage) then right click on the (storage) directory and Change Permissions. Set it to 755 and check the box for recursive. Here's what it should look like:
  6. Common Causes include: Javascript is Disabled CSV is not comma delimited CSV does not have the proper columns First row is not recognized (Either because you have column names or because you're missing column names)
  7. Depends on what version of phpVMS you're looking for. The picture is a bit out-dated - You actually have the right files for the newer phpVMS 7. If you want the original one that is no longer maintained (But has tons of modules to be used): https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2 (I suggest you stick with his one if you're not prepared to either code a lot or spend a lot of money getting custom modules for it)
  8. When linking external images or scripts on the header of your site, be sure to use the following format: <img src="//site.com" /> Rather than: <img src="http://site.com" /> This insures that the client selects the most appropriate network protocol. In other words, if your site is https then external links should only use the https protocol. Some web browsers also prevent cross-protocols from loading on the same page, so it cloud explain why you're missing styling or animations on the site.
  9. Sorry not maintained anymore. No plans to re-create or re-develop for phpvms at this time.
  10. Should be just this: git pull Run it while in the main phpvms directory where the .git file is. If you've made changes to the original version that won't work instead use this... git stash git pull --rebase git stash apply I like this: http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ Git will override any code on there. Be ready to handle merge conflicts - Those are always fun.
  11. Checklist: Check Credentials and Spelling (Do it again, even if you think you're right) Does the user 'xxxxxxx' have read/write access to the database? (I'm assuming you're hiding the actual username right?) Did you set a password? Sometimes LAMP environments default to empty or 'root' or 'password' If that doesn't work, please share what LAMP environment you're using on localhost and if you have access to the localhost phpmyadmin.
  12. Well, it's one way to spend those v$ lol. Congrats for the release @servetas
  13. Y'all do know this was posted a year ago lol? If you want web dev projects go to upwork.com
  14. I haven't ran a VA in a while - But consider this: Most Established VAs have their own forum and it would probably be technically difficult for them to transfer their posts or start over from scratch. Their pilots would probably get angry if they lose their post history. God knows why lol.
  15. That first image doesn't load...Could that be the problem? Try replacing it with a valid URL.
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