Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I've seen a lot of cool stats listed on peoples sites but I can't figure out what code to put in do to what. I'm sure there is a list of what does what somewhere in the docs but I can't seem to figure out what is what. Heck, I don't even know how to link the contact module so I can have a contact form. Any help would be appreciated. BTW, I'm a network engineer so working with code is not really my thing. :-)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 13 replies
Ok sorry I did that to get your attention ;D Offering free beer and not following through is just plain wrong. Anyone here good at graphics? I need a simple fix to my sig background. All I need is some text put on it that would look ok. I'm not picky at all and would be very greatful. All it needs is my VA name but every time I try it, I jack it up. Graphics and Ray do not belong in the same sentence together If not that's cool too. I can live with it for now. Thanks for Reading.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, First I must say thank you Nabeel for great software. As the title states, I'm moving our VA to PHPVMS from VAFS but before I start the project I have a couple questions. 1. Currently in VAFS my pilots have already earned some v$. Would there be a way I could manually add that money to their account? 2. I'm assuming hours can be transferred as well? 2. I'm mainly waiting for v2 to be released because it has the features we need. It is OK to start working on skinnings, routes, etc on the beta version? I'm mean will it transfer over OK when v2 comes out? Thanks!
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 6 replies
Ok This is weird, just went on the forums everything was there, then when i logged in i can only see The Control Tower, vaCentral. My permissions gone somewhere? Thomas.
Last reply by Thomas, -
- 2 replies
I have had a look for queries about this and couldn't find an answer. Could we have the option of using lbs/kg and $/€? Having frieght weight as lbs but fuel as kg will lead to problems for the beginners going between cargo and pax. I understand lbs better than kg. FS will show the fuel as either lbs or gallons, not seen it in kg or liters yet. I'm just thinking of the new admins like myself who have been caught out with the differences. Nice tool Nabeel, best one out I think.
Last reply by vcal, -
- 9 replies
I am having issues with XAcars. Well I am not but a pilot helping me test site is. First, I notice it has a server password in the setup. Do we need to put pilot info from our website in here like pilot ID and email used to register on site? I am not real sure how to use this thing. I went to the website and viewed their documentation and all it shows is how to setup to use their test server. Lots of good that does me for my website ;D Other then that, I guess it is pretty cut and dry on how to use. Also, when this guy used XAcars it auto filed a pirep like it should have, but it did not add any pilot pay, nor did it have a place to add any pilot pay to the pirpe or a…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Dave, 0once again thanks!! I would be delighted for your mentorship with the project. When completed i am sure=A0we might be able to share consumers, given the fact that you are in the jet age and i am using WWII tech. So i am sure we can link to each other as well as promote each other.=A0If you will give me a few weeks i will be happy when the schedule is done to send the list you have requested. BTW do you and or your wife like any of the New Or leans products that are hard to find on the eastern sea board? Things like Community Coffee, king cakes Mardi Gras stuff, gumbo mix, crab boil or cajun spices? The list goes on and on and any and all of it yours for…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 4 replies
Thanks Nabeel, you are indeed a good man. Are you a teacher? I ask because you bring out the best qualities of an educator. If you don’t mind a bunch of what might seem to you like really dumb questions, then I want to use your administrator. Here is a good one to start off with. When I down load your virtual airline administrator I am assuming I am getting an operating platform that is more or less a template that runs a VA; is that correct? From there will I be prompted to enter my data? For example I have worked out, or better said nearing the end of working out a clockwork route system that has over 750 daily fights. I would assume there are prompts that allow me to …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
This is an SOS to any station…help I am lost in virtual space. If there is a kind gentle soul and or souls out there willing to help me find my way I would be eternally grateful. Here is the long and short of it. I as most of you know have been doing the scheduling routing and flying to create a data base for Pontchartrain Airlines. I am pretty proud of what I have done. Here is where the problem comes in. My head nearly explodes when I try in figure out how to put the data into a working airline web site. The bottom line is I know nothing about designing a website and or painting the aircraft skins. The PHP product to me looks like it would create a dynamite site. Henc…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
hi guys, Been away for a few days and come back to a couple new builds. I read that there was some login issues and session management. Was going to upgrade today if this has all been resolved. Is it officially safe to upgrade now? ;D
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 24 replies
I have a quick question. Not really support or bug related...I do not think at least so I enquire in general. If a pilot transfers say 50 hours of time to the VA, does that effect his/her rank too? Or does it just give time credit per profile and NOT count towards rank?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I just wanted to get some opinions on what would be the best work flow for website creating with php & mysql. It seems like my current way of doing things is very inefficient, I currently use dreamweaver and usually just copy and paste to my Cpanel for some reason I don't like the FTP stuff with dreamweaver. I also watch one of the tutorials looks like .net was being used in it? I think I am looking for the best way to edit locally and upload everything after I am done. I have used WAMP in the past, but it didn't last long. Any ideas? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 25 replies
Anyone know of any good pushback utilities? Where you can set the angle and distance, perhaps multiple segments of a pushback?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
As many of you know I am nearing the completion of the raw data needed to plug into this site and thus give birth to Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines. If my calculations are correct I am about a month away from completing this task and then down loading the operating program. All of which brings me to the purpose of today’s post. Without mincing words I have no idea how to create and paint the aircraft needed to run the VA. In my minds eye I know exactly what I want the aircraft to look like, but I haven’t a clue on how to make that vision come alive. Therefore I would like to propose a trade with any VA operator willing to do so. When completed I will have a route…
Last reply by big red 1, -
- 2 replies
Sorry for posting here, but am using one of your skins from your work shop and have a quick question about it. Am using it to learn the skinning system and tweaking a bit here and there. I fixed the ACARS map. It would not show at all. Only a gray back ground. Now I have this simple ( to some one ), but elusive to me issue. Check out my pilots page if you have a second. Notice I have 2 hubs. KMCI and KSUS Look what happens when it shows the 2 hubs pilots. I compared the code to Crystal and it is the same and it does not do that in Crystal. I'm a bit cornfused ;D
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Selling SimUAL.Com + Template + Others!
by Guest N402KC- 0 replies
Hello, As I stated way before. I would completely build up Simulated United and Sell it. I have completed that operation and I'm now Selling it. Below is what will come with it; -Customized Template - Full phpVMS Integration - Custom Welcome Email - Teamspeak + FS ACARS tutorial Videos - Custom Pilot Menu(s). - 32 Added Routes - The pilots who liked the site and Signed up (8 Pilots) - The Domain SimUAL.Com (Big Hit Domain). - vaCentral Integration - Entire Database - Entire FSX Fleet (United Airlines) Much More! If you are intrested in Purchasing, Please PM Me. Regards, -- Brian
- 2 replies
SpringsAir Airlines is hiring for a web design coder. Musts: have experience have proof of work applied at As far as the operational aspect We are currently rebuilding our website system to include some new things. like: Automatic teamspeak registration New Website skin Dafsim and much much more. Grand Reopeaning is TBA. Current Stage: Building Stage
Last reply by Coolkid122, -
- 1 reply
hey nabeel, dont know if its already build in in the future releases but i added this line <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/schedules/brief/<?php echo $bid->id ?>">Pilot Brief</a><br /> to schedule_bids.tpl so pilots can still review the briefing after booking the flight
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
I would like to annouce the GRAND OPENNING of National Airlines Virtual. We are currently hiring a Chief Operations Officer, Vice President of IT, Pilots, and many more positions. Site: Apply at: or Email: Thanks, D. Washburn, APAP, ACA, CPCU C.E.O. of National Airlines Virtual
Last reply by NationalAirlinesV, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone! A virtual airline me and a couple friends were eorking on is now open! Check us out and join at:
Last reply by coryb12, -
by Guest chikolol- 5 replies
Hello mates, i write to you today to announce my duty into battle the 17 of November. For my first tour in IRAQ. I have always followed up on this project and will do when i get back in 2011 maybe it will be so much more advanced. I want to thank simpilot for his great effort in providing us with all this useful modules that many of you are already using! Thank him! he deserves it. Well guys i wish all of you the best, on your virtual airlines and good bye from Miami. PVT. Carlos Almonte Alpha Company
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 4 replies
I am looking to collaborate with any VA's that wish to participate. We at Kesuk have our L-100 Hercules in HNL Scheduled to leave for Pago Pago today. I wanted to know if there are any airlines that want to help out with the efforts. Let me know!!
Last reply by AJM101, -
- 3 replies
To the VA community at large. Since December 2009 Pontchartrain Airlines has been a labor of love on the drawing board. Tuesday I joined this site and right away received very kind help from Nabeel and Dave over at New England Air. Many thanks to both of these gentlemen As a result of that help Pontchartrain Airlines has taken a major step toward becoming a reality. When operational we will fly The DC3 and The Constellation. Over time we intend to enter the jet age. Until then we will in essence at first be a southern regional carrier operating in the 1940’s. At this point we are a small mail carrier evolving towards passenger service. Historically the late 1920’s e…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
On behalf of everyone on the management team at Australian Frontier Virtual Airways I would like to say thank you to everyone who was involved in the development and testing of phpVMS for making such a great system. I would also like to also say thank you to everyone who has helped us in the troubles we encounter. In 2008 we were founded running VAFS until we went broke. We lost everything, members, our website and relationships. Many members though we were gone. In January this year we started to test phpVMS and gave it the go ahead. Some people thought we would not survive a month, but now we have 20+ members, tonnes of events and lots of fun flying. Still got a lot …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
I would like to welcome everyone to visit us. You'll find that we not only use Phpvms, but we've opened our doors to several Flight networks: Vatsim IVAO and Virtual Skies You'll find each pilot is different and they are allowed to be apart of all, one, or none of the networks. Check us out sometime:
Last reply by BBuchanan, -
- 0 replies
Honolulu, Oct. 1 /HQEXE Release/ -- Pacific International Virtual Airlines (PIV) has announced today that it has put forward the final steps in its transition from its developmental stage to operations stage. Over the past few months the developers have worked closely outlining the basics of the upcoming organization and has out sourced as necessary. The final pieces of the website are coming together, and the site is currently being transferred to our server. Within the next week or two, those involved within the technology department will begin the first stage of web testing. As the organization moves to the next stage, the staff review committee will begin distributin…
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I would like to use phpVMS for my airline but noticed that I can not place any bids on my routes (just will not get the choice no matter what I do). Schedules are completely filled out. HELP. signature in the works
Last reply by Nabeel, -
A request!
by Nabeel- 0 replies
Can everyone please disable ad-block on the phpvms site? The only real revenue is from ads, and I'm trying to maximize that as much as possible. I've been using Google Ads, but trying out Adbright now to see if it's any better. Seems a bit more intrusive though. Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Big Thanks
by Dee- 3 replies
A big thank you to Nabeel for giving us this great application/code Made it a breeze creating the VA ...great stuff bud Air India Virtual opens for registration ;D
Last reply by Dee, -
- 0 replies
Is any one offering free hosting? With setup etc? If you are please let me know thanks
Last reply by cpgop,