Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey y'all, I created a Discord channel for people who just wanna hang out or whatever. I'd request that support stay in the forums.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
You can post your feature requests here. Check out the about page (link above), those are the basic features that will be included.FSACARs and potentially FSPassengers support will also be included, as add-ons.Thanks!
Last reply by TAV1702, -
I think it would be really cool to get postcards from phpVMS users - I can post them up on the site. I know there's a worldwide user base, it'd be cool to see it, though It can be from your country or your town or whatever. I'll make a giant mural and post them online! This project is coming up on 5 years almost! Anyone interested? I'll post an address to send them to!
Last reply by tgycgijoes, -
- 3 replies
To the VA community at large. Since December 2009 Pontchartrain Airlines has been a labor of love on the drawing board. Tuesday I joined this site and right away received very kind help from Nabeel and Dave over at New England Air. Many thanks to both of these gentlemen As a result of that help Pontchartrain Airlines has taken a major step toward becoming a reality. When operational we will fly The DC3 and The Constellation. Over time we intend to enter the jet age. Until then we will in essence at first be a southern regional carrier operating in the 1940’s. At this point we are a small mail carrier evolving towards passenger service. Historically the late 1920’s e…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, I have a question about the "mod_rewrite" in phpVMS. I'm not sure if I can call it exactly that, because I know that Apache's mod_rewrite makes refer to I was wondering how the URL system in phpVMS works such that i.e. refers to Furthermore is there a way to manipulate this such that i.e. has the same effect as Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 10 replies
[Content Removed]
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
[Request]FlightAware XML API
by Guest N402KC- 1 reply
Hi, I thought it would be cool for phpVMS to support Flight Awares XML Based API. I could use alot of real world data from their. This is would only be for va's that want to pay a bit of $$$ for the airline. Link is here; Let me know Please!!!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 10 replies
Quick question, Im making a repaint (project opensky 737 paintkit) and in photoshop it looks good but once i put it into fsx it looks blurry! Its ment to be saved in a .bmp format but how do i make them good quality? Thanks - IF you need images of it, ask and ill upload them and give the link EDIT: Never mind, i was saving it as a dxt3 file..
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
Every time the last two days I tried to look at the va-list, it comes up for a few seconds and goes to a page to buy an ad on their site. Anybody else go there and experience this? There is no way I know of to let them know since you can't get on their site.
Last reply by tgycgijoes, -
- 0 replies
It is with great pleasure that VATUK SCONI RTS and Scandinavian vACC present you you ''North Sea Hopper", with over 5hrs of continues ATC at Edinburgh (EGPH), Prestwick (EGPK), Oslo (ENGM) and Tromsø (ENTC). You can fly any route between these 4 chosen airports. Routes: EGPH-ENGM: GRICE P600 PTH UP600 SOTIR UZ16 SIG EGPK-ENGM: TRN UP600 SOTIR UZ16 SIG EGPH-ENTC: GRICE DCT FINDO UP600 FORTY UZ105 FLS UZ110 BDO UM609 SJA EGPK-ENTC: TRN UP600 FORTY UZ105 FLS UZ110 BDO UM609 SJA ENGM-EGPH: SOTIR UP600 PTH ENGM-EGPK: SOTIR UP600 BLACA ENTC-EGPH: BDF UZ201 EVD UM609 BDO UZ110 FLS UZ105 FORTY UP600 PTH ENTC-EGPK: …
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 0 replies
Hello there fellow VMS users As I know many of you fly on VATSIM I thought you might be interested in participating in an event my VA (Air Serbia ), SCGvACC, CassubianVA and PL-VACC are organizing! Info: Event page: October 7th 1700z-2100z LYBE With the summer of 2011 behind us, we are enjoying the last warm days and preparing for the winter. We thought, what better way to say goodbye to the summer than an event? And that is why we now present you the BELGRADE VA FLY-IN 2011 EVENT by Air Serbia Virtual, CassubianVA,PL-VACC and SCGvACC. Our goal is to have as many VAs as possible fly during the 4 hour time f…
Last reply by Sava, -
2nd Attack
by RogerB- 21 replies
Kesuk was attacked again yesterday evening by the same code. I talked to a gentleman yesterday and he thinks the registration and contact forms could possibly have vulnerabilities, what do you guys think. Would anyone be interested in helping me check my site? I really could use it.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 4 replies
Nabeel, Thank You for the great app you have dedicated so much time to here, not to mention the great support, 5000 posts, I think it's time for a cold one!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
2 members of this forum are in the video gues who
Last reply by joeri, -
- 6 replies
Folks I have an issue here I need a hand with. I have aquired a laptop that I really did not want anything to do with. Long story short, the kid had it and it had Windows Xp on it. Not sure what or how he did it, but he installed Ubuntu. Not sure what version. Then he decided he hated Ubuntu and did a fdisk and deleted every single partition. Now the laptop will not do anything. When it boots it goes directly to error: no such partition Grub Rescue> the only command that will work is ls when typing that it shows (hd0) and then goes back to Grub Rescue> the other command that works is set and when trying that it says prefix=(hd0,1)/boot/grub root=hd0,1 grub …
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 6 replies
not a real airliner just a made up fancy name?
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 10 replies
I need some ideas for the simplest way to disolay rosters, hubs, fleet and routes on our site. As administrator, I can see all these things, but to diisplay the information on the site, I need to do something that someone who is no a php proficient person can cobble together. Any suggestions. or have I missed something really obvious?
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 3 replies
As you may know, my VA's website has been down for a few months now. I have been trying free hosting companys non stop and trying to install phpVMS on the hosting but non of them seem to work. I can get the first installation page when you fill in the MySQL database info but can't get further than that. It doesn't allow me to. I don't know if its an issue with phpVMS, but it worked a while ago so I am assuming not. I was just wondering if somebody would be kind enough to give us free hosting for a few months, I hope it wont streach out too long but at the moment my webpage is quite rubbish, I just have a temporary website. I would require a panel account because I am wish…
Last reply by goldenairways, -
- 0 replies
Hello fellas! Hope the skies are blue and the winds are fair! Have not had much of an opportunity to get on lately and do any web work or flying for that matter. I hope to change that soon as soon as I get the college schedule worked out and in action. Being 44 and going to school kind of sucks lol Anyhow, hope all is well and I can not wait for phpVMS 3 to come out. I am looking forward to seeing some awesome VA websites when it does come out. Take fellas and keep the blue side up! Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
A request!
by Nabeel- 0 replies
Can everyone please disable ad-block on the phpvms site? The only real revenue is from ads, and I'm trying to maximize that as much as possible. I've been using Google Ads, but trying out Adbright now to see if it's any better. Seems a bit more intrusive though. Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I was wondering if I change the FsPax cfg or the FACARS cfg can i send the pirep information to multiple databases at once ? Or is is possible to have one database on a server that can be accessed by websites on other servers ? I ask because i have two websites, on two different servers and would like to show information about pireps flown from my airline on my other website. since i am a css and php virgin I thought that i would ask here first. thanks
Last reply by kbohme, -
- 2 replies
I would just liek to through a couple of ideas in for development, the topics may have already been covered.. 1, Eco, Business and First Class seating. It woudl be good if we could deteremine how many seats are for each class in an aircraft and assigned different ticket prices. In the new ACARS system in develoment could we have a penalty system for poor flying in the sam eway FSPassengers does, speed limits below 10K Ft, heavy, landings, not using landing lights etc. I know this all takes coding, and I am no coder, but it was just a thought, as I said topics may have already been covered.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I have a weird thing that when I fly an A318 or A320 at around FL350/FL360 the plane starts to shake up and down, not very big bumps, but more like vibrations. Is this because of me going to fast at that flight level? I have set the IAS to 300. I don't have this at at say FL270 or FL300. Edwin.
Last reply by Edwin, -
- 2 replies
Pretty cool:
by Guest N402KC- 9 replies
Howdy Yall, Alrighty, I've got the Acars layout about completed, and Basic functionality. Right now alot of things arent working, But alot of things are working on the other hand. Everyone is free to help testing. I will be constintly updating this, So everytime you open it, The acars will check for updates and once there is one, It will automatically install it, So this is a download once program . Anyways Here is the information **Please PM Me if interested in Testing. I will have to create you an account so that all features are available** IF Nabeel does not mind, Please keep all questions, comments, and Bug reports in this thread. Remember, The more people to help…
Last reply by Nagelfar, -
Account deletion
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi - please could I request for this forum account to be deleted? I'm just clearing up any old accounts I don't use any more. Thanks for the help!
- 2 replies
Hi Everyone, I have the main livery for my fleet 1 of each and I would like to add different registrations to match the schedules? can I do this using paint? and if so could someone let me know how I go about this.... Thanks
Last reply by Matthieu, -
- 0 replies
I post this here since it doesnt suite in support board at least in my opinion is it possible to add money to a VA via MySQL database since I find it bit unrealistic to start 0 v$ or 0 v€ does that make sense? Best Regards Thomas
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
I've added some Google ads up, gonna give it a run and see if people actually do click on it. Add phpVMS to your adblock exceptions
Last reply by Leiserson, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I have just created my VA, however whats the best way to advertise it and get it off the ground? All comments appreciated Thanks
Last reply by flyalaska,